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  1. It seems that they have done a runner. Probably as a result of pressure from the site and also the publicity which we have managed to raise by providing information to the BBC and to Trading Standards If anyone has any information about this company or its personnel, please let us know. In particular - is the business re-incarnating - and if so, where and with who? Also any of the individuals involved - in the past or presently. In particular we would like information on Philip Henchoz and also Deepesh Tank - aslo known as Dipesh Tank This may be the same Dipesh who likes fast cars and if so, he may live in Leicestershire. I have some pictures of his car - a Porsche and the reg number which I will post up later.
  2. Well arnt i the idiot... yes i should have done the homework i do all the time when dealing with companies on the internet.... well fallen hook line and sinker. sent these idiots 2 iphones at different times... (on the phone to them now.. well on hold over hr so far) So sent them mine after offer of £186.... yes they claimed its was damaged utter rubbish that was i posted in layer upon layer of bubble wrap. so told thEm send it back and paid the postage fee. they cam back counter offer £138.00 plus they will refund my postage charge. still waiting 28/10 they said they sent my funds nope still waiting... (still on the phone) but after thinking they were doing my transfer ect i sent them a second phone hoping stupidly that it was a blip. yes still waiting to hear on that one. . So after reading everyones complaints on many different fourm sites ive Gone straight to small claims court paid £25.00 so they now ave 14 days to sort this out. im outraged tbh. even want to contact the police report fraud as that is what they are doing STILL ON HOLD BY THE WAY. ANYONE GOT A NUMBER OTHER THAN THIS STUPID 0845 NUMBER ENDING 1064
  3. Hi, I'm new to forums and I don't really know how they work, so I'm sorry if writing this is the wrong area. As my title explains I stupidly sent this company my phone without researching them first! I sent them my phone at the beginning of September as they were offering more than the other companies (£75) I knew they would probably lower their offer as my phone had a couple of scratches, however they lowered it to £24.52, so I paid the £8.95 return fee to get my phone back on 12th September. When I didn't receive my phone I sent an email to them, I then received a phone call on 19th September and the caller said there had been a mistake and they could offer me £55 plus my return fee back, I accepted this and was told payment would be in my account in 72 hours, needless to say after many emails back and forward, me demanding my money and them blaming technical difficulties I still do not have my money, I also asked for them just to return my phone instead and they said they couldn't because they had already recycled it. I would like advice as to what to do know, I'm willing to do whatever it takes so they don't get away with it!!
  4. If you are one of the many people who have had their phone stolen by this crowd then you are a creditor of the company. If you have a judgment against them then you are a preferred creditor. Please spread the word on this meeting to Facebook, Twitter - and of course - other victims. The short url for this thread is - cag.tw/tf7 http://www.london-gazette.co.uk/issues/60744/notices/1969420/recent=10;category=corp-insolvency-winding-up-creditors;subcategory=meetings-creditors
  5. This is my frist time dealing with any thing like this and I feel a bit out of my depth. I started procedures against Cash4Phones some time ago but have heard nothing from them. This is what's happened so far: After waiting a month, there has been no defence and so a judgement by default was issued on 29/11/2013. There has been no reply to this as of 03/12/13.According to MCOL, the only option I have now is to issue a warrant, which would cost £100. At this point, they owe me £107 so that seems a bit pointless. I used this address: ...but how do I know that's their offices? It could just be their warehouse or whatever. I am in receipt of ESA and cannot really afford this easily. I suffer from mental health issues which complicates things. (Schizophrenia, depression, post-traumatic stress) What to do? Thanks so much in advance.
  6. Hi, I can see there are lots in the same situation as me. but i have a few questions. 1) What is there contact phone number as i cant seem to find it. 2) I see that people have mentioned an accept offer button I have never seen that were is it. 3) My a/c says payment pending doe that mean i have accepted there offer. I was lucky as when i sent my phone to them they only changed there offer by a few pence. I now just want what they offered. I may just have to put this down to experience as i dont have £25(i know i would get it back but you have to have it first) to take them to court i sent them my phone so that i could put the money towards xmas presents for my son as i am now a single mum. If any one could give me any further suggestions of what i could do i would quite happily try them. su
  7. Here are two sets of county court judgments. One relates to their LTD liability company and the other to their trading name. There are probably more judgments at their other address and also in the name of devicebuyer but we don’t have the resources to buy any more. Against their trading name:- Against them as a Ltd company
  8. Note to self - Don't just click through a comparison site and go with the highest paying mobile recyling company. Foolishly sent my phone off to them over 2 weeks ago now. Their website just says they have sent my return pack, no communication from them, no money, and no response to the only way you seem to be able to contact them (through their website) Well and truely had I guess
  9. They have changed their registered name that Cash4Phones were trading under C4P Trading Limited to Yemonia LIMITED and moved from EC2 to W2 (although their C4P Trading Limited site shows this as the registered company name and not Yemoniaicon LIMITED as showing on webcheck on the companies house site http://www.cash4phones.co.uk/corporate/contact-us.aspx). I have been waiting since 11th of October to be paid £132.40 and they are now ignoring my emails and no one picks up their phone. Had started small claims court:mad2: Proceeding but cannot enforce judgement as don't know where they are now and I also don't want to waste any more money unless I have too. have put in a complaint to Watchdog about their new [problem] about not paying, Watchdog had ran the original 'excessive wear and tear' [problem] which I found yesterday http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b006.../cash-4-phones. I have also contacted ActionFraud and put in a case so have a crime reference number, I do hope that this action, if enough people do this, results in the owners being arrested and their business being closed down. As for re-claiming any money am not confidant any longer and has already cost me another £25 to put a claim in the small claims court, am told will cost even more if judgement has been approved and then I try to enforce...
  10. Hello, Cash4phones are trying to rip me off over my perfect condition samsung galaxy s 2 I sent them back in early september. I had the usual email stating it failed their inspection and they had revised their offer down from £107 to £38.19 due to excessive scratching on screen, it had a screen protector on all its life and was bubble wrapped massively before sending. Naturally I logged on to their site and rejected the offer, paid the £8 something to return the phone. This was on 16th september. On the 20th september I recieved a call from one of them offering me £87 plus the return fee back, I accepted this and got an email stating it had been transferred to my bank account and i may have to wait upto 10 working days for it to show. I have never seen this money. I have spoke to them twice on the phone since, and had a promise it would be with me no later than 1st november, since then I sent them a letter explaining I havent received my money and if they didnt pay Im going to pursue legal action. that was a week ago now, still no money, i now have to start a claim, is there anything I should specifically do? Ive been reading the threads here and following the links to see what others have done, I hope I get it right! I cannot stand that this company has taken my phone and money, and they are still doing it to everybody it seems, how can this be allowed! Regards
  11. Hi all, I've had the usual experience of being told my payment of £152 is pending and then not receiving anything. Contacted them by email but got no response. Started filling in the MCOL form today (22/12/13), went to the C4P website to get the full postal address...and the website has gone. I've read a few posts saying they have changed company names. New to all this. Can I bring an action against a company that has ceased trading? Can I bring an action against a new company name and address (even though my contract was with C4P)? Or have I missed the boat completely? Appreciate I should have done my research, but this still feels a lot like theft to me. Any strategy advice would be greatly appreciated. Jonathan
  12. Hi, I recently sent my phone to cash4phones, and after going through what I've since found out to be the usual farce, I accepted an offer from them for my phone that I was happy with, however it has now been over 3 weeks since their website has told me that I have been paid, and, surprise surprise, I haven't. I chose cheque as my desired payment method, so naturally left it a while for it to come through the post, however this is now much longer than it should take to receive. I have tried calling them but spent around 20 minutes on hold before being cut off, and sent them a message via their website threatening legal action, however no response, although I don't have my barcode only my order ID so not sure whether they will bother looking at it. Do you have any suggestions? I guess my next step would be to send a letter saying much the same, though would anyone be able to advise me on the best things to include in this? Thanks for your time!
  13. Well, well, well......... As i was expecting, after reading the reviews on this "company", i received a less than 50% offer on 2 phones sent in! Both phones were in good condition, with very minor wear and tear. However according to "cash4phones" they had excessive wear and tear! Im in shock! What a bunch of crooks. Im having none of it, and will be visiting bounds green very soon in order to collect my phones, as i will not be paying £8.95 per phone to have them returned. Whilst im there i would be very interested to know how they think they can rip people off and get away with it. Im sure Watchdog would welcome another investigation into this company if enough of us voice our concerns, as i will after my visit. For those who have been fooled by "cash4phones", i know of a Government funded department that can help you claim your monies owed. Stay Away from cash4phones
  14. Hi Exactly the same problems. Cash4phones claim they have already recycled my phones due to me not responding within the 5 day period. I constantly rang - they do not answer the phone, and emailed - they do not respond. I have since send recorded delivery letters and they have responded, offering more money but still not paying. I would like to take this further through the moneyclaims.gov.uk and have read speck1965 link. Does anyone know how long court action takes? The fact I accepted a lower offer (not the original low) if they paid within a time period, does this affect me claiming for the full amount they initially said they would send? Would appreciate any advice.
  15. Hi, following previous threads I have decided to start a new thread on this shambles of a company. My girlfriend (who is pregnant and doesn't need the stress) sent off her iphone 4 in perfect condition approximately 3/4 weeks ago. [i will have the specifics later - at work currently] The company originally quoted £138 however on receiving the phone came back with a counter offer of approx £40. My girlfriend rejected it and paid the 8.95 to have the phone returned. The next couple days she chased them about sending the phone and they said they were going to and then, that they had. 2 weeks have passed of calls chasing and no answers/call backs and no phone - They eventually call her back and mention that people have made mistakes on the counter offer and the phone is in good condition and they therefore can offer £100, she declines and then they offer full value! [My girlfriend subsequently put the phone on ebay so all offers are rejected.] She just wants the phone sent back and makes this clear on the phone. My girlfriend calls them this week to ask again where it is, and the girl says that it hasn't been sent.. My girlfriend, now fuming, said she's going to drive (From Yate, North Bristol) to London to pick it up.. The girl on the line attempts to put my girlfriend on hold and accidently leaves the line open as she talks to her boss. The girl mentions that she doesn't know what to do etc and the manager/or higher personnel tells her to lie to my girlfriend and make sure she doesn't come. She has been messed around time and time again and I have therefore decided that I need to send a letter to them threatening legal action. My girlfriend so far has spent £20+ on her phone bill (mainly on hold or listening to broken promises) and paid 8.95 2 weeks ago.. yet they still have her phone and/or lost/sold it! I can't believe with the plethora of people in the same boat that no severe legal action is being taken. My understanding is that this company is run by directors, whom regularly change directorship. Surely, there MUST be something more severe that can be done here. It's an outrage that they continue to trade. Consumer - PLEASE help me with my initial letter to them. I don't want to make any legal mishaps. Perhaps a letter template moving forward could be used by all in the same boat and pinned on this forum. Many thanks for your time and help. Regards, Andy.
  16. Looking for advice! Having major issues with Cash4Phones. . . should have read reviews first but was in a rush to send the phone away, as they chased up my phone with an e-mail saying the offer was only valid for so many days, even though I received the return package 6 DAYS after the date of the letter! Anyway, I was offered £87 for a Blackberry 9860 which I bought for over £150, thought thats fair enough, so proceed to post it. They come back with a derisory offer of £30.48!!!. . . £57 shorter than the original offer and quoting that there was and I quote "Excessive scratching on screen" I would like to point out that this is not the case, I took the liberty to take photos of the phone before posting (which I attach). You will see the screen is near perfect! Anyway, needless to say I won't be accepting that ridiculous offer, so went to reject it only to find they want to charge £8.95 to return it! Absolutely disgusted and no idea how to proceed?! Would be greatful if anyone can help!
  17. I see other people are having problems with these people. My iphone 4 8GB arrived to cash4phones on 29/8/13, had a good offer and got sucked in. Testing failed on 29/8/13 due to excessive wear and tear! Counter offer of £48.88 which I accepted, Payment they say was processed on 2/9/13 but been constantly emailing them through their contact form where first I was told it would take 5-7 days, I chased them after 10 days with a response there was a technical issue and would get a payment in the next 5-7 days. Still no payment got another message saying I would be paid at the end of the week (2 weeks ago), have now contacted them again by the form saying I have had enough and expect payment in my account or I will go further. I see so many people have been having nightmares with this company and wondered if there was any help I could get please.
  18. Hi, I have read through a number of existing threads on your site outlining similar experiences to mine ( cannot include the links here as I have no previous posts). Unfortunately I did not see them before I sent my phone to cash4phones. Regardless, I have taken your advice and have written a LBA which I attach here. Your assistance in this matter would be very helpful (NB I'm in Scotland where I understand the court proceedings are slightly different). [Your address] [supplier's address] Dear Reference: Order ID xxxxxxx As it has not been possible to resolve this matter amicably, and it is apparent that court action may be necessary, I write in compliance with the Practice Direction on Pre-Action Conduct. I had a black iPhone 4 16GB telephone in pristine condition and obtained a valuation from Cash4phones online for £113. In this basis, I sent the phone in to Cash4phones, carefully wrapped in bubble wrap. Upon receipt, Cash4phones offered £39.16 explaining that this reduced price was based on “Speaker Or Microphone not working” and “Moderate wear and tear” which is a clear discrepancy to the actual condition of the phone sent in. I asked Cash4phones to return the handset which Cash4phones refused sighting. sighting expiration of the 5 day limit. The telephone was sent in pristine condition. From you I am claiming a full repayment as initially outlined and valued on the Cash4phones website, in the sum of £113. Listed below are the documents on which I intend to rely in my claim against you: - similar complaints involving Cash4phones on the internet In accordance with the Practice Direction on Pre-Action Conduct I would request that you provide me with copies of the following documents: - all communication (email, via Cash4phones online contact form, etc) between Cahs4phones and myself I can confirm that I would be agreeable to mediation and would consider any other system of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in order to avoid the need for this matter to be resolved by the courts. I would invite you to put forward any proposals in this regard. In closing, I would draw your attention to section II (4) of the Practice Direction which gives the courts the power to impose sanctions on the parties if they fail to comply with the direction including failing to respond to this letter before claim. I look forward to hearing from you within the next 14 days. Should I not receive a response to my letter within this time frame, then I anticipate that court action will be commenced with no further reference to you. Yours sincerely, _____ Again, your advice and feedback in this matter would be very much appreciated.
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