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Found 6 results

  1. Hi, some weeks ago a letter from Eon reached my address addressed to a person who does not live there and liver lived there in the last 5 years, and wasn't the person who lived here before we moved in. Thank you for switching to EON, please send us your meter reading so we can complete the switch. Thinking nothing of it, I binned the letter. After that more letters from eon arrived, addressed to the occupier. Most I binned some I opened. They seemed very genuine, in the line of You won 1 million pounds please send us your personal details and some money so we can complete the transaction. More recently they were actual bills, reminding me to send my meter reading to my supplier which is not EON. It didn't work online. I tried it by phone and it didn't work. I called them on there service phone and the lady accepted my meter reading. A week later and I still didn't get a bill. Checked online and my meter reading wasn't there. Now I sent an e-mail to my supplier who confirmed that EON had falsely grabbed my account and switched it to them. (They still had all the data like meter point number and meter serial number because they were the supplier years ago before we switched to the new supplier). I checked the old bills, and the previous account number was different to the account number used for the new bills. I called EON and was put on hold most of the time for more than 10 minutes. Once I talked to someone, but I remember only because I didn't input the account number as asked. As soon as I gave him the account number I was put on hold. A mail from my current supplier confirmed they are working on the issue to solve it and it can take 6 months. Now letters from EON contain the bill for some time (£37), a threat of debt collectors, and threats of court orders, magistrates, warrants, etc. I'm afraid one morning a whole terror group of the police will smash in windows and doors, killing my orchid, only to have a look at my meter. When I checked the Internet, I found this practice of threatening The Occupier by utility companies is going on at least since 2004. Is there any party or MP or court or judge willing to put a stop to this fraudulent behaviour? Put the CEO and her whole board of directors into prison and throw away the key, something along this line. We had a similar issue with British Gas. After moving in to a new property, someone knocked, asked for the meter reading, and a week later I got a letter from British gas congratulating me to switch to them. Somehow I got the matter resolved in a very short time, probably involving trading standards, or calling BG and pulling the guy through the phone line. Can't remember. But this seems to me endemic considering all the links found here and other forums, and the Internet at large. Another question: If I go to court to stop the harassment by EON, how much would I need to pay to a lawyer?
  2. I am a secure tenant of a social housing landlord in Scotland and have been so for fifteen years, at the same address throughout. I am the sole tenant, I do not sub-let or keep lodger(s), however for the last three plus years I have allowed a friend to stay with me in the property as my "guest" (for want of a more appororiate term), and it has been their sole and only home throughout that period. The landlord has been aware of their presence at the address throughout, and has not objected or attempted to have them removed. Following almost three years of a difficult and steadily deteriorating relationship between myself and the landlord, relating to other matters unrelated to my co-habitee, my landlord has now served a summons for eviction on me. I'm disputing it in court on the ground of the landlords unreasonable expectations and demands, but quite frankly only rather half-heartedly as I realise and accept that even if I win, our tenant/landlord relationship is untenanble in anything more than the very short term on account of our various difficulties over the last three years. Essentially I'm none to bothered whether I win or lose, as I'm going to have to move on sooner rather than later anyway, and while I'd rather have a bit more time and wait until circumstances were somewhat better to move on, if I have to make do with what alternative accomodation I can arrange right now, so be it. My co-habitee's situation is however rather different. Having been a resident at the address for three years and known to the landlord as such throughout that period, I am given to understand they have the status of a "qualifying occupier", and as such have a right under legislation for the Court to be taken in to consideration upon what the impact would be on them should an eviction of the tenant be granted. How I, or my co-habitee goes about making the Court aware of their circumstances and the impact of my eviction on them as a resident at my address is where my questions lie, as obtaining information on this seems almost impossible to locate. So far we have been led to believe that for their interests to be considered by the Court, they need to apply to be "sisted" to the Summons - however the flip side of being sisted, or at least one of them, is that they, at the Sheriff's discretion can then be made liable for some/all?? of the sum of money my landlord is seeking in connection with my eviction. Is this the only "down" side (for them) in being "sisted" to the summons, or are there other potential negative issues? Is it absolutely necessary that they be "sisted" for them to be able to address/inform the Court of how they will be affected by granting my eviction - To me anyway, it seems strange that the legislation appears to say that the Court is obliged to consider them anyway, that they need to be pro-active in making sure the information for the Court to be able to do so is in front of the Court, and, have to run the risk of being held responsible for a monetary sum, when in effect they are an innocent and uninvolved party who just happens to going to be losing out whatever happens , in a dispute between a landlord and tenant.
  3. I have a couple of hundred pounds owing to British Gas which I have been late paying and now I have received a threatening letter headed "British Gas" and "Richburns Ltd", addressed to the The Occupiers or Occupiers. The letter says, Removed indentifying info ] They intend to visit the house this week and are threatening to apply for a Warrant of Entry if I do not comply. This is causing me a lot of worry as I already suffer from anxiety and am diagnosed with two chronic conditions. I have been paying the gas bills but on the last two quarterly bills I paid £100 less than the amount asked as I had to prioritise my debts. The problem is I don't have a tenancy and I don't own the house. I don't want to give my details as I have agreed to leave the house on very short notice due to a domestic situation and don't want to risk bills being racked up in my name (which unfortunately has happened to me in the past). My Questions are; 1. Am I obliged to register my details with the utility company because I still pay the bills, even if not always on time? 2. Can they legally break into the house and fit a prepayment meter, which I don't want, as I have young toddler and I will struggle to get out and buy prepayment cards? 3. How should I deal with Richburns, as I have hardly slept for worrying, since receiving the letter from them? please ask me any questions and I will be as honest as I can.
  4. This problem started since I moved into my new house in July 2013. Different people/organisation have sent letters to my address for former occupiers which is now stopping since I returned them to the postbox, but there is one which hasn't stopped. The problem is from Specsavers who have sending post at my address for a former occupier who used to live at my address and still is still persisting. I haven't opened these all letters as it is against the law. Overall, Specsavers sent around 7 letters to the same person and I have been sending it back to the postbox Other companies who have sent former people in my address have stopped sending me letters since I returned it to the post, but Specsavers have sent one again on Tuesday 10th February 2015. What should I do now, should I send a complaint letter to the customer services or the CEO of Specsavers?
  5. I don't know if this is the best forum for this (please advise some other forums if possible) but we are getting debt recovery demands for a former occupier and we know the person is deceased but don't know the name address of her POA. Is there a register somewhere of people named as Attorneys where one can find out? We were thinking that this may be a [problem] so if we phoned up this collection agency we may find ourselves a target. Advice appreciated on either of the above queries. Many thanks.
  6. Morning everyone, Here's a situation I'm new to, I wonder if anyone can please advise? I moved into a flat in March The flat has had extremely little use since then, mainly because I've been away a lot The previous occupiers vacated 28th February. They used EDF for both Gas & Elec. Early March I started receiving letters from EDF addressed to "The Occupier" or "The Customer" I ignored EDF's letters. I'd used them before and didn't want to this time around. I also wasn't in a hurry to sign an alternative energy provider because I would be away for several weeks In April I signed Scottish Power for Gas & Elec - a good deal, including a Quidco cashback offer. Only issue was, it would take a long time for them to officially start supply In July Scottish Power finally started supply. Mid July, I provided them both start readings (from when I moved in in March) and current readings. The differences were very small - extremely low usage due to me hardly being there EDF continued to send letters and bills addressed to "The Customer" (must be using estimated readings even though labelled as Actual!), although I've not instructed them and I'm pretty certain they'd not have had any access to my meters. I've ignored all EDF letters/bills (Electricity bill about £150, Gas about £50) because I want Scottish Power to pick this up, not EDF. 9-Aug, EDF send letter addressed to "The Customer" saying that the reading they have received (from Scottish Power presumably) is "not in line with your previous energy consumption"... they are in the process of contacting my new supplier (Scottish) to agree an accurate closing meter reading and the process can take between 6 and 8 weeks ... as soon as agreed a final bill will be sent to me, I do not have to take any further action. 12-Aug, EDF send letter addressed to "The Customer"saying the Gas amount of £50 is outstanding, threatening that if I don't contact them or make payment within 14 days, they'll refer to the Collection Management Team. I had planned to not contact EDF as I have no dealings with them, and get Scottish to absorb the consumption from when I moved in March. But now am uncertain as to how this would likely play out. Does the "default provider" have any rights? Any advice would be appreciated - thanks in advance.
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