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    • Thousands more passengers could face delays or cancellations after an arson attack on France's train network on Friday.View the full article
    • you never use or give an email  2nd class stamp with free proof of posting from any po counter dx
    • Much appreciated for the ammendment. The snottier the better right!   What I am assuming is that this response is to be posted to Gladstones? However, I am seeing some users sending this as an email instead, which is a little confusing.  If we're happy with this response, what would you suggest is the best way to send it over to them (post/email), and is there anything additional I could include (if necessary)?  Thanks again! 
    • Hi I've read through other threads to better inform me of the process from here onwards. When I put in the MoneyClaim it gave me a claim number and it currently says to wait for the defendant to respond, they have until 7 August.   It seems their most likely action is to extend that a further 14 days to about 21 August - this hasn't happened yet, of course, as it is only 27 July but I'm anticipating that may be the case. when the expected defence action is taken by EVRi I will need to submit DQ with these responses A1 - no mediation B - my contact details C1 - yes to the small claims track D1 - No.  If No please state why.  I believe the defence will provide some rebuttal to the particulars of claim and so I need to include details as to why the claim requires a hearing.  Is there some certain templated text I can include here or will it vary depending on what the defendant comes back with? I see on the form it mentions the following: Relevant reasons include that there are factual disputes which will need the judge to hear from witnesses directly or the issues are so complex they need to be argued orally.  Hoping to reach out to see what may be the most effective statements for D1 reasoning. E1-5 are pretty straightforward. I want to get ahead of things and be ready to take the next step so I appreciate what advice you may have about the DQ.   Thanks!  
    • Rachel Reeves is set to reveal a public finances shortfall of billions on pounds after a snap audit.View the full article
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    • If you are buying a used car – you need to read this survival guide.
      • 1 reply
    • Hello,

      On 15/1/24 booked appointment with Big Motoring World (BMW) to view a mini on 17/1/24 at 8pm at their Enfield dealership.  

      Car was dirty and test drive was two circuits of roundabout on entry to the showroom.  Was p/x my car and rushed by sales exec and a manager into buying the mini and a 3yr warranty that night, sale all wrapped up by 10pm.  They strongly advised me taking warranty out on car that age (2017) and confirmed it was honoured at over 500 UK registered garages.

      The next day, 18/1/24 noticed amber engine warning light on dashboard , immediately phoned BMW aftercare team to ask for it to be investigated asap at nearest garage to me. After 15 mins on hold was told only their 5 service centres across the UK can deal with car issues with earliest date for inspection in March ! Said I’m not happy with that given what sales team advised or driving car. Told an amber warning light only advisory so to drive with caution and call back when light goes red.

      I’m not happy to do this, drive the car or with the after care experience (a sign of further stresses to come) so want a refund and to return the car asap.

      Please can you advise what I need to do today to get this done. 

      Many thanks 
      • 81 replies
    • Housing Association property flooding. https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/topic/438641-housing-association-property-flooding/&do=findComment&comment=5124299
      • 162 replies
    • We have finally managed to obtain the transcript of this case.

      The judge's reasoning is very useful and will certainly be helpful in any other cases relating to third-party rights where the customer has contracted with the courier company by using a broker.
      This is generally speaking the problem with using PackLink who are domiciled in Spain and very conveniently out of reach of the British justice system.

      Frankly I don't think that is any accident.

      One of the points that the judge made was that the customers contract with the broker specifically refers to the courier – and it is clear that the courier knows that they are acting for a third party. There is no need to name the third party. They just have to be recognisably part of a class of person – such as a sender or a recipient of the parcel.

      Please note that a recent case against UPS failed on exactly the same issue with the judge held that the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 did not apply.

      We will be getting that transcript very soon. We will look at it and we will understand how the judge made such catastrophic mistakes. It was a very poor judgement.
      We will be recommending that people do include this adverse judgement in their bundle so that when they go to county court the judge will see both sides and see the arguments against this adverse judgement.
      Also, we will be to demonstrate to the judge that we are fair-minded and that we don't mind bringing everything to the attention of the judge even if it is against our own interests.
      This is good ethical practice.

      It would be very nice if the parcel delivery companies – including EVRi – practised this kind of thing as well.


      OT APPROVED, 365MC637, FAROOQ, EVRi, 12.07.23 (BRENT) - J v4.pdf
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ok so back in Jan i had a letter from dwp inviting me for an IUC. I have been accused of living with a partner for the last 3 years. To cut a long story short my ESA payments have been suspended and they are seeking an overpayment.


grounds for suspicion

well back 3 years ago my ex turned up at my door after losing his job and his home asking for my help. i helped him find somewhere to stay and my family loaned him a considerable amount of money to pay off some of his debts.. during this time we began an intimate relationship. however, he had a lot of problems. he's an alcoholic and smokes in excess of 40 ciggarettes a day. When drinking he becomes abusive and in the past, verbal and mental abuse turned to physical abuse (i was forced into a womens refuge to flee from him). So for that reason i could not let him live with me because unlike the past i had children to think about.


When not under the influence of beer he's the nicest person ever.. So we devised a plan....

he would transfer money into my bank. I would buy his ciggarettes for him, pay my family back money he owed and either transfer money to him or give cash if i saw him on a daily basis to cover his living costs.. the idea was that he wouldnt be able to drink and would be forced to cut down on his smoking and everyone would be guaranteed money back that they borrowed him.. it was supposed to lead to him being a better person (giving up eventually both drinking and smoking) and put our relationship in a place where we could live together.


Needless to say, it never worked out.. not to go into too much detail i spent every week fighting with him from pay day till mid week (when he was drunk) and the rest of the time he would be trying to convince me it wont happen again, which i always fell for. or i did until some time after april last year. Since then i have not even been in an intimate relationship with him. For a while we were not even in touch till he lost his job and his home again qround 7 months ago.


I have medical issues, mental and physical which have left me unable to do normal day to day things and need a lot of support from family and friends. i got most of my support from my sister, who became pregnant and suffered some complications which left her unable to to provide the level of support she had previously. I moved house and a few weeks later i was burgled. I was already struggling to cope alone and my ex was only too happy to jump to my aid when natuarally i was scared to sleep i my house alone because during the burgulary my daughter heard someone enter the bedroom of my 2 younger children, aged just 5 and 9 months at the time. i asked him to stay on a few occations in the aftermath and during this time my mental health took a serious nose dive and i stopped functioning as a normal person would. my ex was doing practically everything around the house and looking after my younger children when my elder daughter was not at home. sometimes after the children hhad gone to bed he stayed at my house and used the internet. i discovered after i was invited for an interview that he was sometimes falling asleep on the sofa.


So again to cut a long story short, thinking i had done nothing wrong i went along to the interview. I didnt know they were going to accuse me of living with him for the last 3 years. I thought the problem was only that recently my ex stayed more than he should have and i felt confident i could clear that up and that it wouldnt happen again because i had already asked my ex to stay away when i had discovered he was 'falling asleep'


so even though i had not even been in contact with him between jan and about 4 weeks ago (when he became homeless again) the dwp has decided that i was and is still living with him. for almost a month i have been relying on a credit card, but thats going to run out of funds pretty soon. Im really not living with him and i dont know what i am supposed to do. i have spoken to the dwp and been advised of only 2 paths i can take. Either i make a new claim, where i will have to explain what happened between me and my ex (admit we DID live together, but not now) or i have to appeal, which can take weeks.


I have of course written an appeal with a full explanation but in the meantime im worried sick because i have letters coming from everywhere all jumping on the back of a supposed over payment of benefits. Housing benefit is demanding proof of my ex's earning so they can adjust how much housing benefit i get. The same for council tax benefit.. I am seriously worrying i wont even be able to feed my children and will be forced to put them in care and will end up losing my home because i dont have the info they want because my ex does not live with me.


I have taken legal advice and have been told that the DWP have complicated rules and dont even have to prove that you have been living with someone to do this. I can only hope that my personal situation was enough to prove that it would not have been reasonable to ask my ex for financial assistance due to his lifestyle. I feel like im in a no win situation, and to make matteres worse my ex is ready and willing to move in saying he will change, which i know he wont.. what if they say i am living with him still after the appeal? i will either be forced to do what my ex wants or i wont be able to feed my own children. Tough choices which are seriously affecting my mental health to a point wherei feel suicidal because i see no way out

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Sounds like you are really experiencing difficulties at the moment.


If you have not been living together, you should appeal, and gather evidence of where he was living. For example, was he paying rent or council tax at a different property?


You have indicated that you are worried an appeal could take weeks, from experience that is very optimistic, as appeals can often take several months up to a year before a hearing.

If you have found my post useful, please click on the star at the bottom of my post and add some reputation points.

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Hi Foxy-xx, and welcome to CAG! :-)


You must be worried sick but there will be a way through this. There are many of us on CAG who have felt as you do and we have got through it with the help of people here.


I can completely understand why things happened as they did. You have had so many nightmares to deal with.


Several of the girls on here have had investigations here for various benefits and things have been resolved in a number of cases.


You are going to need expert help here, so I have hit the triangle to see who is available from the site team to help you. It can be slower to get a response at the weekend.


Hang in there.



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omg, months, or even a year to get through an appeal? thats bad.


I dont know where my ex is living ATM, he says 'in his car' but i suspect that is a lie. He also says he thinks he is being followed. If he is, then investigators should know exactly where he is. i dont know about council tax because he has rented rooms and his living arrangements have always been unstable, he never seems to stop anywhere for long. he always seems to upset the ppl he lives with and is asked to leave. I know at least one address he has lived where the people deny even knowing him, i can only guess its because he has obtained money from their address as he has mine and they want nothing to do with it. Even his own brother has denied that my ex lived there for 6 months because he is afraid it will affect his benefits or might upset the housing association because he sub let one of his rooms without telling them. so i dont know how im going to get evidence of where he lived/lives


Thanks for taking the time to read and for hitting the triangle for me lol, i didnt know i should do this

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Hi Foxy,


One step at a time and I'm sure you'll get some more advice soon.


The triangle is really for reporting abuse, etc., but it can also be used to alert the site team if someone really needs help, as you do.


Less people are around at the weekend though.


Don't worry. I'll keep bumping the thread for you.


I've said to so many people that they have to tell the truth and keep telling it, and you will have to do the same even if it means giving them all the information you have about his living arrangements.


Your children are the most important people to protect here, and I know you know that.



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Hey Foxxy,

Sorry to hear you're in a mess. The DWP do have to prove you were a couple. They base their decisions on material facts- they have to prove the existence of a relationship

They will look at - how you present yourselves. Do your family/friends/neighbours/kids school see you as a couple.

They will look at children born as a result of the relationship ie does the age of any child point to them being conceived during the period you say you weren't together.

Do you pool resources/share bills etc

These facts in themselves aren't indicative of LTAHW but they piece them together to build up a case.

Now your job is to gather evidence to disprove these facts.

I think the bank account showing him making payments might be the hardest to defend. Try and get evidence of your ex address - Dr letter, bill, bank statement, anything you can.

You should get a letter from doctor/school anyone who will

vouch for you.

Immediately i would contact hardship as you have young

children, you might be classed as in a vulnerable group. If you were not a couple then fight them all the way. There is an Organisation called turn2us who might give you more advice.

Good luck foxxy xx

scotgal 

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Thank you for your advice, i really appreciate it.

In hindsight I know the bank thing is going to be difficult to defend, i wish i had never agreed to do it in the first place. I dont know what neighbours think of me because i am pretty much a recluse and i rarely go out unless i need to and i have only lived here around 8 months. i also dont know how my childs school would view my circumstances because my son only started school in sep and as far as i know they dont know anything of my personal circumstances. Family and friends are shocked. they all say, but you're not living with him. i dont have anything here belonging to him without my address on it. he has had all his important stuff delivered to my address because of how much he has moved around even though i have asked him not to. in Jan i refused to pass on his mail and have returned everything to sender. No bills were combined except for him getting a fone for me on contract which i paid for. I didnt think i could get a contract because i was out of work. Now i do not even have that because in Jan when i wouldnt talk to him he tried to make me by blocking the imei numbers rendering it useless.


I have a daughter born in the time they say we were living together. He is not her father (not going into that its too personal) I concieved during one of our 'off' periods. there are no details of the father on her birth certificate. I dont know if this helps or hinders my siuation. I suppose at a push I could try to prove he is not the father but i would rather not go down that road


I also discovered at one stage my ex was seeing at least 2 other women besides me and was spending time with them while telling me he was renting a room in a shared house, alone. I am now friends with one of these women because of that. will her word or emails between us in the past hold any water? also during 'off' periods we have both had intimate relationships with other ppl. would statements from them hold any water?


I dont have many friends and my sister is the only family i have left but would statements from any of them help? i have never thought of asking because i figured their word wouldnt count since they are emotionally connected to me. My ex doesnt have any family either except a brother who as i already mentioned wont vouch for him.


I didnt think of asking my doctor for a letter. i have recently changed doctors too so im not sure what they are/are not aware of. I dont recall ever being asked by any of the doctors i have seen if i am single or not, how would they know? i suppose i could ask the HV but she is new too. I dont know how to contact HV's in my previous area


at the time he was transferring money to my bank acc we were in a relationship, just not living together. A sp;icitors advice was that i 'must' (he stressed that word) appeal and explain that apart from a few intimate stays. the relationship was volatile with him always saying he would change and there were never any grounds to reasonably expect me to ask him for financial assistance.


He also said that the rules were complicated and they no longer have to prove i was living with someone so im confused about that. He didnt want to spend too much time with me because he didnt want to give me false hope so his advice was was scetchy and rushed. but from what i understood it doesnt matter if i lived with him or not they only have to prove a finacial link, which i guess they have by him transferring money to my account and that he did things for me, which he did from around october to jan but not because we were a couple and not at the same time he was transferring money. If thats the case then they pretty much got me for the time between oct 2010 to april 2012 (the time he was transfgerring money) even though i made no finacial gain and was in fact losing money because he always claimed i didnt give him all his money and constantly borrowed money from me. but since april last year all they have is a phone bill in his name which i paid and what i told them in the interview about him helping me through an extremely difficult time.


There is not a lot of people who can back me up because /i have a social anxiety disorder and avoid any contact with ppl outside my close circle of family and friends so dont tend to talk to anyone unless i have to. i will look up turn2us, thanks for that. I also intend to fight them all the way because the only thing im guilty of is protecting myslef and my family from a man who at times when he was drunk (most of the time) was abusive. i made sure not to let anyone stay more than the odd night here or there and never to accept any handouts. In the past when i did live with him he controlled everything, never paid any bills and never allowed me money to even buy personal items like deoderant or tampons. i was forced to get all the food we needed for the week on just £10 because he spent the rest on beer and ciggarettes. i had to flee to a womens refuge to get away from him when verabal abuse turned to physical abuse. This time i have children to think about so there was no way i was going to allow him to move in unless he stopped drinking because i would have ended up having to drag them through refuge and be forced to give up my home.


scotgal you mention contacting hardship, who are they? sorry if im being stupid i just never heard of hardship. i also dont know what it means to fall under a vulnerable group but im certain my circumstances would be regarded as vulnerable. My HV and psycologist are keeping a close eye on me atm and im waiting a visit from ocupational therapist to get help and support i need in the community. thanks for your kind wishes i think im going to need a lot of luck to get through this

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I would gather as much evidence as you can, anything no matter how unconventional - the youngest child's birth cert with a different father (dont post on here if that's the case) ring your old doctor/HV explain what's happened. I'm just trying to think of ways for you to defend the accusations.

How long has your benefit been stopped? Ring up the people dealing with the investigation and tell them you've no money coming in and your desperate. Having young children places you in a vulnerable group and also your own conditions (Im not asking what it is, tell the DWP) this is called asking to be paid under hardship conditions. whatever you do don't be forced into making a joint claim and your solicitor is right about the volatile nature of the relationship being a good defence.

Have you any police /social worker reports regarding this?

letters from Woman's Aid?

Even if they suspect and decide you've committed fraud you're still entitled to be paid your benefits now, if you still meet the conditions of entitlement (the reasons you were claiming before the investigation)

Have you got a social worker to act on your behalf?

Its all a bit messy and I totally understand that people's lives are not straightforward, and we sometimes have to ask/ accept help from sources we'd rather not.

If you've anything at all connecting you to your ex then start disassociating yourself from him.. Return all his mail etc. It's harsh but you have to protect yourself and your children x

Edited by scotgal68

scotgal 

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ok so back in Jan i had a letter from dwp inviting me for an IUC. I have been accused of living with a partner for the last 3 years. To cut a long story short my ESA payments have been suspended and they are seeking an overpayment.

hi luv if u say he o

grounds for suspicion

well back 3 years ago my ex turned up at my door after losing his job and his home asking for my help. i helped him find somewhere to stay and my family loaned him a considerable amount of money to pay off some of his debts.. during this time we began an intimate relationship. however, he had a lot of problems. he's an alcoholic and smokes in excess of 40 ciggarettes a day. When drinking he becomes abusive and in the past, verbal and mental abuse turned to physical abuse (i was forced into a womens refuge to flee from him). So for that reason i could not let him live with me because unlike the past i had children to think about.


When not under the influence of beer he's the nicest person ever.. So we devised a plan....

he would transfer money into my bank. I would buy his ciggarettes for him, pay my family back money he owed and either transfer money to him or give cash if i saw him on a daily basis to cover his living costs.. the idea was that he wouldnt be able to drink and would be forced to cut down on his smoking and everyone would be guaranteed money back that they borrowed him.. it was supposed to lead to him being a better person (giving up eventually both drinking and smoking) and put our relationship in a place where we could live together.


Needless to say, it never worked out.. not to go into too much detail i spent every week fighting with him from pay day till mid week (when he was drunk) and the rest of the time he would be trying to convince me it wont happen again, which i always fell for. or i did until some time after april last year. Since then i have not even been in an intimate relationship with him. For a while we were not even in touch till he lost his job and his home again qround 7 months ago.


I have medical issues, mental and physical which have left me unable to do normal day to day things and need a lot of support from family and friends. i got most of my support from my sister, who became pregnant and suffered some complications which left her unable to to provide the level of support she had previously. I moved house and a few weeks later i was burgled. I was already struggling to cope alone and my ex was only too happy to jump to my aid when natuarally i was scared to sleep i my house alone because during the burgulary my daughter heard someone enter the bedroom of my 2 younger children, aged just 5 and 9 months at the time. i asked him to stay on a few occations in the aftermath and during this time my mental health took a serious nose dive and i stopped functioning as a normal person would. my ex was doing practically everything around the house and looking after my younger children when my elder daughter was not at home. sometimes after the children hhad gone to bed he stayed at my house and used the internet. i discovered after i was invited for an interview that he was sometimes falling asleep on the sofa.


So again to cut a long story short, thinking i had done nothing wrong i went along to the interview. I didnt know they were going to accuse me of living with him for the last 3 years. I thought the problem was only that recently my ex stayed more than he should have and i felt confident i could clear that up and that it wouldnt happen again because i had already asked my ex to stay away when i had discovered he was 'falling asleep'


so even though i had not even been in contact with him between jan and about 4 weeks ago (when he became homeless again) the dwp has decided that i was and is still living with him. for almost a month i have been relying on a credit card, but thats going to run out of funds pretty soon. Im really not living with him and i dont know what i am supposed to do. i have spoken to the dwp and been advised of only 2 paths i can take. Either i make a new claim, where i will have to explain what happened between me and my ex (admit we DID live together, but not now) or i have to appeal, which can take weeks.


I have of course written an appeal with a full explanation but in the meantime im worried sick because i have letters coming from everywhere all jumping on the back of a supposed over payment of benefits. Housing benefit is demanding proof of my ex's earning so they can adjust how much housing benefit i get. The same for council tax benefit.. I am seriously worrying i wont even be able to feed my children and will be forced to put them in care and will end up losing my home because i dont have the info they want because my ex does not live with me.


I have taken legal advice and have been told that the DWP have complicated rules and dont even have to prove that you have been living with someone to do this. I can only hope that my personal situation was enough to prove that it would not have been reasonable to ask my ex for financial assistance due to his lifestyle. I feel like im in a no win situation, and to make matteres worse my ex is ready and willing to move in saying he will change, which i know he wont.. what if they say i am living with him still after the appeal? i will either be forced to do what my ex wants or i wont be able to feed my own children. Tough choices which are seriously affecting my mental health to a point wherei feel suicidal because i see no way out

hi luv if u say he only stayed 3 or4 times a week u will be fine.I cant see a problem if the ex was on benifits and tell them that u wasnt charging him rent.they shoudnt have stopped ur money till they found the truth out

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There is hardship for those on ESA now but as far as I am aware it is only for clients who have been sanctioned for not complying with interviews at JCP or with the Work program.


Statements from family and friends won't be considered as they could be written by anyone (including you or your ex partner).


It is a myth about letting someone staying at your home for 3 or 4 nights per week, the DWP look at if it is a regular stay, e.g one night per week even if it is on different nights of the week. This is similar to a couple who are in a relationship but one of them wors away and returns to the "marital" home 1 or 2 nights per week or a person who serves in the HM forces and they are deployed abroad for a period of 6 months they are still a cuple but geograpghically separated through employment not through choice.


You need to appeal the decision in writing and also ask them to reconsider the decision by pointing out new information that was not included within the IUC. Reconsiderations are considered within a much shorter period oftime than appeals which can take months to be heard.


How old is your youngest child? If they are under 5 then you may be able to make an application for Income Support on the basis of being a lone parent with responisbility for a cihild under 5. If they are over 5 then you will need to make a new application for ESA and state that you are reapplying die to the claim being closed by Fraud which you are appealining but still need help financially.


Are you able to supply any documentation from the womens refuge to state that you were a victim of domestic violence at his hands as this should also be considered as evidence of the volatile relationship.

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There is hardship for those on ESA now but as far as I am aware it is only for clients who have been sanctioned for not complying with interviews at JCP or with the Work program.


Statements from family and friends won't be considered as they could be written by anyone (including you or your ex partner).


It is a myth about letting someone staying at your home for 3 or 4 nights per week, the DWP look at if it is a regular stay, e.g one night per week even if it is on different nights of the week. This is similar to a couple who are in a relationship but one of them wors away and returns to the "marital" home 1 or 2 nights per week or a person who serves in the HM forces and they are deployed abroad for a period of 6 months they are still a cuple but geograpghically separated through employment not through choice.


You need to appeal the decision in writing and also ask them to reconsider the decision by pointing out new information that was not included within the IUC. Reconsiderations are considered within a much shorter period oftime than appeals which can take months to be heard.


How old is your youngest child? If they are under 5 then you may be able to make an application for Income Support on the basis of being a lone parent with responisbility for a cihild under 5. If they are over 5 then you will need to make a new application for ESA and state that you are reapplying die to the claim being closed by Fraud which you are appealining but still need help financially.


Are you able to supply any documentation from the womens refuge to state that you were a victim of domestic violence at his hands as this should also be considered as evidence of the volatile relationship.


yes thats what the solicitor was trying to say i guess. so it looks like im going to be guilty anyway. gutted, because i didnt think i was doing anything wrong. Makes me wonder how anyone on benefits can have any kind of relationship. It certainly will make me fearful in the future. i dont think there is a man on earth who would agree to move in and pay for my kids as soon as the relationship progressed to a staying over stage


I was lead to believe that i could only make another claim if i wrote on the form i did live with my ex but now i dont.im going to give your suggestion a try anyway, ill be no worse off than i am now. they are already aware I was in refuge for a year, since thats when i first made a claim. I think im at the reconsider stage so there is still hope i guess. Best I can hope for is that they will understand my need to keep my independance from my ex

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just read your thread....my heart goes out to you....having been through an investigation with the tax credits since jan i understand how you are feeling....

the support and advice i recieved on this forum saved my sanity....please try and stay calm....i know easier said than done....and just be honest...why should you make a joint claim.....you are single....just keep fighting.....xxxx

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i was only ok because of all you kind people on this site....i lost nearly three stone and was a mess..but through your support i have nearly sorted it and now have my life back....i am no expert on these cases but i hope my experience can support others.....i did come out of it.....i did fight my case and through my honesty thank god it did show the truth...so a big thankyou to all of you....

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Do you have a Children's Centre near you - they often have Money Advisers or links with Welfare Rights team (at local councils)?


You need to see someone asap to get you as much help and advice as possible before you admit something you did not do.

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Hi Foxy,


I'm glad you are getting support and some good advice here.


foolmum: what a great post. You have done so well. And you are right, Foxy must keep fighting. Don't be tempted to admit to anything you didn't do. It won't make things better and will make them worse in the long run.



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