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Found 4 results

  1. Why take any dispute to the Ombudsman , is it worth the trouble? For the 3 time of trying to post this reply but worth reading:- Rights of Entry (Gas and Electricity Boards) Act 1954, The Gas Safety (Rights of Entry) Regulations 1996 In a genuine dispute there are no rights of entry(i.e magistrates warrant issued), however I would also caution health and safety matters if its a gas leak. if electricity meter dispute The Electricity Act 1989, The Utilities Act 2000 Note schedule 7 of 1989 act and schedule 5 of 2000 Act, an electric meter cannot be removed until a dispute is resolved. I did provide links to laws but the post is not going through. Hope this helps you and others. Mike
  2. Looking for some advice, Wife works in a primary school and has been late on a number of occasions 15 in total since Nov 15. most of this has been due to our daughter now 2 having problems with nursery attached to the school she works in. Headteacher pulled her into the office about it and gave her a management instruction and told her if she was late again it would go to a disciplinary. She explained to the headteacher that she was actually waiting to speak to him about the times. she said someone had been altering her signing in times on the fire register giving and example of 9.01am being changed to 9.07am with someone altering the 1 to a 7 making it appear she was later than it actually was. She also pointed out that some times had been altered showing she signed in before 9am her starting time to show after 9am. At first she thought it was a mistake but after seeing a few of these she though she better speak to the head as the office staff didn't seem to know anything about it. She stated to the Headteacher that this was possibly fraud and he said well that is a bit harsh I wouldn't put it like that. But I think I know who has been doing it, it was the office manager but in any event the management instruction still stands and that's the end of it. My wife is thinking if getting her union in for a meeting as the head seems to think it's acceptable for someone to alter a legal document?
  3. Hi, im a mother of 3. Happily married to a graphic designer. Live in a decent house on a nice road (moved out of council 3 years ago). I am in my first year of a nursing degree and 2 of my kids receive dla for disabilities. In 2011 i claimed CA as i wasn't working and oldest was in receipt of dla, i started a small cleaning business and told all agencies of this. After 6 months the business died so reclaimed CA....I then work in care 4 months later and notified HMRC to inform about tax credits and the lady told me "we can ring CA for you", great one less call i have to make... Carried on as normal and then in november 2012 i received a letter for interview under caution, i had no idea what for. Once in interview they explained i had been receiving CA whilst working and earning to much. I explained what had happened and apologised and said i would repay overpayments. In june 2013 i got a letter from DWP to start repayments and that no civil penalty would be issued...Joined uni in sept 2013 and the in nov 2013 i received a court summons for benefit fraud. I immediately went to CAB and got a solicitor. The first 2 times in court we adjourned as my solicitor was trying to get it thrown out of court as its a small amount and has no public interest. DWP asked for evidence of my children's problems and my uni enrolment. On the third visit to court last week he said despite sending evidence the will not drop it, I've pleaded not guilty to the charges 111(1A) and (3) of social security act 1992. So i now go to trial in April for an overpayment of £4799 which £700 has already been paid back. Its the CPS taking me to court apparently not DWP...What can i do to help myself in court.If i get a caution i will more than likely be dismissed from uni as the NMC do not want a registered nurse with fraud on their DBS . I feel degraded and disgruntled at the whole situation and have never even received a speeding ticket. I am stressed so much i feel like I'm crumbling and I'm usually a strong person. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  4. Natwest made the "assumption" that I no longer required the overdraft facility on my business account before attributing to me that I had requested it's removal. They acted on an instruction I never gave, and even wrote to me stating that I made the request to remove the overdraft knowing (and later admitting) that I did not. After realising their mistake they explained that they assumed I gave the request. How can an action be assumed on an instruction that was never given? Surely the bank can only know a request was made or not made, not assume it. Natwest have not given me a satisfactory explanation. My business has been crippled. Money I could have potentially earned has been lost. I estimate my total loss of earnings this year to be £8000. I am now starting to receive default notices on debts amounting to £12,500, which I am no longer in a position to pay. That brings total damages in financial terms to £20,500, and it's all attributable to the action taken by the bank. I have been unable to finance projects I was working on for 2012/1213 and my credit rating has plummeted. I complained to the Financial Ombudsman Service and was shocked when they rejected my complaint. Can anyone advise a way forward? Thank you.
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