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Found 7 results

  1. My account has stated I ordered a kindle download. How do I cancel this as I don't want this order as a download.
  2. For the full story see ..... HERE http://www.ibnlive.com/news/tech/microsoft-forcing-in-windows-10-to-pcs-what-you-can-do-about-it-1199507.html http://www.dispatchtribunal.com/microsoft-to-shove-windows-10-down-your-throat/13922/
  3. I have painstakingly repaired an old Sony Network Walkman NW-HD1 have the 2.3 disc but ofcourse this does not cover or allow the playing of MP3 files the later 4.3 updated software does. now there are loads of sites that either point to the now defunked sony update link or ofcourse poke you a virus file which is nothing to do with it. does anyone par chance have a working download [proved] or a copy of the disc sonicstage 4.3 that they can send me an .ISO of? this for a disabled user that has learned for years to use this devise and cannot now learn any other. this would really make her day regards dx CAG siteteam
  4. Evening All!!! We called HMRC to ask for last years SA302 for a mortgage application. The advisor told us we could download it but he'll send a copy anyway. On receipt of the copy, it states that if you would like to download the SA302 then go to the HMRC website. We're filling ou 2nd year tomorrrow and need the SA302 for 13/14 ASAP. Either I'm thick or looking in the wrong place .... but as far as I can see, it's not possible???
  5. I have just updated itunes on my home PC. All my songs in the library have gone. How do i download my past purchases direct from Itunes thanks
  6. Amazon gives UK customers free MP3 download of any CD bought from retailer since 1999 via AutoRip Customers who have bought an album from Amazon will be able to download an MP3 file of the record for free. The newly launched AutoRip music service will enable customers to stream or download MP3 files from CDs, vinyls or cassettes bought since 1999. Amazon has struck deals with major and independent music labels to make more than 350,000 albums available through the service. From today, any new purchase will automatically be added to customers’ Amazon Cloud Player - where they can download it for free. The music can be downloaded as 256Kbps MP3 files, or streamed from Amazon’s servers to computers, smartphones and tablets, including iOS and Android devices as well as Amazon’s Kindle Fire tablets. http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/news/amazon-gives-uk-customers-free-mp3-download-of-any-cd-bought-from-retailer-since-1999-via-autorip-8676293.html
  7. Trying not to be cynical but despite the call centre in India finding 'no fault with our line' and the problem must be with our internal wiring, we see an increase in our D/L speed from a consistent 0.6 to 0.7 mb/sec to 1.3 mb/sec. Called quite a few times before (over a period of about 5 years) and followed their advice by unplugging this and unplugging that. but this time, didnt unplug a damn thing but experienced the usual doubling of speed anyway. Sherewsbury, where I live is known for very poor speeds and no alternatives (i.e cable) and the reason I called them this time wast that the BT homehub would not stay connected for a period of more than 20 second or so. Its been like this for the last 3 days, but suddenly comes stable within minutes of calling the BT helpline, and has remained stable with not one crash in the last 8 hours. Anyone else experience a miraculous improvement with BT connection when they talk to the Indian call centre? (despite them saying that there is no problem). I dont mind them finding a problem or creating a solution but what does boil my p*ss a little is when they blatently tell me its nothing to do with them and is our internal wiring, when clearly it is not the case.
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