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Found 7 results

  1. Changes to the Driving Test will likely be introduced on 4th December 2017 http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/driving-test-learner-sat-nav-three-point-turn-dvsa-driver-and-vehicle-standards-agency-uk-a7684801.html
  2. I purchased a £200 Garmin Sat Nav from Argos in August 2015. By April 2016 I was having problems with `Live Traffic` and updating maps via PC. From that time until now I have dealt with Garmin direct due to the problems being of a technical nature. These problems have been pretty regular between then and now, resulting in sending units back at my expense and periods of up to two weeks at a time without a sat nav. I work as a professional driver and rely on a good Sat Nav to provide a good service. After still having problems with another replacement unit sent out in March I stated that I no longer wished to continue with the constant problems and requested a refund. Garmin are telling me my contract is with Argos and Argos are saying its out of its 12 month Warranty period so cannot do anything. Under the circumstances stated, do I have any chance of a refund and if so who should I pursue? Any advice would be appreciated.
  3. Halloween is approaching.Can you believe this event is coming around again. I get so excited this time of year. Already i have been in shops,supermarkets going down the aisles trying masks on,putting claws on. Appearing around corners of aisles. giving friends the scare of the day. Playing with the puppet ghosts things like that. Seems to raise a smile or two in a world of serious issues. Or wondering perhaps when i will be locked up. You are never to old to enjoy these things.Not that security does not give you strange looks as a claw appears to shake their hand. But it usually ends up in a laugh.Thank goodness. If you are older remember your youth.When you were children running around. Go back there,think of those happy times,a happy place.And smile as you remember. So we are building up to this day.Saturday the 31ST october. Get your bags of goodies ready for the kids when they call round with their mums and dads. Do not turn the lights out and avoid.Do not dread this day,enjoy it.Get a Pumpkin,carve it,light it.Put it outside your door. Enjoy this event,have a laugh If you wish to,post a picture. I will, i have a nice one from a few years ago.In a while i will. If you have any recipes for this day post them.Perhaps a picture as well. Give others ideas for this tradition. Do you have a party on this day. I can feel many wanting to post,or i hope they do. If you are not a member just join us,we are a friendly lot.Life is not serious all the time we have to have fun as well. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/register.php
  4. I have a tomtom satnav (2007) i went on its site to update it.However , all that happened was that it wiped off all my maps - so basically i have nothing. .They have offered me a 25% discount voucher code to use on their products.So what are my rights ?given that i had a perfectly working Sat nav turned into scrap by the maker?
  5. Been trying Win Phone Sat Nav (Here Drive+), not bad. seems v good in fact, quite accurate, with speed limit prompts, spoken street names, etc. Partic as can be used 'offline' once a map has been downloaded (via wifi). ie no data charges. any thoughts/experience
  6. I've just had the forms from NatWest for PPI on loans going back as far as 10 years. I'm a little confused as I was told (by NatWest) that there was a time limit of 6 years on making these claims. There are a number of reasons why I believe I'm eligible to reclaim the PPII was told repeatedly that not taking PPI meant I was more likely to be refused a loan My employment over that period changed between employed and self-employed, the staff who completed my loan application knew this and didn't imform me that this would mean I might not be covered by the PPI A staff member told me to always put 'employed' as my employment status even though I changed between statuses & advised during one application I would soon be changing employment status - they didn't mention any of the implications regarding self-employment I have a number of debts outstanding with NatWest that I am paying in an informal debt management arrangement as well as a number of debts with other providers. My NatWest current account has been closed in so far as I can no longer use it. However it is open in the sense that I can still use the sort code and acc number to make payments to pay off the overdraft I had when I closed it to begin paying off my debts in an arrangement. What I'd like to know is: Can NatWest force me to use the money to pay debts I have with them or can I request they pay me by cheque? (I have debts with other companies so I would be required to allocate the money equally between them if I was to use it on my debts) Am I best giving all the reasons why I think I was mis-sold or just to stick to one and keep my answers on the form brief (they're a bit of an essay currently!) Thanks in advance.
  7. I have a little sat nav It sits there in my car A Satnav is a driver's friend It tells you where you are I have a little Satnav I've had it all my life It does more than the normal one My Satnav is my wife It gives me full instructions On exactly how to drive "It's thirty miles an hour" it says "And you're doing thirty five" It tells me when to stop and start And when to use the brake And tells me that it's never ever Safe to overtake It tells me when a light is red And when it goes to green It seems to know instinctively Just when to intervene It lists the vehicles just in front It lists those to the rear And taking this into account It specifies my gear I'm sure no other driver Has so helpful a device For when we leave and lock the car It still gives it's advice It fills me up with counselling Each journey's pretty fraught So why don't I exchange it And get a quieter sort Ah well you see it cleans the house Makes sure i'm properly fed It washes all my shirts and things And - keeps me warm in bed!
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