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Found 8 results

  1. I'm currently working my way through old accounts and such like and closing down where applicable those I don't use but have not yet been classed as dormant. One of those accounts was a savings account with a well known retailer, almost 20 years I've had it, they periodically send me a statement, amount saved was under £40. I also had a cc with the same company, it went tits up around the same time as most other ones and it ended up in default, I wrote to them as I did all of my creditors, stated how it was and that I'd be making token payments and then came consumeractiongroup and I went from debtor with no hope to an alleged debtor that became empowered, I dealt with my alleged debts and helped others around me do the same..the cc debt mentioned here simply faded, I did for a time receive letters from dca's re the debt but I chose to ignore them as they ignored my plight in the first place. In any case, the cc debt mentioned has been stat barred for some time, maybe 6 years of stat barred, I know the debt doesn't vanish, so it's out there somewhere. My point (ok it took awhile) when I was closing the aforementioned savings account down they asked me if I wanted the money paid into an account they had on file for me, the account is still live so I agreed for them to do this. (all by phone).... However after the call I was putting paperwork to bed and came across a letter from the original creditor (well known supermarket) where they said at the point of default that they would collect any money they could from any other accounts I may have with them (my savings account possibly?) they never did, but I chose to leave the account alone just in case they went calling on it (for the small amount in it I shouldnt have bothered) So, had this been picked up on when I called them to close the savings account down, could they have diverted the amount saved and paid it towards the now long gone account stat barre CC account? and if they had done that would this then have reset the stat barred account? and all because of me not thinking? I should say that they did close/pay the money into the other not related account so the transaction is done and dusted....BUT...could it have gone so terribly wrong for me if they'd paid it off the original CC? as far as I'm aware they never assigned the debt to any collection agency, I did have some bottom feeding dca's trying to collect but they were simply ignored.
  2. I am on pension credit and DLA. A vehicle was bought approximately a year ago on HP. Due to numerous faults with the vehicle, it was rejected and the rejection accepted. The company are now issuing a refund which will probably exceed the limit of, I think, £10k in savings and we will need to pay the £1 for every £250 over the limit. The deposit on the newer vehicle consisted of an older vehicle which accounted for over 40% of the deposit with us paying the rest on HP previous to this our savings were nowhere near £10K a full refund probably takes us over the savings limit. However we still need a vehicle will be buying another one using the refunded money probably within a few days of getting the refund and the savings will be depleted again. Could we have issues with deprivation rules or should we not mention it? I don't want any hassles.
  3. Hello, I am really concerned about my application for my PCO licence, just wondering if anyone can answer my question. I have been caught in possession of cannabis twice last year, once in July and then once in December. The first time I was caught with a small bag of cannabis valued at around £10/20 and the second time I was stopped with two joints, I was very cooperative on both occasions not kicking off or being rude/aggresive. Since that time I haven't been in possession. The first time was a written warning no fine. The second time a fine was issued, i paid by postal order but my postal order was sent back as well as a letter from the met office saying something along the lines of "your fine is cancelled", i can't remember precisely. Now my main concern is this, I have read the staff manual where it outlines considerations of taxi and private hire applications: An application from an applicant who has an isolated conviction for an offence related to the possession of drugs within the last 3-5 years may be considered, but consideration must be given to the nature and quantity of the drugs, as well as the sentence imposed by the court. A more severe court penalty should indicate that a sterner stance should be taken. An application will normally be refused where the applicant has more than one conviction for offences related to the possession of drugs and has not been free of conviction for 5-7 years, again taking into consideration the nature and quantity of the drugs. If there is evidence of persistent drugs use, misuse or dependency (e.g. two or more convictions for possession) a specialist medical examination may be required to ensure that the applicant meets the DVLA Group 2 medical standards in relation to drug misuse and dependency. Now my question is does a fine count as a conviction? would my application be refused? I don't want to spend hundreds of pounds finding out, I have many debts to pay off and I'd rather pay my debts off if the application will be refused for sure.
  4. We live in a private block of retirement apartments with no assisted help and a visiting manager employed to look after the building. A mentally ill man has been living in an apartment owned by his sister. For the past 6 months this poor chap has become violent and delusional. He has caused damage and has threatened and terrorised elderly residents. He also exposed himself and made many lewd comments. He also was involved in an incident where he had a gun and threatened residents, paramedics and the police with it. 4 armed policemen, three others and a dog handler eventually disarmed him (it was a replica gun) and he was detained under section 2 of the mental health act. After one month this was upgraded to section 3. His sister has put the apartment up for sale with a view to finding the poor chap more suitable accommodation. It has left many of the residents mentally traumatised and nervous. Some have had to leave for a while and some are under their doctors for nerves and heart problems. Some will still not even leave their apartment. We have now been told that he is to come back under section 17, initially for an assessment with a view to returning. Obviously residents are now even more terrified after assuming he would not be back and more suitable accommodation would have been found for him during the 10 weeks he has been absent. His sister has told us she cannot look after him because she is scared of him and there is not enough room for her and her husband and brother in their three bedroomed house. The sister is breaking the rules of the lease by allowing an unsuitable tenant in her property who cannot look after himself. Our managing agent will not get involved, The police have met us and explained that we cannot lock him out. Our question is what rights do we have, His sister has refused to house him with her but it appears we cannot refuse to house him with us even though he does not own the property. Why can his sister do this and yet we cannot, We fully understand that there has to be anti discrimination laws but this appears to be discriminating against us. The mental health unit have assured us that they feel he is OK to come back. If that is the case, he should be OK to live with his sister. Where are we going wrong with out thoughts and is there anything we can do to safeguard the health of the other 70 residents who live here?
  5. I think I have messed up on working tax credit and worried I will go to prison for stupidity. My wife passed away and I was left with 3 young children (age 7 and under) to bring up including one who is disabled. About 3 years later I decided to move to be nearer family as wasn't coping on my own (no family to support where I lived). I was a carer to my wife until she died and then working full time 37 hours after she passed away. I then had to give up work again as my disabled childs health became worse. I did tell HMRC I was working full time and then completely forgot (with everything going on with moving and fighting the new local authority for help for my child, new schools) to say my working hours had changed, although I have always updated my income correctly and when I saw the renewal pack yesterday with 37 hours on this year I phoned in and told the person I spoke to that I had not amended the hours for the whole year. I do work part time now but not enough to be eligible for WTC. The lady, very rightly told me off on the phone saying I was negligent and this can be construed as fraud and was very clear in saying that I might need to be investigated. I would think that the overpayment would be anywhere from £2k to £3.5k which is a heck of a lot of money. I am now worried they will think that I have deliberately defrauded them and will prosecute me. I also think I was about £400 out on my other income which might add to them thinking I am dishonest. I haven't had anything further in the post but my nerves are on edge thinking a criminal investigation letter will appear on my doorstep. I do find the whole tax credits difficult to get my head round. I said I would be happy to make payments and take full responsibility for my stupidity. Please can you advise if you think this is clearly a criminal investigation or give any advice on how best to resolve this without it becoming a criminal case. Do I need a lawyer?
  6. Hi, I am a new user and don't understand forums that well but I could do with some advice. I have read similar arcticles of my concern on this site but they seem to cover Statute Barred at 6yrs. My issue is:- After 13 years I have been approached by a DCA about a debt and a CCJ that I was never aware of. I would be grateful of any advice on how to deal with thefollowing situation. Sorry if it’s long winded, wanted to get all the facts down. I received a letter from a DCA asking me to contact them, as far as I’m aware I have no debts I contacted them and they asked if I had lived at certain address which I confirmed I had, they then advised that I had a debt dating back to 1994 for £4,500. that they were chasing and required immediate payment of. I said that I had no debts and asked for evidence; they said I would have to send them a cheque for £1.00 for this information. I have never received any information or correspondence regarding this so called debt. I wasn’t happy with what they had said and looked on-line and found out about statue barred, I wrote to the company using the standard templates that are available on-line saying that I did not acknowledge the debt and as the debt was 19 yearsold it would be statute barred. They have now written back stating that a CCJ was securedagainst the debt in 2000 at the Northampton county court bulk centre and was subsequently transferred to a local court. They have not sent a copy of the CCJ from Northampton but they have sent copies of correspondence from the local court and the student loan company with the court advising of hearing dates, notice of non-service, progress report on attachment of earnings application and a final notice of non-service advising that the court was unable to serve the N61 order as the defendant is no longer at the address and there is no forwarding address. All of this must have been sent to an address I had long since left I wasn’t aware of any of this. However, I’ve always been on the electoralregister and all the normal registers that exist, it’s not as if I’ve been trying to avoid anyone. I’m more than concerned that 13 years after a CCJ that I’ve never been aware of, was awarded without my knowledge that this DCAis now saying I have to repay in full. I’m not clear if the original enforcement still stands or what to go back to the DCA and say. Any advice on my options or what to do now would be appreciated. I have never acknowledged the debt to them although their latest letter implies that I have and is now referring to two accounts!
  7. Can anyone assist with a concern that I have regarding my monthly mortgage payments with NatWest? I have recently remortgaged with NatWest and took out a tracker mortgage of the base rate plus 2.69 %. Over the years I have had further loans which means that my mortgage is recorded as three sections. That is the total loan outstanding split into loans a, b and c. On receiving my notification of the monthly payments the three sections where noted as follows; A - base rate plus 2.69 % equals 4% B - base rate plus 2.69 % equals 4% and C - base rate plus 2.69 % equals 3.19% with each section showing the monthly amount to be paid. I have written to NatWest pointing out that they should all be 3.19% to which I have received a reply that the percentage figures quoted are wrong and they will all be 3.19% although NatWest will not send a further statement confirming the monthly payments, they have removed the section showing the percentages and just left the same monthly payments. Does anyone know where I can find a system or other means of checking that the amount outstanding, the period of loan left and percentage rate mean that the monthly payments are correct ? I am concerned that I am still paying 4% on two parts of the mortgage. With thanks Dave
  8. Here is an extract from an email from the DVLA about this company in response to this message:- From the DVLA (our red highlight):- Mind you, as we have seen from the Parking Eye judgment, BPA membership provides absolutely no protection
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