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    • If you are buying a used car – you need to read this survival guide.
      • 1 reply
    • Hello,

      On 15/1/24 booked appointment with Big Motoring World (BMW) to view a mini on 17/1/24 at 8pm at their Enfield dealership.  

      Car was dirty and test drive was two circuits of roundabout on entry to the showroom.  Was p/x my car and rushed by sales exec and a manager into buying the mini and a 3yr warranty that night, sale all wrapped up by 10pm.  They strongly advised me taking warranty out on car that age (2017) and confirmed it was honoured at over 500 UK registered garages.

      The next day, 18/1/24 noticed amber engine warning light on dashboard , immediately phoned BMW aftercare team to ask for it to be investigated asap at nearest garage to me. After 15 mins on hold was told only their 5 service centres across the UK can deal with car issues with earliest date for inspection in March ! Said I’m not happy with that given what sales team advised or driving car. Told an amber warning light only advisory so to drive with caution and call back when light goes red.

      I’m not happy to do this, drive the car or with the after care experience (a sign of further stresses to come) so want a refund and to return the car asap.

      Please can you advise what I need to do today to get this done. 

      Many thanks 
      • 81 replies
    • Housing Association property flooding. https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/topic/438641-housing-association-property-flooding/&do=findComment&comment=5124299
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    • We have finally managed to obtain the transcript of this case.

      The judge's reasoning is very useful and will certainly be helpful in any other cases relating to third-party rights where the customer has contracted with the courier company by using a broker.
      This is generally speaking the problem with using PackLink who are domiciled in Spain and very conveniently out of reach of the British justice system.

      Frankly I don't think that is any accident.

      One of the points that the judge made was that the customers contract with the broker specifically refers to the courier – and it is clear that the courier knows that they are acting for a third party. There is no need to name the third party. They just have to be recognisably part of a class of person – such as a sender or a recipient of the parcel.

      Please note that a recent case against UPS failed on exactly the same issue with the judge held that the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 did not apply.

      We will be getting that transcript very soon. We will look at it and we will understand how the judge made such catastrophic mistakes. It was a very poor judgement.
      We will be recommending that people do include this adverse judgement in their bundle so that when they go to county court the judge will see both sides and see the arguments against this adverse judgement.
      Also, we will be to demonstrate to the judge that we are fair-minded and that we don't mind bringing everything to the attention of the judge even if it is against our own interests.
      This is good ethical practice.

      It would be very nice if the parcel delivery companies – including EVRi – practised this kind of thing as well.


      OT APPROVED, 365MC637, FAROOQ, EVRi, 12.07.23 (BRENT) - J v4.pdf
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Bristow & Sutor. Ex's CTAX debt. Clamped MY Car and left. now i want to deed poll and pay all her debts

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Please seek help, you don't sound well at all.

Here are some links for you to look at, Mind and NHS.

Failing that, your Jackanory is so far fetched and fanciful that even a five year old would struggle to believe you.

Who ever heard of someone getting a job at the Jobcentre? The unemployed are sent there as penance for their sins, not to help them find work!



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  • dx100uk changed the title to Bristow & Sutor. Ex's CTAX debt. Clamped MY Car and left. now i want to deed poll and pay all her debts
  • BankFodder locked this topic

old and new threads merged for complete history

thread title updated



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please don't hit Quote...just type we know what we said earlier..

DCA's view debtors as suckers, marks and mugs

NO DCA has ANY legal powers whatsoever on ANY debt no matter what it's Type

and they

are NOT and can NEVER  be BAILIFFS. even if a debt has been to court..

If everyone stopped blindly paying DCA's Tomorrow, their industry would collapse overnight... 

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I'm not unwell thank you.

It is not a story I have put through a deed poll so I can take on my exes debts and get the bailiffs to chase me for them.

They took action against me when they should have said ok she is not here and left.

Instead I get some bailiff wanting to break in the house, fight the dogs, fight me and wants to kill me now.

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  • Nicky Boy locked this topic
  • 6 months later...


I have a problem with an ex partner she has lots of debts. Unpaid bills,loans, payday loans and credit cards.

She has since made false accusations about me to the police.

Since this the police and my defence solicitor have said I need to repay all her debts and bills.

Is this correct?

As we did not live together when she incurred these debts some are 5 years before we met.

I have tried without success to pay some of her bills firstly they will not speak to me, secondly they will not accept payments as it is her debt.

Does anyone know how to get around this so I'm doing what I have been asked to do.

Also can her debts be wiped with a crime reference number?

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  • dx100uk unlocked this topic

old and new threads merged again for complete history.


please don't hit Quote...just type we know what we said earlier..

DCA's view debtors as suckers, marks and mugs

NO DCA has ANY legal powers whatsoever on ANY debt no matter what it's Type

and they

are NOT and can NEVER  be BAILIFFS. even if a debt has been to court..

If everyone stopped blindly paying DCA's Tomorrow, their industry would collapse overnight... 

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In the earlier thread (now linked above) you were going to change your name by Deed Poll. Did you do that? Did it solve any of your problems?

What, exactly, have you been charged with? Has a court date been scheduled?

I cannot think of any reason why the police would tell you to pay your Ex's debts that she incurred 5 years before you met her. Either there's lots of the story you aren't telling us, or you have misunderstood what you have been told, or you are trolling us.

Earlier you said it was your Ex who wanted you to pay her debts and, for some reason that  no-one here could understand, you were going to do so. So your Ex can give you all the details of her debts and you can pay them.

She can hardly expect you to pay them if she won't give you the account details!

I've never known debt collectors be fussy about who pays as long as someone does. They routinely take payments from friends and family to clear debts. It's not illegal to pay someone else's debts






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I started paying her old council tax as they said they would jail her , I managed to get those account details.

We then got back together, she moved in with me, stopped me going to my house.

Eventually let me back in

I was there 4 days then the police showed up at 1am, arrested me for 8 different offences.

On the morning I was in custody she rang the letting agent and asked for the house to be changed to her sole name as I was in jail.

The house was changed to her name I was made homeless.

The bills she did not change to her name left them as occupier

the utility companies then said I had to pay as there was lots more usage than an empty property.

My solicitor said if I don't pay them I will be reported for it.

It has since turned out that in her old property she didn't pay the bills.

The electric bill she put in her daughter's name then cancelled the direct debit

the council tax she never attempted to pay.

Due to one of the accusations, I have since been told I need to pay these bills even after getting emails saying I'm not liable for the bills.

I have forwarded these on to the police and solicitors and had no reply. Other than you have to pay these bills.  I'm also going to end up paying the bills where she lives now as once again they are not being paid.

I can't go in to detail about the case as I'm due to be charged next week, not sure what with yet but the police have told me I'm going to be charged. 

My ex will not tell me nor can tell me about her debts as she doesn't want me to know how much debt she is in or has put her daughter in once she turned 18.

I do not want to be paying her debts after what she has done to me.

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Every post of yours brings a pile of new information but little by way of explanation. It's like trying to put together a jigsaw with half the pieces missing.

I cannot, for example, envisage any circumstances where a creditor tells you in writing that you aren't liable for a bill but your solicitor and the police tell you that you have to pay it anyway.

All I can say to you is that you have to keep making clear to everyone concerned that there is no point in them keep telling you that you have to pay your Ex's bills when you don't know what they are or the account details. And that your Ex won't tell you. 

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At the moment I can't explain everything.

my ex has said I controlled her money so couldn't pay her bills.

Something that I can prove I have never done.

She simply doesn't pay her bills just wastes money.

Hence the reason I have been told to pay the bills.

Bearing in mind when we lived together I made sure the bills were paid.

After we split amazingly they were not paid and the bills solely in her name.

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Like Ethel I think, I'm finding this hard to understand. Surely there's something on paper or in writing that you can show us?

I can't see how you can just comply without seeing documents?


Illegitimi non carborundum




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I have emails from the council etc saying you are not liable for these debts.

I send them to the solicitors and police and either get no answer or you have to pay it otherwise you will be reported for refusing to pay it.

I don't want to pay her bills but have been told to.

Simply because she told lies after I stood up to her.

I'm already getting charged for what she has said.

In the investigation for what she has accused me of it is not a matter of evidence.

It is for me to prove I'm innocent the police are just saying you did it and all your evidence is fake as per her statement.

Just to add that all those I have spoken to have said.

Your solicitor and the police need the law explaining to them as regards to debt.

If they want to contact them they will explain it and once again you are not legally liable for her debts.

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That sounds tough for you and I understand. But can you show us documents that have been sent to you please? People telling you things on the phone don't have legal standing.


Illegitimi non carborundum




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I have tried to upload some it won't let me.

I have copied and pasted below this is the standard reply I am receiving from everyone.

I also know that she changed her bank account so none of her payments would go through when she moved.

I have sent the below to the police and solicitors again get told to pay it otherwise I will be reported and I have no idea what I can be reported for.

Council Tax Ref: 2432xxxx
Property Address: 
Email:      [email protected]
Dear Mr xxx
Further to our telephone call today, I can confirm there is nil balance due on the above account. I can see no outstanding liability in your name for Council Tax purposes for 4 xxx Road.
Yours sincerely,
Customer Advisor
Visit www.iow.gov.uk/counciltax to make payments, apply for Local Council Tax Support, register for paperless billing, report a change and set up direct debits
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use pdf files only read upload carefully


please don't hit Quote...just type we know what we said earlier..

DCA's view debtors as suckers, marks and mugs

NO DCA has ANY legal powers whatsoever on ANY debt no matter what it's Type

and they

are NOT and can NEVER  be BAILIFFS. even if a debt has been to court..

If everyone stopped blindly paying DCA's Tomorrow, their industry would collapse overnight... 

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Just use the print option 'print to pdf' which will save a copy of email as pdf document on your device.

If you lived at address as partner when the liability was not settled, then it would be Council Tax legislation they would use.

This is designed to stop tenants or owners of a property resident in a property not to pay tax due, when the normal bill payee does not pay the liability due.

If you want to know the exact legislation wording, suggest you search for it online, as the legislation is available to view online.

If you did not live at address as partner at the time, there is no law they could use.

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If you want advice on your thread please PM me a link to your thread

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I lived there with her up until I gave notice.

She took over the tenancy in her name.

I had a letter from the council and a refund of the council tax for 1 month. 

She took on the bills and tenancy and only paid the rent.

No utility bills or council tax were paid once she took it over.

She will continue to not pay bills in her new house which I'm now having to pay or will have to.

I have looked online I believe the police and solicitors are going by the partner law to make me liable.

I have always paid my bills and ensured her half was paid then see how much free money is over.

She spends all her money on payday loans and rubbish then panics about the rent.

I usually end up paying it or having to get her a loan.

Stupidly in my name but at the time it was because she was my partner.

I even paid to move her and clean and decorate her old house so she got the deposit back.

It cost me £3000 due to the mess she always leaves behind.

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2 hours ago, bobandi said:

I have looked online I believe the police and solicitors are going by the partner law to make me liable.


I have never heard of any such law.

Please post a link to what you have read online that explains this law.

And please confirm whether you were ever married to or in a formal Civil Partnership with your Ex.

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I shall find the link later this evening.

It was about couples not living together but being liable for council tax.

I was never married or in an official civil partnership.

We lived together for 18 months, I then left for 6 months for work but continued to pay my half of the bills and rent.

We then split up I gave up my tenancy she took it all in her name.

She then decided to move in with me 5 months later.

She then banned me from going back to my house eventually let me back in then called the police.

Took over my house and is now only paying the rent not the bills, I will be landed with those to.

Over the course of our relationship I have ended up paying her debts for 5 different addresses, personal loans and credit cards.

If I refuse to pay them she makes more accusations.

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why are the police involved in making you pay bills or anything? (ok they removed you from a property) but that's nothing to do with them regarding bills you should pay. they cant say you must pay them.


please don't hit Quote...just type we know what we said earlier..

DCA's view debtors as suckers, marks and mugs

NO DCA has ANY legal powers whatsoever on ANY debt no matter what it's Type

and they

are NOT and can NEVER  be BAILIFFS. even if a debt has been to court..

If everyone stopped blindly paying DCA's Tomorrow, their industry would collapse overnight... 

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My ex blamed me for her not paying her bills she says I controlled her money.

I have been told I need to pay them as it was my fault.

She has not paid the bills where she lives now which was my house.

I'm not allowed contact with her and again she is blaming me.

As in this type of case it is victim led so no matter what stupid thing she says she is believed

. It is for me to prove otherwise.

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The tenancy is now in her name.

The bills she left as occupier did not actually change them to her name I ended up paying them even though I informed them I moved out a month later I got a bill and the month after.

Due to her usage they keep saying it's a closing bill which I have paid 3 times now.

The council tax will be in her name she just won't pay it as she has not paid it since 2015 that I know of I'm having to pay it all. 

We met in 2018 but she says it's my fault she did not pay bills before we met

. I have been paying them since.

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I'm fairly late to this thread but I have to say this situation sounds nuts to me. Could you remind us why you're paying the bills for somewhere you don't live?


Illegitimi non carborundum




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28 minutes ago, bobandi said:

I have been paying them since.

you got mugged then.


please don't hit Quote...just type we know what we said earlier..

DCA's view debtors as suckers, marks and mugs

NO DCA has ANY legal powers whatsoever on ANY debt no matter what it's Type

and they

are NOT and can NEVER  be BAILIFFS. even if a debt has been to court..

If everyone stopped blindly paying DCA's Tomorrow, their industry would collapse overnight... 

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