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Found 4 results

  1. Technology advances-videos for you. Virtual Trip To Ireland. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3R5J8Je2j_4&feature=youtu.be
  2. Complaint against Scottish Power In February 2014 I and my partner moved into our new rented house, we are the legal tenants of the property. We agreed the start gas & electricity meter readings with the outgoing tenant. My partner contacted Scottish Power by phone & tried to arrange the taking over of the account. She is foreign & although her spoken & written English is very very good, she could not understand or make herself understood to Anthony the customer service operator because of his very broad accent. I took over the conversation, & I too struggled to comprehend what he was saying, so the conversation ended with me telling him her name, the address, & the meter readings, telling him she wanted the cheapest online dual fuel paperless tariff, and requested that standing order mandates be put in the post to her. After approximately six months she started to receive & continued to receive letters addressed to a “Mr Daz”. As these communications were not addressed to her & she was not legally able to open them, they were correctly put in the postbox for return to Scottish Power with the words “not known at this address”. To date some 25+ communications have been received & returned in this manner, making Scottish Power fully aware of their error. Our local sorting office assures us that any such return to sender mail is treated very seriously & is returned to the originating address. On Friday the 26th February 2016 she returned home to discover that a forced entry at the front door had been attempted, & that the 2 credit meters situated at the front of the building had been changed for prepayment versions. A day later a plastic key for the electricity meter arrived in the post. No plastic card was supplied, as promised, to activate the gas meter. 2 documents where put through the letterbox by their representatives Richburns on 26.02.2016. The first document addressed to a Mr Daz refers to a warrant of entry granted by the current resident’s local magistrate’s court, a demand for £1,028.49, some spurious reference about a dog plus the claim that the warrant permits the exchange of the electricity meter. The second document, again addressed to Mr Daz refers to pre-payment meter fitted & gas supply disabled, plus a demand for £826.56. It is my understanding that in order for Scottish Power to undertake these actions they would have needed some sort of court authority. I wrote to Scottish Power on her behalf to complain, & gave them my name just in order to communicate with them. They were expressly forbidden to return to the property, & their actions & demands disputed. Their response was to make me the account holder – which I am not, & presumably will make me responsible for their alleged & unsubstantiated arrears – which again I am not responsible for. At no point has she – the account holder & bill payer – ever received any communications, bills, correspondence, or court documents in her name, or served upon her. It would appear that Scottish Power has obtained court documents permitting their behaviour, but in someone else’s name, plus they could only have done so by duping the magistrate & misleading the court. This means that their actions were unlawful & they committed criminal damage & trespass. At this point the account holder had in fact paid £1000+ towards her ongoing dual fuel usage. Demands for money have been made by Scottish Power, but no exact figure has ever been substantiated or agreed, as I believe all of their bills to be estimations. In spite of being forbidden to, Scottish Power returned & trespassed once again on the property in order to reset one of the meters. For every £10 loaded onto the gas meter, £7 is deducted for their alleged debt. The installation of these prepayment meters means that the account holder cannot leave Scottish Power & is effectively trapped in their clutches. It has been over eight weeks from my original letter of complaint. All I have received from them thus far is a computer generated acknowledgement of my original complaint, plus 2 more computer generated letters stating they are investigating. We wish to make a formal complaint about Scottish Powers behaviour, which we believe to be unlawful, criminal, and an abuse of power. I am acting with the full knowledge & approval of the account holder, who wishes to remain anonymous, for now, because she is heavily pregnant & does not deserve any further stress & upset caused to her by Scottish Power’s actions. We ask that you look into this as a matter of urgency. Mr Dxxx xxx Ms Exxxx Sxxx.
  3. The BBC will make the unemployed and low-paid workers compete against each other for a cash prize in a controversial Hunger Games-type show to find ““Britain’s Hardest Grafter”. The BBC plan to screen a "Hunger Games" style game show will make unemployed people and low-paid workers compete in a series of challenges and tasks in competition for a cash prize. Only the UK’s lowest-paid workers and the unemployed will be invited to compete. At the end of each episode, those who have produced the least will be eliminated and by the end of the process, just one worker will remain. The winner will receive in the region of £15,000 which is estimated to be a year’s living wage, outside of London. This is the next rung down the ladder in the disturbing trend of voyeuristic "poverty porn" made popular in programmes like 'Benefits Street'. Unemployment and poverty are serious social issues and should not be the subject of a cheap game show format, designed to exploit some of the most impoverished in our society for the purposes of dubious "entertainment". Not even the cheapest and tackiest of the cable or satellite channels have stooped to this level. We believe a higher standard should be expected from the BBC, a national broadcaster that is funded by public subscription in the form of the license fee. http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/tv/news/bbc-to-pit-lowpaid-against-each-other-in-hunger-gamesstyle-show-to-find-britains-hardest-grafter-10279386.html And if you're disgusted by that: The BBC: Stop the BBC's "Hunger Games" Style Show - Sign the Petition! 384 signatures are still needed! https://www.change.org/p/the-bbc-stop-the-bbc-s-hunger-games-style-show The BBC states that its mission is... "To enrich people's lives with programmes and services that inform, educate and entertain." Now that mission apparently includes the exploitation of the poor and vulnerable members of our society as fodder for a game show. The signatories of this petition strongly object to this degrading and exploitative format and demand that the BBC abandon its plans to broadcast this programme. This poverty porn is getting out of control imo.
  4. I have already submitted a ppi claim to Natwest which I believe is with the calculations dept! 2 questions really. 1) They have just requested authority from my husband as the main policy holder which has really bugged me as this is the first time since the claim was submitted so surely they should have requested this before. Delay tactics? 2) We are on a DMP with cccs atm and the company I am claiming against are 1 of our creditors. The claims are for 4 closed loan accounts. The remaining loan account has already been ccj'd and has a court order to pay a set amount each month. My quextion is, can they or are they likely to offset any claim award against this account with a court ordered payment in place already. I could really do with the payment to fix a few house problems and fix my car which I need for work. any remaining would go to our credittors but I think it should go pro rata not just to natwest. Have any of you guys had the cheque straight to you? I don't intend to waste the money but think it should be my decision who get what! I am also considering a self managed dmp as I don't think cccs have helped that much and were useless when natwest took us to court.
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