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Found 5 results

  1. I previously requested CCA details recently and received a reply advising that due to high volumes of requests that they would respond as soon as possible. 12+ days have now surpassed - do I chase again giving them another 12 days to respond or is there another letter that I send regarding failure to respond ? Cheers
  2. Hello Everyone, I have recently received a letter from Lloyds Bank writing to advice me of their 'concerns' about previous advice regarding my Fixed Rate ISA with Scottish Widows, take out in 2012. First question: Is this just a ploy to sell me another product which wouldn't necessarily be of any benefit to me / reduce my interest rate? I have been looking at the new Fixed Rate ISA's currently available on Money Saving Expert and interested in 'The Coventry' at 2.10% AER until 2019. Second Question: Does anybody have any experience through banking with them? Positive or negative. Finally, I would be gratful for any advice with regards to moving / saving my money to gain the best interest rates / return on my savings (currently over £10,000) Thank you for your time and I appreciate any feedback and advice from you in due course
  3. hi, a friend was paying £140.00 per month as her bank Lloyds advised her to take a 'life assurance policy' she has now cancelled the policy because she had assumed that she would be covered for illness (which she is not) she does not speak english and her son who only speaks a little english was with her and translated as much as possible (his english skill is not good) is it possible that this policy was missold as the customer was not sure what she was actually paying for? are there any rules / regulations that state a customer should know what they are buying / paying for? or can they simply sell to someone who has at the most a knowledge of maybe 10 english words?
  4. Looking for any other peeps with Pension plan circa 1988 initially with TSB then Scottish Widows and Lloyds TSB Scottish Widows. Have original terms and conditions if you need them.
  5. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-196048/War-widows-pensions-double.html
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