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  1. I have an RBS credit card account, but no valid card. I fell behind with payments some two years ago following redundancy, and an inability to get a new job. My savings are exhausted. RBS say 'if you are having financial difficulties, call us' but all I got was cold people on the other end, saying 'we don't negotiate on the interest'. The debt is not astronomical - it is about £3,800, and I was paying through my bank on DD. I can no longer afford to do this. Does anyone have any idea why RBS simply will not work with customers who are in trouble? The worst thing? They removed my ability to pay on-line, and I was seeing some real progress there. It's like because they have been helped out, they don't care about anyone else. Has anyone has successful dealing with RBS, and found them helpful and friendly (unlike my experience)?
  2. I made a complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service about RBS back in 2012. In the information they gave to the Financial Ombudsman Service it said they registered a default notices in August 2007 but on my credit file they have listed the default date as 31/10/07. Is it worth contacting them to have it removed immediately? any help is appreciated
  3. rbs and tesco defaulted me in 2004. They still give me minor grief occasionally. I have asked them to write off the debts, but they wont play and still want there £1 a month.
  4. Hi , I am just about to drop this letter off in my local branch. Anyone have any advice before I do. I really am at my wits end as we have been in a debt management plan for the last six years. Only now are we debt free thanks to the mis selling of PPI but the RBS still seem to want more blood. Its the principal of the thing now!! The Manager Royal Bank of Scotland Xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 13 May 2013 Account Numbers - xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing a letter of complaint over the way in which we have been treated over the years as a Royal Bank of Scotland Customer. We fully intend sending this complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service depending on your reply. The “last straw” was a letter which we received on the 10th of may 2013. xxxxxxx xx. We paid off our account in full, including solicitors on 27 Nov 2012. Yet we have received a letter saying that the bank is pursuing us for 2 lots of solicitor’s fees after this date. We also have in our possession a letter from the solicitors instructing our file be closed dated 21st Nov 2012. The amount is for a paltry £53.16. Considering the thousands of pounds unfair charges, interest and Payment Protection which I have paid over the years it felt like one final kick in the Teeth from the illustrious (bailed out) Royal Bank of Scotland. I shall note a few of my complaints in no specific order but please review complaint as a whole as the problem seems to be endemic to the RBS. 1. Recieved Letter of Default the first time for account xxxxxxx on the 19th April 2007 (copy available if required) Recieved copy of notice to Default first time for account xxxxxxxx on the 19 April 2007 (copy available if required) These Defaults are still shown on my Credit File and are still having a detrimental effect on my credit score. Could you please remove at earliest opportunity as these are now expired as more than six years from date of default? Why have I continually received default notices for same accounts up to 2011 (copy available if required) Defaults may only be issued once on one account. 2. Prior to our going into serious Debt my wife and I were punished with an astonishing amount of Unfair Bank Charges. Alongside the seemingly perpetual Miss sold payment Protection (which we have now had refunded) Each Time we contacted the RBS because we were struggling a personal finance manager would convince us that a refinance loan was the answer to all our problems. “We were not aware at the time that a commission was paid to these employees on a target basis. Can you confirm this please? Due to the nature of my job up to 50% of my income was overtime which my wife and I always went to lengths to explain to your employee. At the time the person selling the loans always suggested that we put the larger amount on our applications. With hindsight I always felt rather uncomfortable with this but considering our worsening financial position was in no position to resist as your finance manager obviously knew best. I now realise that due to the banks policies of meeting targets I was the victim of irresponsible lending by your establishment. Unfair Bank Charges from January 2007 – May 2008 = £2732.00 (17 Month Period) I would also like to point out that previous to this period the charges are not much better. My wife and I really were quite a good source of income for the RBS while it lasted. 3. It was January 2007 that I finally faced the truth about my financial affairs as I simply could not handle the unfair charges any longer. I went to a Debt management Company by the name of Payplan. “This is a Company which the RBS endorses on all your Debt Advice Literature even to this Day.” We tried to be as cooperative as possible at this time as we always intended and now have, to pay all our creditors. The RBS seemed to go out of its way to be as threatening as possible. We followed Payplans instructions religiously and contacted all our creditors, except the RBS as instructed by Paylan who are “endorsed by the RBS. We paid as much as possible to our creditors after completing a an income and expenditure sheet but the RBS continued to add unfair charges, interest and then solicitors fees after taking us to court a year later. (We had not missed a payment through Payplan). All through the difficult times my wife and I never missed one mortgage payment. 4. Recieved a letter from RBS on 19 April 2007 which seemed typical at the time but scared my wife and I witless. It was a demand for immediate payment of £853083.80. If we were lucky our house was only worth £100000!! This scale of incompetence as it seems now was what constituted to our situation in the first place!! (A copy is available if required) 5. Although we never missed a payment on our mortgage we reached a stage where I was not working full time due to the weather and requested a payment holiday on my mortgage. As this was a repayment mortgage this was an agreed option when we took the mortgage. This was only for a month to help out but was refused on the ground of our other accounts. Another incidence of not interested in helping. “We stll managed to keep up payments but my family suffered.” I really did not intend making any complaints to the RBS after the PPI scandal but as I have said the pathetic attempt to elicit another paltry amount from my family really does make me angry. The misery that your rotten institution has caused my family over the years does not bear thinking about. We do realise that we must take some of the blame but your bank as far as we are concerned should accept responsibility where due for its irresponsible lending. I would like all my charges and interest paid for charges returned, to put me in a position to which I would be if I had not paid them. I Have all paperwork and statements to prove any claims which I have made. I await your response and I shall be contacting the Ombudsman if not satisfied. Xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx Thanks for your help
  5. Hi all, My wife and I are about to apply for a mortgage so we thought it prudent to get copies of all our credit files to see exactly what might be there, as we've had financial difficulties in the past. The reports are all good, apart from a default from RBS for £268 for a current account my wife had at a previous address. Looking back at the paperwork we have, my wife used this account up until mid-2009 when she wrote to RBS asking them to close the account, at a time the account was inactive with a few pounds left in it. We moved house shortly afterwards. It appears they didn't close the account and the resulting current account maintenance charges mounted up at £20 a month until the account became overdrawn, so they added charges for that too until they finally defaulted her for nearly 300 quid! I'm up for a fight with RBS as we have copies of the letter we sent asking them to close the account and we wouldn't have received any mail from that old address as we only redirected mail sent in my wife's (by then) married name, the (as we understood it) now closed RBS account being the only one left in her maiden name. Bearing in mind it's for a smallish amount and made up entirely of charges, do you think I have a reasonable chance of getting RBS to strike this off? My intention is to SRA them in the first instance, to see if they received our original letter. If so, then I will ask nicely and make a goodwill gesture towards the charges in the interests of reaching a satisfactory outcome. If I get no joy from that, I intend to hit them hard and make them present the paper trail of default notices etc. Does anyone have any advice? Cheers BL
  6. Hi everyone, Got my myself into some mess with payday lenders, called RBS a month or 2 back to ask them to stop authorizing these payments as i am disputing the loans with the lenders, but they've still carried on, even though i don't have an overdraft i'm now -£46, which isn't loads but as i'm now claiming job seekers allowance this will barely cover that. RBS allowed 3 payments to be taken from my account on Friday 30th November totalling £135 (£60, £37.90, £37.90), so now i have no money i've got to find a way to live without food for the next 2 weeks. These banks and loans sharks shoot themselves in the foot, if i've got money to pay them what i owe i will but when i have to borrow money elsewhere to survive these lot are the last of my worries. Any help please, i've got a visa debit card and was told i can charge back the money is it possible? Thanks
  7. hi, i have an rbs account and over the last week i know they have had trouble and accept it to a point! i have today check my account to find myself 473 overdrawn!! i recalled all direct debits as we are still waiting for money to clear! they told me today they can not recall them as they left over the weekend and they are paid ! i told them that not my fault that funds are not clear and that they had a system failure! ive demanded my money back as im due my housing benefit tomorrow and that will be credited but will just clear the unauthorised overdraft im so ancry as a family of 6 and no money for a week this is not on i want to go for compensation for hardship that we have suffered ! i think all customers should get compensation for this mess!! i dont care that big man wants his money for his big fancy house it effect the people that need it for a living and to survive!
  8. Following on from the recent banking disaster at the Royal Bank of Scotland.... Many customers who like me could not get at our money for several days I found the bank guilty of an even greater MESS UP which i am far from happy about. Infact i am totaly disgusteed. I went into my branch and asked if i could draw my pension out, as it was a regular payment As i had waited several days for it. I was told yes ok its ok to draw and i was given my money even then it wasnt showing up in my account. TODAY I HAVE CHECKED MY STATEMENT AND THE BANK HAS CHARGED ME £6.00 OVERDRAFT FEES. I was not told at the time i would suffer charges. Having called my branch today I was told Oh a letter or something has gone out. explaining about this error not to me it didnt and you will be geting the money back shortly, we are trying our best to sort the problem out right now.not a single apology or any time scale involvedIsnt it so strange. that a bank could not put money in an account or let you draw it at an ATM But the part of the system that makes the charges is working ok STRANGE VERY STRANGE INDEED . I HAVE NOT HAD ANY CONFIDENCE IN THE BANKS FOR YEARS THIS IS ANOTHER ACT TO JUSTIFY MY THINKING . RBS YOUR SYSTEM STINKS AND YOUR CUSTOMER CARE IS NO BETTER. ITS ABOUT TIME THE BANKS ARE TAKEN OVER AND NATIONALISED
  9. Hi, I run a limited company and suffered some financial difficulties within the last three years which meant our bank Natwest (RBS) piled loads of banking charges onto our account meaning our overdraft was used and we could not get out of it. At the beginning of 2011 they decided that they wanted there overdraft back and it meant we had to pay up in full (£10,000) or face a default judgement (ccj). We couldnt afford this and ended up with a ccj on Oct 2011. Natwest wouldnt reduce our overdraft gradually nor allow us to pay over a period of time. This ccj was passed to me directly as I was the guarantor for the overdraft. We are / were let down by the reccession and RBS losing money and pulling back their credit facilities. This ccj has caused us many problems and has caused us much financial restraint affecting our earning potential and has put our business in serious trouble financially. We know we were not great before having to use our overdraft but they have not helped us during difficult times. Do we have a potential case against Natwest for unfair charging and not trying to help us as a business after 10 loyal years with them??? We urgently require help in recovering our losses and charges paid. Is there anyway of getting the CCJ overturned 9/10 months in? We are paying monthly repayments, but are nominal due to our hardship. We have been charged £8,500 in bank charges over the last couple of years which made our overdraft always active. We are still trading but for how long im not sure. Even without the Ltd company I still have the ccj personally. All advice and leads greatfully received. Are there any legal avenues we could try? Thank You in Advance
  10. Hardly surprising given aftermath that recent computer problems have seen by 3 banks. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-19929376
  11. on 16 July 2012 i used my RBS Visa Debit card at LateRooms.com to book and pay for a hotel room for someone. on 4 September 2012 a £300 charge appeared on my bank statement that i did not recognise. when i asked the RBS Visa department about the charge they told me to contact the hotel. clearly LateRooms.com must have not only kept my card details, including the CVV code, but they must also have passed all of the details to the hotel. isn't storing a cards CVV number against he rules? can companies really "share" card details in this way without fear of recourse?
  12. My other half took out a loan, no ppi, but charges which he successfully claimed back. Due to being unemployed for a while he defaulted on the loan and came to an arrangement to pay the loan back. After 6 years the loan disappeared from his credit file. He is continuing to pay each month without fail but since the loan disappeared from his credit file Blair O.S. have gotten really shirty. First they sent a letter saying something along the lines that despite asking over and over for the whole balance to be repaid he had not done so and if he did not repay the whole of the balance within a week that people would call round etc. Having looked around the site seemed to be a standard letter. He had not had anyone asking for the whole amount ever. Having looked more closely at the letter and tried to match up with his own records he cannot work out the discrepancy between what he thinks he owes and what Blair say he owes. He has sent off a S.A.R. with the £10 (had to borrow from his mum) in order to get a full picture of what has happened. He told them he didn't recognise the account and until he recieved the statements etc the account would be in dispute. He has no intention of stopping payments to them but would like to know that the balance that he is knocking off his monthly payments from is the same balance from which Blair have. This was followed by a call from Blair which he couldn't answer or reply to because he was out, then a letter saying papers were being put together for court action. Can they do anything if he has never missed a payment, he has continued to pay on time each month and the actual loan has disappeared from his credit file.
  13. I have a question and thought I would bring it to the forum. I have an account with RBS and changed address. I went to my local branch and changed the address and received a letter from them at the new address. I wasn't using the account and there were no funds in the account and never noticed that I wasn't receiving statements. I received a call from Wescot saying there was a balance of £400 on the account and it needed payment. They could not tell me what the debt was for and they address that had was my old address. I told them that I had not received a statement and they told me it is my responsibility to ensure I was receiving statements. They advised me all statements had been sent to my old address and therefore I had no knowledge that the account had gone into arrears. I was 19 at the time and left the country working on the cruise ships and have recently returned to the UK. Being young, I didn't realise the effect this would have on my credit file and left the country without it being resolved. I got a copy of my credit report and have seen that there is a default registered from them. My questions are: 1) who is responsible for the fact they sent statements to the wrong address even though I notified them. (the default is registered at the new address I provided them) 2) What about the notice of default. 3) what do you think I should do about the charges. I wrote to them earlier today outlining all the points I mentioned here. I understand I was stupid to leave the debt but I would like to fix it now. Any thoughts greatly appreciated!!
  14. Hi everyone, this is my first post. Basically last year I went overdrawn by a small amount on my rbs current account. Rbs then preceded to charge me £6 a day till I got my wages. This amounted to charges of just over £100. I had enough money to cover my bills but not pay the charges so I incurred further charges. Every month I have enough money in my account to cover my dd but the charge from rbs puts me over my limit so they're charging me every month because their charges are putting me over my limit. (hope that makes sense). So this is a vicious cycle every month and I can't get out of it. surely this isn't right? They're saying the charges are because I've made a transaction to put me over my limit but it isn't my transaction its theirs. What can I do about this? Can I claim the charges back? It's over £100 every month. Thanks
  15. So I applied for RBS online and was offered Basic & Select Silver, then I went into the branch (applicaiton couldn't be verified online). I ended up having to do the applicaiton again and I was offered Basic + Select Silver + Roylities Gold. I was told that as the computer was showing these accounts I was able to have then and any final checks had been done. I obviously didn't go for the basic, the lady was supprised that with Natwest I could only get basic if RBS were offering the others. I proceeded to have my passport copied, and my sort code & account number given to me. I am now worried that my account will be closed, card and info details are on their way to me. Some people mentioned credit restricted accounts and could I have one of these? I'm only using this account to pay my bills so don't mind if it is.
  16. Two years ago I had to disengage from an RBS cr card claim owing to family sickness and a move of home. Before I did, some bright spark at RBS decided to contest the fact that I could even raise a claim at all, having signed a 'full and final' statement for an earlier claim. He reckoned that that one statement covered ALL past and future claims. C******s of course. Now - I do recall that there WAS a thread, some years back, which dealt with f&f in depth; and very complicated it was. However I do recall that what officialdom saw as f&f was FAR removed from how CAG saw it. I'm going for this one anyway but it would be of enormous assistance if anyone could point me in the right direction on the forum for f&f information. Ken
  17. Just opened an account this past week with RBS and got my information through yesterday. Will my account be credit checked when moving over?
  18. I'm just beginning to pursue RBS on the question of levying charges on charges. I would find it very useful (given that this appears to be a new area of offence) to be able to send a copy to Bankfodder to make sure I haven't grasped the wrong end of any stick but don't know a. whether he is already overburdened or b. how to contact him since past experience shows a full mailbag. Any help would be gratefully received
  19. Help, i am trying to claim back PPI from Lombard Direct and have sent a SAR request to RBS they have now responded by telling me I need to apply for this from Idem Servicing, anyone know why as i don't understand why this company would have all logs and correnspondence relating to my account. The reason for this is the ombudsman couldn't help but did advise in a telephone call to hand the whole mess to a lawyer and i believe that i can prove that RBS sent my account for legal action without actually asking Payplan for extra money until a month before i had a summons served. Longwinded dispute and now 3 years after court action i have been paying each month but still seem to owe the same amount? Ironic thing is PPI being redunded would wipe the debt out.
  20. before i make a complaint to RBS regarding my credit card payment can anyone explain to me how this works background I always pay my CC using the faster payment thing with my bank as a rule i usually pay it a week before it due however last months payment was due on the Monday the 8th and i didn't pay it till Sunday the 7th using faster payment my bank account is showing as payment left my account at 18.36 on the 7th (have confirmed this with my bank) i have now had a letter telling me my payment was not made and i have been charged a late payment fee (no a happy bunny) i am just waiting on the paperwork to sign to change my mortgage provider (i hop this wont affect this) am i right in thinking that if my payment was made on the 7th and my payment was due on the 8th then the fast payment thing should have credited my account on time (i thought thats what faster payment for) and my CC statement dated the 14th Feb is showing no payment made
  21. Morning all, I'm wondering if anyone can give me some advice please? I had a Bank of Scotland credit card that I defaulted payments on. Bank of Scotland obtained a ccj, followed by an attachment of earnings order. The attachment of earnings order states "the defendants employer must deduct £250 per month from the defendants earnings until £11,589.28 has been paid" I have now paid this, but Bank of Scotland want another £750 in fees for obtaining the ccj and order. Are they right in requesting this, or should it have been included in the order?
  22. GRRR I am not good at computers. Having finally managed to scan and resize a copy of my Mint card agreement and upload it, i can not drag and drop it into the upload section. PLEASE can someone advise. I am tearing my hair out!!
  23. Rbs dsar query? I am still awaitng bank statements from rbs & then this turns up today ... confused.com!! SUBJECT ACCESS REQUEST-DATA PROTECTION ACT 1998 (SECTION 7) " Thank you for requesting details of the personal information we hold about you and payment of the required fee. The data will be forwarded to you within 40 calendar days. As part of this request it may be necessary to send information under separate cover from a number of different departments across the bank. It is not our practice to provide copies of standard documents that would have been issued as part of our normal course of business, such as copy bank statements. Should you wish to receive these, please let me know the period you require the statements to cover and this can be arranged. " Guys I'm just a tad confused here. I sent the request off more than 40 days ago and surely the DSAR includes copy statements. What are they playing at? Help!!! ??
  24. Hey new here and just wanted to ask if this is normal, I have used my RBS account to purchase some food and yesterday checked the account and it looked all fine I had £20 on the account and spent £9 on food and the account showed I had £20 but I could only take out £11 I assumed this was correct and that it included the purchase I made instore (but it was not showing online), now I check my account and I have the full £20 in the account but the purchase I made was not registered. The reason I say they are tricking me is I had a similair situation last year and went overdrawn because I thought I had more money in the account? is this normal behavior?
  25. Hi I have (had) an RBS credit card for a number of years and about a year ago my circumstances changed so I went through the routine of contacting all my creditors. Nearly all of them have frozen interest or reduced it significantly and I am on reduced payment that suits me. About 6 month ago RBS accepted my reduced payment of £200 per month but refused to reduce interest, the problem is the interest is slightly more than the payment, so for the past 6 month I have paid them £1200 but my balance has increased! Ive just recieved a letter from them telling me that they have reviewed my account and will continue with the reduced payment but no reduction in interest. At this rate I may as well chuck £200 down the bog each month. Any idea what I should do
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