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Found 7 results

  1. Hi I am after some advice please. Just found out my wife has a CCJ in her maiden name and her old registered address. It relates to a parking ticket issued at Willen Lake. Milton Keynes Cost £155 This is the first we have found out about after completing a credit check. We do not have the vehicle anymore and it was registered to the old registered address before changing it the new address. What are our options now because its affecting her credit rating? Thanks
  2. Hi there I live in England and need to take the Bank of Scotland to Court for a Money Claim of around £35K; I put in my claim to the CCMCC and the forms have been returned stating that I need to accompany the Claim Form with Form N510. The form can be ticked in about 8 different places, but you can only tick 1 ! I've tried understanding which one to tick, but some are REALLY similar. Could someone please tell me which one? Many thanks
  3. [ATTACH=CONFIG]52562[/ATTACH] Here is a copy of the claim form which has been kindly supplied by the County Court sitting at Bury. This is the claim which succeeded against LegalCare – although the judgement remains outstanding and unsatisfied. If you read the claim form, you will find that it is same very familiar story. According to LegalCare they have any tens of thousands of satisfied customers. It is obviously a very nice little earner. However, on the basis of the stories that we see around the Internet and the stories that we have received on this forum, and on the basis of the legal actions which have been conducted against LegalCare, we would not recommend them and we would warn everybody to stay well clear. Quite frankly you're likely to find that the advice given on this forum – completely free of charge – will be just as good – maybe better – probably far more practical – and based on people's real-life experience. The claim form has been redacted to protect the identity of the claimant. The claimant is not aware that we have obtained this claim form and that it has been posted on this forum. However, it is a public document and a County Court judge authorised its provision to us. We are trying to contact claimant to invite him to come onto this forum. However, if you happen to know somebody in the Bury area who has sued Legalcare but has been unable to get their money back through enforcement of the judgement, please alert them to this thread and invite them to come onto the forum.
  4. There is an unsatisfied judgment recorded against ASKA PROFESSIONAL LTD MARITIME HOUSE, BASIN ROAD NORTH, PORTSLADE, BRIGHTON, BN41 1WR At BURY Court claim no. 3QZ17285 dated 24/04/14 £253 Aska Professional Ltd trade as Legalcare. They may trade under other names as well. We don't know. It may be that this judgment is not connected with Aska's Legalcare activities but the fact that the case was transferred to bury rather than Aska's local court in Brighton suggests that the claimant was an individual - not a business. We would be very interested to receive information as to the circumstances of the case and why the judgment has not yet been enforced. Maybe someone could let us know on our admin email address please. Put "aska judgment" in the subj.line.
  5. Here are two sets of county court judgments. One relates to their LTD liability company and the other to their trading name. There are probably more judgments at their other address and also in the name of devicebuyer but we don’t have the resources to buy any more. Against their trading name:- Against them as a Ltd company
  6. I have a 13 year old crossbread who I love dearly. on the outer ankle area of his left front leg he has what looks to me like an injury which has become infected. We took him to the vets yesterday, not had to bother taking him to the vets much as he is a really healthy dog so dont really have a relationship with a vet as such and I am quite upset and concerned by her diagnosis. Upon looking at the wound, which to be fair is quite grotesque, she immediately said that it is a huge mass and a tumour and needs to be surgically removed and that is what the foul smell coming from him was. This last point made my husband cross as the fould smell was his breath due to him licking this infection/abscess and annoyed him that she couldnt tell the difference. She cleaned the wound, gave him a lampshade to stop him licking it as this is making it worse, and some antibiotics and pain relief. She also quoted surgery at £650-£700. I told her that due to his age and cost I was unsure if this is something we would want to do and she just told me that we had to hope that it would heal then. Also that it could take weeks or months to fully heal. I feel in limbo as we have no idea what not operating would mean, it seems to us that she has implied we put him to sleep, but he is not in pain and apart from this is very health. We are following the treatment, cleaning 2 x daily and his meds, but after already paying £77 to her am a bit wary about taking him back on Monday as tbh I dont have much faith in her. Does anyone know if a person not on benefits could get help with a vets bill or would I be screwed???
  7. Hello all, Has anyone encountered this before? I have an CCJ that was satisfied over 2 yearsago, yet showing on my credit reports as unsatisfied. Due to an previous issueregarding this judgement, I contacted HM Courts and Tribunal Service to getthis rectified over two months ago, and have had no response from them. I also have contacted the credit reference agencies, one of them hascorrected this while the other has informed, that the Registry Trust has saidthat the CCJ isn’t satisfied and that I have to contact the local court. I havecontacted the local court who have admitted that the CCJ is satisfied, but isat a loss as to why the Registry Trust wasn’t informed, as this is an automaticprocess. The local court will contact the Registry Trust to correct this. I am rather annoyed as I have had an job offer withdrawn because of thiserror. Any advice, would be most appreciated.
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