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  1. Hello, I'm new to this website so apologies in advance for any poor etiquette. Last year Egg sold my credit card account (started in 2004) to Barclaycard. At the time the account was in dispute as Egg had been agressively rate-jacking the account. Because I had been writing to Egg to complain at one point I checked my account online and saw that the balance was £0.00 so I thought that Egg had accepted my complaint. However they had 'transferred' their rights and duties to Barclaycard who immediately started pursuing me for outstanding balance of approx £4500. I refused to enter into any agreement with Barclaycard as I believed my account with Egg was in dispute at the time they sold it to Barclaycard. Well you can imagine the following months. Barclaycard have sent every kind of letter - I've been contacted by at least six different DCAs all claiming to have some kind of right to collect the 'debt'. It's been pretty tiresome. Furthermore Barclaycard have registered that my account is in Default with the credit reference agencies. This particularly upset me as my credit rating - up to that point - was excellent. Also when you look at my Equifax file the default is stated as a default on a 'Barclaycard Agreement' - there is no mention of my Egg card agreement which was up to date and in good order when they sold it - the Egg card agreement has been erased?? So I requested a copy of my 'agreement' with Barclaycard under 1974 act and received a bad copy of my Egg agreement? and also they sent me their new terms and conditions which mad no sense as I had informed them I didn't wish to enter into an agreement with them - especially as their actions surrounding the Libor scandal showed them to be untrustworthy. So no agreement there. I wrote to Equifax asking for proof of the 'agreement' that they were saying I had defaulted on. In fact I sent them a very strongly worded statutory demand that they remove the information unless proof was provided as a precursor to my being able to take court action for libel. Equifax sent me an email saying they had spoken to Barclaycard and Barclaycard had told them the information was correct - So no agreement there. I am now nearing the end of a complaint with the Financial Ombudsman Sevrice regarding the above and this morning I received the following in an email from a FOS adjudicator: Dear Mr XXXX Many thanks for your e-mail and the attached documents. I have added the documents to your file ahead of a final decision by an Ombudsman. Generally businesses are obliged to report a true and accurate reflection of how an account is being managed to credit reference agencies. Whilst you have stated that the account is in dispute, payments have not been made towards the account for quite some time. Therefore, this has to be reflected on credit file. Barclaycard is not required to provide any proof of an agreement. As stated in my email dated 20 September 2012, the terms and conditions of your Egg account allowed Egg to transfer its rights and duties under the agreement to any other person or business. Egg transferred your agreement to Barclaycard and it is under this agreement which payments are due. If you do not wish to be in an agreement with Barclaycard you would need to pay off the outstanding balance first. It's the line 'Barclaycard is not required to provide any proof of an agreement' that disturbs me. How can the FOS stand up for impartiality when a bank harasses somebody for money without any proof of any agreement. Has anyone got any advice about how I can force/persuade the FOS to come to a fair decision about whether there is an agreement. Also I would appreciate any advice knowledge on whether there is an agreement. Is there one? What does it mean that Egg can transfer rights and duties when the third party (Barclaycard) are not named on the original agreement. Does my refusal to consent to enter into an agreement count for anything? I mean if Egg sold my credit card account to a criminal organisation I wouldn't be expected to contract with them would I? What is surprising to me is that when you look up Credit Card Agreement Law in google there is no wiki entry that deals with what kind of an agreement/contract a CCA is? Well - any help or advice would be hugely appreciated.
  2. Hi folks, I know that PPI claims have been going on for a while now, but I only decided to send letters to the banks I had loans/credit cards with after I found some documents relating to a top-up loan I had with EGG, front loaded with PPI so I sent away the forms . . . Anyway, so far so good and have had replies from EGG, Lloyds TSB, RBS and the Bank of Scotland. However, I sent the PPI forms into the respective companies on 1st October and started to receive replies that week and the beginning of the next to say the forms had been received and that they would investigate, but I've still not had a reply from Barclaycard, which is annoying me! Is it possible that they have received it and are just simply ignoring it ? I was just going to resend the forms but don't know if I should send it with a covering letter say that they've failed to respond already or just re-send the forms? Do any of you guys have any advice of what I should send them next ? I don't want to keep sending forms if they're just going to ignore ! Cheers!
  3. Hi all, I have looked through the cag library and can’t find a letter to meet my situation. I have requested a cca from Barclaycard and they have sent a reconstituted copy with no signature etc. They have acknowledged it is a reconstituted copy so what now, as the template on cag is for when the creditor sends a actual copy. This account is from 2002 if that’s any help. Thanks in advance.
  4. I started a claim from Barclaycard several years ago to reclaim charges, it got the point where they credited me an amount equivelant to 10-15% of the overall amount I had calculated .... unfortunatley at that point I didn't pursue it further. Just wondering now could I resume this claim even after a few years of inactivity ?? Thanks ....
  5. Hello again, I haven't been on here for a while. I have various ongoing credit and loan debts which I haven't paid since 2009. None of them produced a valid cca. Barclaycard is the main one ( 5.5k) and today ,after months of nothing, I have received a claim form . Over the last 3 years I have asked countless times to see the cca but they always just send t&c's and a poorly copied application form from over 10 years ago. I also sent (january and april 2012) letters asking whether they 'do or do not hold an original signed credit agreement pertaining to myslef'. They ignored this twice and on the third attempt sent me copies of statements. Its not as if I haven't tried! I have responded to every letter sent to me . I know I have to respond in some way to the papers. I can simply acknowledge to buy extra time or just do a defence but I would not know where to start. This is my first court proceedings and its pretty scary stuff. Can anyone tell me if I should do this or just give in ?
  6. need help to get barclaycard statements from 1992-2005 i have sent tham a sar fab 2012 with £10 after 3 months they sent print out which is 30feet no statements or payments only my name and account no and the date i open the account
  7. Hi Everyone, I'm not sure where my original post have gone to, so a brief background. I have been trying to obtain information from Barclaycard for an old Barclaycard, opened 2001 and closed in 2005. In addition to this, I am also doing the same for an old Egg card taken out in Oct 2004 and defaulted in 2006 and I'm still paying off. My mission started in March. I have sent four SAR requests, initially advising that there was no information relating to me on their records. Second attempt included a single statement for the Barclaycard and the details of my repayment plan for the EGG card, I was sent a form that highlighted the dates during which I had PPI on the Barclaycard, but nothing for the EGG card. Also the response stated that as I was requesting information purely for PPI they were returning my £10 and if ther were wrong write back. I had sent a full SAR request, so wrote back advising this. Again, no information was sent as they had no records of me - despite me including their print out of my PPI history (no premiums, just start and end date customer number etc. At this point I phoned and got passed from pillar to post, eventually I was passed to a helpful lady in the EGG collections team who agreed to me faxing the info and she said that she would pass it through their internal post. Today I have received the EGG information, 4 £20 charges and a years premiums of £30ish pm - I cancelled it after the first year. Much to my joy, the EGG application that they sent to me did state "N" against payment protection insurance, so this should be a pretty easy win . It's scarey to see though that at the time I had a salary of £13k, net income of under £900 and they instantly gaem me a £4,000 limit, I'm not sure that that is entirely what I would class as responsible lending!!! I'm still waiting for the Barclaycard information, which I know will contain a lot more charges (3x£20 on the one statement I still have, althought the card limit was only £300 so I dont expect the PPI to be much. I will also be trying to reclaim the Barclaycard FAP premiums as I was bullied into this. Any advice before I proceed?
  8. Hi everyone, I have been checking the forums of late because my wife and I have just realised she has had PPIs on the account since 2003 Anyways, I just wanted to check this should be my agenda: 1) Send SAR - template found here http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?118145-Full-SAR-for-ppi(1-Viewing)-nbsp 2) Repeat request and give 14 days before court papers filed. 3) File court papers, with spreadsheet of charges attached, calculating compound interest http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=34678&d=1333973713 4) Thrash it out with Barclaycard's legal department 5) Show me the money! Bit of background: I have found approximately 30 statements ranging between 2006-2009. I have also found a card protection agreement form, unsigned; as well as the original letter that had her card attached (2003) confirming my wife as a BC customer, full terms and conditions on the back. No sign of PPI, yet this has been applied every month. The funny thing is, she never asked for it and doesn't remember being told about it. The other issue, is that she was an international student at the time right up until 2006, only allowed to work 16hrs per week, and certainly not a resident of this country. Hopefully someone can let me know if I'm on the right track and/or need to change tactics. Any advice appreciated, and if anyone knows the BC address that handles PPI cases I would be very grateful. Thanks.
  9. hey all, im returning having slain a few banks in the past under a different usernme. Refundmylife if i remember rightly. Im now hitting the Barclaycard having left it far far too long. However i have a few questions already! A) I did the SAR months ago, and got the 6 years followed by a ream of uninterpretable computer speak for the previous years. I have just noticed a letter to send for the additional info, what im wondering is do i need to SAR them again after leaving it a while? B) This one concerns me a bit! I stopped paying it about 3 months ago and have just ignored it since (feels good though), can they launch action on me before i get a letter back to them re the court action? I havnt requested the CCA yet, would that slow them up? C) Will i definatly get the older statements from Barclaycard or is that hit and miss at the moment? D) Should i launch first for what i have the info on and then hit them for the older stuff when i have all the info back? Not a bad start, but im sure there were more questions!! Any help would be great
  10. I defaulted on Barclaycard about 18 months ago I heard very little other than the odd letter about account termnination There was a letter about debt going to a DCA some months bac and endlesss phone calls I did not answer. Then Saturday a County court letter from Northampton arrived with a DCA I don't recognise out of the blue with no warning so I 14/28 days to defend. I am going to try and defend the action I am also going to ask for a SAR but unlikely to get that before the court hearing One thing I can determine is that as I took out the barclaycard in 1973 or maybe 72 they have no record of the original agreement. Is this a valid line of defence? The CCJ refers only to the acct number I think with nothing else. Please some wise advice! time is running out.....
  11. Hi there, Had some major financial problems in 2005 following a car accident and came to an arrangement to pay a token amount to Barclaycard (and others!) as I was sliding deeper and deeper into debt. Moved house a couple of times, but told them where I'd moved to. Didn't hear from them at all for quite some time. Then in 2007, they suddenly decided that I should be paying more so wrote to my old address to tell me this and of course the letters they claim to have sent never reached me. So, in 2007, Mercers, acting on Barclaycard's behalf defaulted me. I think I was paying £5 a month at this point - well below the minimum payment. At some point, they must have realised that I'd moved and Credit Solutions wrote to me. I called them and explained I was still struggling financially and would they let me continue to pay £5 a month - all I could afford at that time. They rejected this offer and then the serious pressure started. Four or five letters a week, constant phone calls. In desperation, I increased my payment to £30 per month. I then got in touch with CCCS who said I could only afford to pay them £11. They wouldn't accept this so kept on paying £30 for another year. In 2008, situation deteriorated further and after more advice from CCCS, told Credit Solutions I could only afford to pay them £1 a month again. They weren't happy but as I'd sent them letters from CCCS they had to accept this. End of 2011 - six years after my financial meltdown. I decided to check my credit files to see if other defaults have been taken off my records. Couldn't believe what I saw. Lots of mistakes by other creditors (to many to go into here!). I started doing some research and read hundreds of posts on here. I realised that Barclaycard should have defaulted me earlier and that if I could get them to accept this then at least that would be one less default to worry about and it should disappear from my records. Many letters passed between us (Barclaycard and myself) and eventually they decided as a "goodwill gesture" that they would ask the CRA's to remove the default because of the time that ahd elapsed and instead ask them to record an "Arrangement to pay" - which incidentally is still £1 a month (times are still hard!). After reading lots of posts about this on this forum, I knew this was not right. They won't have it and neither will the CRA's. So, looking at a couple of old statements, I realised that I had a number of excessive charges and PPI. Didn't have a full set though so decided to sent a SAR on 18 June 2012. I finally received a pile of papers from them on 31 August 2012 (after a couple of delaying tactics). It had been sent by recorded delivery (all correspondence I've had from them I've sent by recorded delivery too). The letter with the documents was dated 7 August so I've no idea why it took over 3 further weeks to reach me! The documents included an application form - which I think they're claiming is a credit agreement (see below - sorry for quality but scanner broken so I photographed it!), various copies of recent letters and a large computer printout headed "Data Protection Act Reporting" together with a fairly large pile of printed pages headed, "Complaint Management System" (which very neatly describes how they goofed in issuing the Default) . The document I've attached below is a letter I sent to them in August which explains all the queries I have. Despite sending this to them four times now, each time by recorded delivery, they've returned it to me with one of their standard letters. The first time because they said they couldn't locate my account - despite already having written to me. I tried ringing them to change my address but in the end I had to go into my local Barclays branch who were very helpful and astounded at the attitude of the staff in the Recoveries Department! The second and third time they returned it, they gave the reason as "There is no £10 admin cheque provided." Both times I replied giving them details of the cheque number and when it had cleared through my bank. The final time it was returned was this morning. The reason given this time... "A SAR request has already been completed within the last six months in relation to the account(s) provided and the data sent directly to the customer." They're obviously playing silly b****s! In the meantime, I received a letter from them dated 11 September 2012, advising me that, "Your account has now been passed to Allied International Credit (UK) to manage collection on your account." The letter goes on to provide Allied's address , phone numbers and opening hours. It then goes on to say, "We will no longer accept any communication from you." When I sent the above letter for the third time to the Data Controller, I sent a covering letter politely telling them that Alexandra Regan, their Senior Collections Manager (the name at the bottom of this letter) is obviously unaware that they can't transfer my account to anyone whilst there is a dispute on it and that maybe she should be advised of this. They returned this letter too! I have to say that their capacity for breaking the rules is almost as impressive as LLoyds, Egg and M & S (yes, three more account problems I have to address!) So what next? 1. No executed copy of a CCA (document they sent me attached) 2. "Goodwill gesture" to remove faulty Default from my credit records. However, their actions suggest that they are trying to wipe the slate clean as far as the Default is concerned by asking the CRA's to publish an Arrangement to Pay on the account to go back to October 2005. Two problems with this as far as I can see. They closed my account apparently in April 2006 and have been demanding full payment of the outstanding balance since mid-2007. Surely they can't do this without notice and issuing a default notice? In any event, there is no arrangement to pay as I stopped paying them in August 2012! 3. They have ignored my complaints about the PPI and excessive charges 4. Both Noddle and Experian refuse to remove the Arrangement to Pay from my records as, "Barclays have advised us that the entry is correct." My instinct is to ignore them now and see if they take me to court. I will have plenty of ammunition if they do. On the other hand, the entries for the "Arrangement to Pay" needs to be removed from my credit records sooner rather than later for obvious reasons. All offers of advice will be gratefully accepted.[ATTACH]38590[/ATTACH][ATTACH]38591[/ATTACH] Kind regards Sue
  12. Hi everyone, I m new on this forum and I do really need your help. My partner for the last year became very ill and I don't know for how long it will be here. Unfortunately the docs can't say and I am trying my best to give him all my love and support. We are abroad now, he decided to stay in my house down here and in the meantime followed by a good team of docs. Let's hope he will recovered very soon. Anyway, last week I came to UK to collect the post and I have found a county court claim issue againsts him from a solicitor acting on behalf of BC. I couldn't believe it when I read the amount it's over 8000 pounds. We are not rich and I left my secure job in UK and he's not working at the moment. The trouble is that he has got an house and we don't want to loose it. I really need your help guys. What can I do to make this claim void? I read some other posts about being unenforceable. Is there any chance for my long term ill partner? The county court was issued on the 25 of August. I did respond on line saying last week that I did want to dispute and wish to contest the court's jurisdiction. That's what I did. Now I have tried to go on line but it doesn't let me see the claim. Please help me out because I don't know what to do. Thank you guys.
  13. Barclaycard are changing the rules on 22 Nov. Barclaycard (Condition 1.3) may not give advance notice of a change in credit limit. Thats pretty scary!. I have one card used only for holidays. If they make changes without telling me I could easily find myself on holiday with an invalid credit card. I'm not one to beleive statements such as " Oh that will not happen to you Mr xxx." I've seen people arguing with hotel managers before and It's not pleasent being caught abroad without sufficient funds. Is it legal for Barclaycard to change the agreed credit limit on your card without notice??
  14. Hi and thanks to anyone who can give me some advice. I have received the following claim and the POC are standard as I have seen already on this forum: "The claimant claims the sum of xxxx being monies due from the defendant to the claimant under a regulated agreement between the defendant and Barclaycard **************** and assigned to the claimant on xxxx2011, notice of which has been provided to the defendant. The defendant has failed to make payment in accordance with the terms of the agreement and a default notice has been served pursuant to the Consumer Credit Act 1974. The claimant claims the sum of xxxx and costs. The claimant has complied, as far as is necessary, with the pre-action conduct practice direction." Didn't receive any notice before action and so far I have sent the AOS (online) and a CPR 31.14 request. The only response from MKDP was a letter stating that I had a judgement, the amount being nearly double of the claim and that I had agreed to paying them £60/month by DD. They also gave a time limit to comply before enforcing through the courts. My details on this letter are correct and it also mentions the correct credit card number, but I immediately spotted that the claim number was incorrect by one digit. I need some advice regarding the defence, since I have not received any info from MKDP and the POC is very vague. Also should I mention this letter that they sent me or is it not relevant? The account in question was opened in 2003, a Barclaycard initial/basic ? with a starting credit of around £300 to £500 which was then gradually increased by the lender. The actual application form was from one of those self-seal forms that use to come in magazines/post. The last payment was around July/2010, and I was unable to pay due to loss of job (company went under owing me a substantial amount for which I eventually got a few pence for each £1 owed). The balance is less than 5K. I did have an offer from barclays to settle this for 60% of the total in 2011 but I didn't have any money. Thanks
  15. A few months ago, I got a letter from Robinson Way about a Barclaycard debt... however when I checked the account number, it wasn't mine, and I didn't recognise the amount. I wrote to them informing of them of this, and got a letter back saying they had passed it back to BC. I assumed that was the end of the matter, until I received a message from Westcot. I'm wise enough to DCA tricks to never answer the phone to them, so I waited for the letter, which came through yesterday. They are chasing me for the same account that I have never owned!! Now, a bit of background... I did have debts with a few Barclays-related cards, but afaik those have all been sold on long ago, and I've been in a DMP with CCCS, and never heard a peep from any of them (I don't have any assets, so I think they consider themselves lucky they're getting anything from me ) What's the best way to deal with this non-existent Barclaycard debt? I could just write to Westcot and send them the same letter I sent Robinson Way, but I suspect it will just get bounced to the next set of pond-dwellers. Any ideas? M99
  16. hi, i have just recieved a letter from a debt collection agency looking for payment of an old debt to barclay card. it was in my maiden name and i paid this card off in full way back in 2006, although now i have no letter of proof, but my parents paid this off for me. I have been living in this house for 9 years and never changed my phone number but they are saying i now owe nearly £3000. I told them that i had cleared this card off and if i did still owe why has it taken them so long to get in touch with me. they said they have been trying but it was not the right phone number. i am looking for any advice, I KNOW i paid this off and even if i did not WHY did barclaycard then give me another card about 2 years ago? surely if i had owed them money they would have declined me? Any advice?
  17. I submitted a PPi claim 13/06/2012, along with requesting late payment fees and overlimit charges were refunded. All charges/PPi prior to 2006, I got a couple of letters saying they were looking into it, they rejected my complaint. I wrote to them again and they rejected both complaints again so I emailed David Chan, Further to the template letter that was sent to me dated 6 September to which you failed to respond to all issues raised in particular the request for the CCA which was requested on the phone just after receiving the letter dated 19 July to which has still not been received I believe you have 14 days to supply this? As you have failed to provide a satisfactory response in relation to my complaint with regards to charges, I am now writing to inform you that unless I receive a satisfactory proposal for settlement of my outstanding claim totalling £2613.25, from you within the next 14 days I intend to issue a claim against you in the county court for the full amount owed which includes compound interest along with any court fees I incur as part of the proceedings. For your reference I have attached a full details of the charges and compound interest. You also state in you letter that charges before June 2006 are no longer recoverable and as such not included in your calculation I would refer you to the precedent set between KLEINWORT BENSON -V- LINCOLN CITY COUNCIL under section 32© of the Limitation Act 1980. they have now come back to say they have overturned their original decision with regards PPi but they have calculated it as A refund of payments for ppi £448.91 B interest on ppi premiums £55.27 c 8% simple interest £336.12 d total £840.30 they havent calculated compound interest? and have rejected the charges again, any advice appriciated as to what I do? Thanks in advance
  18. hello i had a debt with barclaycard back in 2004, which was at my previous address, i moved in 2005 and never heard from them ever again, until i checked my credit file last week to find a default from lowell june 2008 for a barclaycard debt. i have desputed the default date on my credit file but lowell have come back and said its correct. But i know its not, i called barclaycard today and asked them the last payment date and they have told me the last payment received was 6th april 2004. so how can the default date be june 2008??? am i correct in thinking that this debt is statute barred?? please help im trying to clean up my credit file
  19. Please accept my apologies if this thread is in the wrong area. This is my very first post so bear with me... I have held two Barclaycard Visa/Mastercard credit cards for over 12 years. I recently came across your forum through tweets. I decided in August to email Barclaycard to ask "Why they have been deducting PPI aka Optional Payment Protection from my Barclaycard VISA account especially as I clearly remember sending a letter asking to cancel pre 2006?" I also said that I will be claiming back my charges for all the overpayments. They were quick to send me an email but it did not answer the original question they apologised for the error and said that they would rectify the mistake. I sent another email as I was unhappy with the response. I thanked them but asked them to confirm if the message sent were a standard response as yet again they failed to answer my question. This time I asked them for copies of all my statements for the past six years as I know for a fact I definitely cancelled before then. After that they wanted to call me, due to the nature of my work I'm not allowed to take personal calls or switch my mobile on. Unfortunately they were unable to reach me so they sent a letter stating that this matter will be referred to the PPI Complaints team. I received three letters, two stating that they needed more time to solve query and one letter asking me to fill out a FOS questionnaire (they failed to enclose said questionnaire). To be honest I forgot about the query as I assumed they were messing me around. I just returned home tonight to find a letter from Barclaycard stating "My understanding of your complaint is that you feel you were mis-sold Payment Protection Insurance (PPI) having reviewed your complaint, we are not satisfied that the PPI policy was suitable for your needs...blah blah..As a result, we have upheld your complaint." WTF?! *excuse my french* They would therefore like to place me in the position I would have been in had the PPI policy not been added to my credit card account. They offered a full refund of the insurance premiums paid together with interest paid on premiums plus 8 per cent per annum simple interest plue a refund of default charges and interest on those charges. Breakdown as follows: Refund of payments made by you for PPI cover £1126.31 Refund of Interest charged on PPI Premiums £1369.65 8 per cent interest per annum £369.43 Refund of default charges and interest £24 Total refund payable - £2889.39 The letter is dated on the 11th September and they have given me 10 days to return an Acceptance Form. They claim that this is their FULL and FINAL settlement. They also state that they are not required to retain statement information for more than 6 years and they have calculated my payments made since 2005. They said they would be happy to recalculate if was able to provide statement information for prior to 2005 (unfortunately I cannot). At the end of the letter they are telling me to tell HM Revenue & Customs that I have received a payment from them. They said if I am unhappy or remain dissatisfied I am entitled to ask The Financial Ombudsman Service to review this complaint. Phew...What do I do now? Should I take the money and run? Ideally I would like them to wipe the debt off both cards just under £4.5k and say goodbye to Barclaycard once and for all. I would really appreciate your help and I will definitely be making a donation. Thanks for your help in advance!!!
  20. Hi, not sure if this is posted in the right place? I have two cc acounts in arrears, Cabot bought them both from Barclaycard, but did this whilst a payment arrangement was in place, for £5 per month with no interest , Cabot simply continued this arrangement. I sent Cabot separate cca's with £1 postal orders, for each account, then after no response, 'account in dispute' letters , they have failed to respond or even acknowlege any of these letters? All letters sent 'signed for' and all received. Could someone help me? Was it 'legal' for barclaycard to sell these accounts to Cabot in the first place? there had been an unbroken payment record to Barclaycard once the arrangement was put in place. Both accounts go back to 2000/2003 ish, so unlikely that they can supply docs. so what will happen next? I will complain to Trading Standards once a month has passed, anything else I can/should do? many thanks, Tom
  21. Hi All, Having just passed a significant birthday , I thought I would cca all six of my defaulted credit card accounts, to see where I stood, rather than just keeping my head under the duvet, and paying them forever!. Moorcroft was collecting an agreed minimum monthy payment for Egg/barclaycard. Moorcroft responded to both the cca request, and then 12 + 2 days later I issued an 'account in dispute' letter, which they also responded to. Yesterday I received the following letter from Barclaycard, * I tryed to attach the 2 page letter as pdf's, but the site would not let me, because I don't have enough posts? apologies for my computer ineptness* Basically saying, " we are currently unable to provide a copy of the terms of your credit agreement as varied in accordance with section 82 (1) of the cat. We accept that we are therefore prevented from enforcing our agreement with you while this state of affairs continues" They go on to say that they have " suspended my barclaycard account" and " this is a temporary measure which will be kept under review" They also state that they may " demand payment, may instruct a third party to demand payment" They site 'Philip McGuffick v Royal Bank' in which it was helt that ' none of these steps constituted enforcement? Also included was a stapled 7 page, double sided 'reconstituted' thingy, - obviously no signature. Do you want me to scan and pdf and upload that? I am guessing that this is a 'result' ? But would appreciate some advise as to what happens now? Are they in fact allowed to " demand payment, instruct a third party etc. " What should I do next? many thanks Tom [ATTACH=CONFIG]38259[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]38259[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]38260[/ATTACH]
  22. Could anyone please advise me further. My partner has managed to rack up credit card debts of in excess of 16K (he has Aspberger's and has spent everything we have plus a lot more that we don't on pursuing his 'special interests') We are on government benefits only and to date I have written 3 letters to Barclaycard one for each of the cards he has and a fourth to capital One enclosing a budget statement and asking if they would be prepared to write off the debt due to my failing health and care costs. this was 3 weeks ago and I have heard nothing other than this months statement for 1 of the Barclaycard accounts. Reading some of the posts it seems there is a process by which I may be able to recover some of the charges that he has been paying to offset against the debts but I am really too stupid with a computer (and financially) to work out what I might be able to do next. Hoping somebody could possibly spoon feed me step by step instructions.
  23. Hi just curious,i won my claim start of the year with barclaycard,got 654 cleared my balance and got extra. One thing though,they close the account after this,same with capital one. is it standard practice for the credit card accounts to close after you claim the charges back? im not overly concerned but just curious as ive not seen it anywhere on the forums that they closed the persons account. Thanks
  24. I recently wrote to Barclaycard in relation to PPI claim, i asked and paid £10.00 for information regarding the account asking for completed credit card application all staements etc etc , and today they have sent screen print outs for the account which to be honest means nothing, all the prints show are as follows: A/c Number A/c Address Present Balance Credit Limit Min payment A/c Name Correspondence address And nothing else has been sent, when requesting the SAR do they have to send the original credit card application , how to i find out if PPI was ever paid etc etc cheers
  25. Hi, new to the forum and need some help. I defaulted on a Barclaycard in Feb 2005 with a balance of £7164 The default became a CCJ in 2007 and then a charging order as due to circumstances I didn't deal with it at the time. Cabot purchased the debt from Barclaycard when the balance was £7164 and the current balance with Cabot is £8960 I asked Cabot why the huge difference in balances and was told that they were their charges. When I pushed and asked "charges for what" they said they were Barclaycard charges! I know this is nonsense from Cabot but I am trying to re-mortgage and the CCJ/charging order is an issue and I want to pay it off. What I really want to do is reclaim all the charges made by Barclaycard and Cabot but don't know how to proceed. Any advice would be very welcome. Thanks
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