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Found 7 results

  1. My daughter hit a pothole on Monday evening (early evening) and today (Tuesday) she has noticed damage. Taking it to the tyre shop it appears the alloy wheel is buckled and tyre blown she is having to replace the wheel and the tyre at a cost of around £600. It's a fairly new car hence the expense. She didn't stop at the time because the pothole was on a bend and she didn't want to put herself at risk, went back Tuesday evening with her dad to photograph the hole and measure it, when she got there the hole has been filled in and it's evident the work has just been done. Is anyone able to please say how can she now make a claim against the council? She has hit potholes before that have damaged tyres etc but this is the first time she's wanted to claim simply because of the cost to her. thanks for any advice.
  2. 'Martyn Uzzell, from North Somerset, was thrown into the path of a car after hitting the pothole. An inquest heard North Yorkshire County Council had missed opportunities (even reported to them by the police) to repair the A65 in Giggleswick....' http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-32215664 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3033555/Widow-cyclist-killed-hitting-pothole-Land-s-End-John-O-Groats-charity-ride-wins-six-figure-compensation-payout.html also, Mrs Windsors designer killed whilst cycling to work http://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/london-arts-visionary-moira-gemmill-killed-by-lorry-while-cycling-near-lambeth-bridge-10167161.html
  3. I was really hoping someone could please help me with some advice? In Summary (*** for privacy): My car was damaged due to a large pothole in the early half of 2014, I immediately informed the borough council that was responsible for maintaining the road. To cut a long story short, their insurance decided to not accept liability for the damages to my vehicle due to section 58 of The Highways Act 1988. They did however repair the road once I had informed them. I felt that under section 41 of The Highways Act 1988, they were liable to pay for the damages that had been caused. The pothole was repaired to 75mm!!! I followed all of the small claims procedures correctly and we have no been given a small claims hearing date next month. However at the same time I have suffered from some personal health issues and feel I am no longer able to continue with the case as it has caused stress. I have therefore informed the councils legal representatives of discontinuing the case. They had responded by immediately asking for me to pay their legal expenses of over £2000. Thanks to this forum I was able to avoid this as I now know that in a small claims court you are not liable for the other parties legal costs. I then informed them that I had no liability over their legal costs and for them to accept that the discontinuation so I can provide and N297 to the county court. They have now asked me to instead pay "wasted costs" of £500. I have searched this forum but have had no luck regarding this. So would like to kindly ask if someone could provide some information on this, am I liable for these wasted costs? can I simply go ahead and discontinue the case regardless of them accepting or not accepting? I appreciate your time for reading this. Thank you.
  4. I was driving in West Sussex yesterday night about 21.00 hrs, I hit a pothole which appeared to be a puddle. Turned out to be a 4' long by 9" deep hole with a burst water main below, it's caused damage to the steering /suspension on the car. I called the Police and waited for the to arrive. They coned the road off etc. and gave me an incident no. My question is... Should I claim for damage from West Sussex County Council, or The water company?
  5. Hi, Hit a water covered pot hole on New years eve, it was in a country lane I was not familiar with, pitch black and raining heavily. Tyre blew, wheel dented, and upon trying to change it in the pitch darkness as nobody would stop to help me (I am woman by the way), couple of men stopped only to ask if i had a phone assuming I had break down cover, I didn't and the last time I changed a tyre was 20 years ago! As a result, put the jack slightly wrong place, because couldn't see the markers, cill crumpled and paint chipped. I have a mobility problems and on benefits, so couldn't afford to have it cill fixed or tracking which I was advised will be out. It took weeks before I could afford £96 odd for tyre, but did get fair estimate for damage caused to cill. I believe if the pothole wasn't there my car would not have been damaged, so sent a comprehensive statement and everything necessary for claim including pictures from immediately afterwards and in the day time too as well and the report I made of its existence (as well as the other craters which got filled in but mine didn't even a month later). The total damage was £587, they have come back with £106, my instinct is to say I don't accept that, but I thought I would check here first to see if anyone has pursued further and how or what they did. Would appreciate any advice.
  6. After another severe winter, road users are increasingly at risk from a growing number of potholes. Here's how you can make local authorities pay up. http://www.guardian.co.uk/money/2013/mar/09/pothole-trouble-make-local-authorities-pay The potholes.co.uk site which is full of useful advice on how to claim successfully. CTC has a website, FillThatHole.org.uk, which allows users to report potholes.
  7. I hit a pothole back in August which damaged my tyre and wheel resulting in me having to purchase a brand new wheel and tyre. I reported the pothole, and got a reply that the hole did require attention. Once I had my car repaired I sen the council a claim form along with photo's of the hole and damage to my wheel. And I'm pretty annoyed right now as this is the reply I received from the council legal department: (I had to take a photo of the letter as I have no scanner right now) Page 1 Page 2 Could someone out there in the know point me in the right direction to go with so? Thanks
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