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Everything posted by LongHairedLily

  1. Slighty off current topic. Ingeus have rolled out a new inhouse site called Ingeus Works.com The advisor creates your profile and you log into find jobs that have been searched for each evening and loaded onto your own account. Personally I've found it useless, not as good as Indeed or Trovit. Since the UJ site launched I have had to rely on these engines. Anyone else been given the Ingeus site to use?
  2. Would it not be prudent for the OP to insist the Boyfriend to pay for a PO Box and have all his mail delevered there.
  3. No sure if anyone has posted this, forgive me if they have.. But in light of the post going to OP address, would it not be pruedent for the Boyfriend t to have his mail directed to a paid PO Box, the Royal Mail site would be site to find more information on this.
  4. Hi FFM aka Mark I was with Scientiam back in March at the same phase you are about to embark on. Scientiam did b+gger all with us, saw my advisor once every two weeks who said I needed to gain an interview a week!. No training offered then the advisor upped and left, hence no advisor for eight weeks, after which I was shoved onto a basic H&S one day course. Met a new advisor-he was great however I was with him only for three weeks after that I am now back with Ingeus. Gave them a flea in their ear regarding Scientiam. Hope it work out-keep us posted!
  5. My advice is get the ball rolling ASAP before you are mandated onto the Work Programme, after which all enterprise help will not be applicable.
  6. Hi Flumps, I've just read the Q&A's (printed them). How does this tie in with the grapevine news of a jobseekers actively looking/monitered for 35 hours per week ? Q8. Does everyone have to register to search for jobs? No, but if not, jobseeker’s will not be able to access to all the facilities listed in question 7. Do you think they DWP will force people to join even though it does say you do not have to register (mandation in fear of sanction) I already have my CV uploaded on all the major job boards, with some limited success, which makes me wonder how this can be anymore successful than my efforts already. Thanks for informing us...
  7. I am with roughly five Recruitment Agencies. Some of them are exclusively industry related and I've known them personally for years. The only way to find bonifide agencies is to look on industry specific job sites through industry magazines (mine is Retail Jeweller). No legal agency would ask for bank details. If anyone is wanting pointing in the right direction for agencies give me a shout.
  8. INGEUS COMPUTERS Just as a side note. I used my hotmail on their computers , so decided to delete my history etc by going to tools and internet option. I couldn't do this as the tab to do it wasn't there! I suggest you change your password as soon as you get home!
  9. What galls me hun is I have worked since the age of 14 I used to do last offices on the the ladies who had died in our rest home, I then had two jobs at college and worked since I left college. I am a very driven border workaholic when working. To be made to feel like a lazy scrounger by people and stupid by Ingeus makes my blood boil. My work ethic is still alive and well!!!
  10. Hi Estellyn My shortfall is now 170 per month, can't afford to move however there's nowhere in my town that takes HB!! I moved in when my basic salary was 26k, single Mum etc.
  11. Vouchers won't pay for utilty bills, shortfall in HB for rent (soon to be contribution to Council Tax too)....Crazy...I don't spend all my money on food I put aside some for bills ! Won't work and silly man can lobby all he likes.
  12. Saw my Advisor today, I'm on year 2 now with Ingeus. Apparently I'm meant to see her three times per week, however due to volume going through to year two and showing ability I see her in a month!
  13. Hi Rebecca the ebsite is my major bother, do you have any links to any companies or sites I can set up my site from, this is my only area of concern! I need to be able to brand it with my logo as you know logo is an important factor in marketing a business.Thanks!
  14. Hi Rebecca I was dubious too when stated it would be zero hours. I only want part time so I may start the business up so I have a steady income until my business has gone into net profit...
  15. Hi I have just returned from my Ingeus appointment at Southport and was placed in an interview for a well know under a pound store. The interview was very strange I pulled my CV off the computer (one for him and one for me)..He didn't read it just asked the usual questions any holidays , any health issues and restrictions on work times. I managed to eek out of him it was 35 to 40 hours per week, however I told him I am looking for part time only. He then said the contract is on a zero hours contract. Any ideas how this would work with working tax credits and other benefits. What are the worker rights on a zero hours contract? Any idea?
  16. Hi Mummytotwox I have read your thread and I wonder...Now this maybe not what you thought.. You say your Husband is your ex, could it be that your ex has a nutty girlfriend/ex girlfriend stalker who wants to see what he's upto?? Long shot be there are plenty of paranoid unstable women out there. Hope you get it sorted!
  17. I received one of those letters on Saturday. I was more annoyed at the way it was addressed to me, by that I mean not Ms X X XXXXX, but my FULL name in capitals without my status!!!! Grrr...... Letter this week going to to Belfast to demand they never start a letter in that manner again. So disrespectful.
  18. To be honest, this governement i.e bothe Camoran, Clegg and cohorts are fully aware of what they are doing. People keep saying the DWP are not aware. The DWP have no integrity and are bedfellows with the WP. The are bigger schemes behind the scenes and a drive to destroy the minimum wage, and increase the poverty trap. Remember Conservatives want to take up back to dickensian days, doff the cap at the aristocracy and the better classes.
  19. Hi Infojunkie The best way foward is to always correspond with your advisor by email and attaching read receipt to all emails sent, also request a conformation email of appointment so there is no confusion, never enter into verbal dialogue!!!. I would also email your advisor at the beginning of each week to double check if you are scheduled in for any appointments that week, do this religiously. I adopt a business tone with them and they treat me in the same manner.
  20. Hi I logged in, to find on the discussion page a message.. I am not allowed to post on this forum.
  21. Hi Bakatcha The message states at the top of the list of posts that I am not allowed to post on this forum.....
  22. INDUS DELTA DISCUSSION ...WELL WELL WELL! I posted on the above site to highlight the situation on Onespace of a Mother to Be being harrassed by the WP Reed provider pimp with a link. I logged into today to find I am banned from posting on the discussion forum!!! Seems they don't like the truth!!!!!
  23. Just returned from Scientiam office Preston to be told they will no longert the sub for Ingeus as of the end of August. Looks like the venture wasn't as profitable as they initially thought.
  24. Have a read of this ... Although not Ingeus , Read provider have stooped to a new low! http://www.onespace.org.uk/your-talk/discussions/income-support-and-work-programme
  25. Walked past Ingeus on Lord Street Southport yesterday afternoon, the office appeared to be in darkness, windows shut and blinds almost drawn. Wonder whats happened...
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