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Found 7 results

  1. Hello everyone, I wonder if people can help here. I have got a CCJ against someone for 18K recently. I am looking at getting a charging order against this individual on their beneficial interest which i believe they hold in a property. Now they are not a legal owner (ie not on the title deeds) I know it is possible to get a charge against the beneficial interest,but i believe the court sets the evidence bar very high to prove beneficial interest. Before i embark down this path can anyone advise what evidence the court would require to prove the beneficial interest as i dont believe i would automatically get an interim charging order without a hearing or providing substantial evidence
  2. Hi, I am with a work program provider Ingeus who asked me to apply for a job with a local agency, this job was an immediate start and the induction was to commence within the week. A member of staff with Ingeus took my details and then said as we want a cross section may I ask your age please ? 2 weeks later I have heard nothing, I have mentioned it but they just brush aside saying they never took anyone on which I find strange. How would I go finding out if indeed my age was a factor, is asking the question about my age discrimination regardless and if so who do I take my complaint to. Any help advice appreciated.
  3. Hiya Everyone. I am in a pretty complicated situation and I'm very worried about it. I am posting in case anybody has any advice about this sort of thing. I'm self employed and last week I received a letter asking me to prove my self employment. They want all the details from August 13 to November 13th, and they want these details by December 13th. I work several self employed jobs. As an adult phone operator (Have done since 2007) in May this year I opened an etsy shop, and more recently I have started working on another text chat system. Whats making me so nervous is proving my hours worked and income etc. The hours worked on the phone job each week vary from 5 -15 hours weekly. The past few months the hours I've worked have been on the lower end. I have invoices to send them, but the hours 'talk time' shown on them can be very low. I sign into the other text service, but proving hours worked is actually impossible, I have never received any payment from it as I am yet to receive a single text. On etsy. I've only had 8 orders since may (2 refunded). As you can see I am going to have an extremely hard time proving that I've been doing 30 hours and I am so nervous about this that I just don't know what to do. I spoke to them earlier today and the lady told me to 'just go back on the calendar and write down what you think you've done'.........that really doesn't help. I am just wondering if just having the Etsy shop counts? I mean even though I'm not getting that many customers, does having an open shop count towards self employed hours? The same way it would if I had a physical shop that wasn't receiving any customers? I'm pretty stressed about it. I'm worried they are going to say I haven't been doing the hours I should and fine me/stop my tax credits. Or that they'll want me to come in and see them (I'm a very socially anxious person who finds it hard just going to the shop, so I would find it physically impossible to have to do something like that, especially being question etc) So any advice at all would be amazing at the moment, Thank you
  4. Hi, I could really do with some help. I have been the victim of fraud by a builder working at my property accessing my credit card without my knowledge and running up a huge debt. I very rarely used the card and never received statements in the post. Turns out the statements were being sent but were being accessed and disposed of whilst I was at work. I have been fighting this debt since 2004 with the debt being sold from one debt collection agency to another. Finally Arrow Global instructed Restons Solicitors to take me to Court for the settlement of the outstanding debt which was not caused by me. Unfortunately I lost the court case and the Judge found in the favour of the Bank (they had a better Barrister than me) and now I have to pay back thousands of pounds of debt that I didn't cause. I have been told I cannot appeal the decision. I am being forced to pay the debt whether I like it or not! I am a single mum and cant afford this and shouldn't have to pay something that has nothing to do with me. I have offered a payment of £50 a month just to keep them quiet but they have rejected my offer. They want nearly £300 per month which I cannot afford. Does anybody know who I can talk to clear my name or is it too late now I have gone to court? They also want to do a charge on my property that I don't want. I have since found out this Builder has a criminal record and has done the same [problem] to other people. If anybody knows how I can deal with this, it would be appreciated. The Police were made aware initially when I first found out what was going on , but were unable to help me, stating it was up to the Bank or Credit Card company to protect me as the Consumer and their Customer. I certainly haven't been protected in any way shape or form.
  5. Hubby needs to submit self-assessment tax returns for the first time in years. Long since forgotten/lost login details and password for HMRC site, so now received these through the post. Just gone to log in and now have to prove his identity using either Experian or a company I've never heard of called digidentity. Chose Experian as the latter required a current passport and ours have run out, but Experian accepts details off a photocard driving licence - except it didn't and wanted passport details too, so now have to phone up. It did say the problem could be because the system was new. Now what gets me, is the blurb says the Govt are using private companies for ID as they have the expertise in this field, yet they use DVLC and presumably the passport office to verify identification. Last time I heard, these were still under Govt control! How long has this been in place and why is there a need for it? I've heard nothing about it on the news.
  6. Hi, my mum is buying a property (effectively in cash) using money from family members. large bulk of money has been transferred from her cousin who is 89 yrs old. Countrywide have had the building society account book to show her savings but then they said it wasn't old enough and needed to go back a few years and we've done this. then they said they wanted a letter stating the income and job of the cousin from when she started working as well as an account of her lifestyle to prove how she's accumulated her savings and we provided this but now this isn't good enough either, they now want details of the earnings of her dead husband (who died last year at aged 97)! We understand about the money laundering aspect but this is becoming increasingly ridiculous - even the tax man doesn't keep records going back that far! We've said we'll change solicitors but then countrywide sayif we do that we just have to start from scratch and we're supposed to be completing on 12th December. Bank statements from other members of the family have been accepted. has anyone got any advice, thanks. the sum involved from the cousin is £130,000 and will be a short term loan.
  7. hi guys, wondered if anyone could help please? My recently deceased grandmother owned several fields, one of which she had always promised to my dad, the rest of the land was promised to his siblings on a sale and break-up basis. Several promises were made that my dad would inherit this land, such as "do what you see fit, it will be yours one day" and at one point there was a suggestion my dad may wish to seek planning permission for the land to build a house for him and my mum. Her will contained something entirely different in that three of the six siblings who were due to inherit (one took his share when my grandfather passed away) would have £10,000 each, the rest of the estate, including a farm house and several fields would be split among the other three siblings, making a share of C.£100k each. I understand that a caveat can be entered in order to stop the grant of probate, but what is the next step? my dad really can't afford to employ a lawyer and with the history there is a clear case for estoppel
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