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Found 9 results

  1. Please help, First time I received my salary and my outgoings monthly payments are bigger than amount received. I have unsecured loans and pay day loans and this Month I won’t be able to pay 3 of them, I read all the 10 steps but I am still panicking, I have more payments than my salary and I need at least 3 Month to back to "normal" when my paY day loans will be paid in full but this Month and next one I have to stop some payments. Please help and let me know how to go the creditors and what I can ask TO HELP ME, WHAT should I tell them? Can I ask to freeze 2 Month instalments or just offer pay a little? Many thanks
  2. Around £3.7 billion of benefits is going unclaimed by pensioners each year. A staggering 40% people haven't ever checked to see if they are eligible for help, with things like Pension Credit. Around half have no idea that, if they live alone, they can get 25% off their Council Tax, too. If an older person gets Pension Credit, it can free up a lot of other financial help as well, so it is well worth looking into. The charity has launched a free Moneywise advice guide for older people, their families and carers, which gives tips on how to make the most out of older people's income. http://www.independentage.org/
  3. I suffer with depression and social anxiety. I attended the appointment with my sister. I am on antidepressants a high dose, on beta blockers and waiting for CBT. I have suffered since a child and only started getting help in the last few years. I scored 0 on everything. How has this happened. We did record the interview knowing last time the interviewer lied about how I answered questions. I sorry for being blunt but feel like giving up on life with no hope everyday is so hard and this is just another worry. What am I meant to do, appealing is such a long stressful process and I don't think I could cope going through that again. It is so belittling. This is messing with my mental health. Please tell me what to do.
  4. Dear Readers, Does anyone if it's true that a person can be prosecuted for not claiming all the benefits that they are entitled to? e.g. if they knew that claiming one would be less beneficiai...I've heard this, but don't believe it.
  5. Hello good people, l've replaced a 3G connection from THREE with a 4G connection from EE. I'm trying to be polite about EE, trying v. hard. There appears to be something badly wrong with the CRM software. The 'family-friendly' filters prevent access to Microsoft's Help and Support sites. Specifically 'BITS' a function of Windows 8, Background Intelligent Transfer Service. When I bought this device I specifically asked the vendor, EE store in Brent Cross, to get rid of the Child block. Minor C###ups include: no ability to check Data usage or ,and this is dumb, no ability to add pre-purchased Data to a Data plan, actually maybe the last is a 'f' you kind of business plan. Now it seems to be a weekly exercise to justify my Adult decisions. I'm not prepared to go through this whole Palaver again, paid my Money, don't need the B.S. Peter
  6. Hi there I don’t know where to put this or were to start but you guysin the past have served me well Ive recently split with my fiancé after 8 years When we met we were both bargain basement (desperate for oursaviours) we picked each other up and put each other back together I truly love loved her but the chemistry from me to her was alwayslacking if she was my ideal i would have married her She did want to marry me but i always held back 2 years ago my dad passed away and she was there for me wheni needed her she has been exelent to my 2 children and i have bought her 2children up as my own I currently have mortgage arreas of £2300 and am expecting acourt letter any day soon I have means to pay the arrears (not all at once obviously)but have a good job that i enjoy I have sort of told my employer the situation but i haven’t beento work for the past 3 days I have only worked there for 8 months and said to the boss iam currently in a mess but don’t want to loose my job He has said that its ok these things happen don’t worry butkeep me informed I have a dog my daughter lives with me whos 19 and i have alovely home but just cant seem to pull myself together I have always been an emotional teary sort of person I look at the dog and can see the dogs missing her I look at my daughter and i can see I’m upsetting her cos she’sseeing me upset The X is off today to look for somewhere else to live whichis worrying me because i genuinely wish her well and want her to be ok but shehas no plan i have told her she is welcome back here anytime as its thanks toher i didn’t lose my house 8 years ago but i have told her i can’t keep thatdoor open for ever In summary .............. I feel sorry for myself Feel sorry for her Feel sorry for my daughter Worried about my house Worried about loosing my job Not eaten hardly anthing for the past 3 days Any advice ?
  7. I am hoping someone can help me, or at least tell me that I am right. Back Story I obtained my credit report from Equifax on Monday, and it shows that I have a default for EE from July 2009. I have paid this balance in full and continued to use the mobile contract up to present day. Now I have an outstanding balance accumulated in January for a massive bill, and I am on a Arrangement with Orange to pay this off. Now, on the report it shows as Defaulted in 2009, not satisfied, and no payment history from the default up to present day. Contact So I decided to fire off an email to Orange Credit Team a copy of which is below: --------------------------------------------- Good Afternoon. Please can you copy (email address) into any replies as I will not have access to this email address as of 1st March 2013. Name: xxxxxx Mobile Number: xxxxxxx Address: xxxxxx Credit Ref: XXXXxxxx I am writing in reference to a default that was applied to my credit report on July 2009. Firstly, I never received a default notice regarding this account. So you can imagine my surprise in seeing this today when I obtained my credit report from Equifax. If this default is indeed genuine, then it is still stated as defaulted on your report entry, although the balance was settle in August 2009 and I have continued to use the contract up to present day. Also on the report it shows no payment history going up to present day. As this is the only item on my report, I am using this to build my credit profile. Please can you advise why this is still showing as defaulted and not settled? (Attached screenshot of Equifax) Thanks, xxxxxxxxx ------------------------------ Ok, then I got a response within 24 Hours, not even copied the other address as requested; ----------------------------------- Our Ref: xx/xxxxxx/xxxxxxx Dear Mr xxxx Thank you for your recent email. £xxx.00 is still outstanding. Could you please pay this amount as soon as possible? You can make a payment by calling us on 07973 100178. As soon as you’ve paid, we’ll update your credit record. ---------------------------- This tells me absolutly nothing regarding my original questions, so I sent this reply -------------------------------- Your Ref: xx/xxxxxx/xxxxxxx Dear Mr xxxxx, Thank you for your quick response. I indeed know there is an outstanding balance for £xxx on this account, but this was accumulated from December 2012. I currently have an arrangement of pay for this balance that was set up on 22/01/2013. Please could you advise why the default is attached to the account from 2009 as my original query stated? Also my second question regarding the payment history from 2009 to 2013 not showing on the credit report. I await your reply, xxxxxxxx --------------------------------------------------- This is the reply today -------------------------------------- Thank you for the response. The default showing on your credit file relates to arrears on your account which were left unpaid for over 6 months. We can see that you have since cleared the arrears and as a result your subscription was reconnected to this account. As the same account was used this has meant that credit file information has not updated since reconnection. Hence the payment history from 2009 to 2013 is not showing. We would be happy to update your credit file once the outstanding balance is cleared in full. Thanks again for contacting us. Regards ------------------------------------ My reply today ------------------------------ Our Ref: xx/xxxxxxxx/xxxxxx Dear Mr xxxxx, Thank you for your quick reply again. I am still failing to see the relevance of this outstanding balance. Please can you advise what the credit report will show once the payment is paid. Also, can you advise what would have happened if this query was raised in November of 2012 before this new debt was accumulated? Surely after the account was settled in 2009 then the default would also show settled. Also I really do not understand how I can have no payment history on my account from 2009, and also the arrangement to pay is not showing that was set up in January of this year. This record is severely damaging my credit rating and I am attempting my best to get this rebuilt. But it appears all the work I have done from 2009 up to present has not counted as anything as it is not showing on Equifax. I look forward to your reply, and also please can you reply to all on the next reply so that my personal email address gets a copy. I will be unable to use this mailbox from 1st March as stipulated in the original request. Regards, xxxxxxx ------------------------------------------ Now am I wrong, or should this info be on my credit report. Also, is there any threats I can include to get this updated straight away? You help is appreciated, Steve
  8. Hey guys, im new to the forums - but been lurking for a long time Im pretty overwelmed by the wealth of information, what are some great sources to learn from for beginners? Any tips or advice -- I recently graduated and am facing £10,000 in student loan debt and have not secured post-graduation employment. -Lounorte
  9. i cant take anymore. i have been done for benefit fraud. For three years they think iv had a partner, when really hes been living here since feb. i have to admit to it, but i dont dare, until today when a letter came saying tax credits and housing benefit are investigating. I have to go for another interview with housing benefit. i honestly cant take anymore. Im close to taking myself and my babies lives, just running away. i can not see a way out of this. what can i do? i feel sick. its so close to xmas and my mums anniversary of her death. AND iv just been diagnosed with depression again.
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