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Found 8 results

  1. Hi If a party fails to carry out a direction ordered by the judge and Other side has, should I write to the court and advise them? Can the court sanction the other side ( it's not on the smalls claims track)
  2. Hello, First of all, if this is in the wrong section, a kind redirect would be helpful. I've been an avid gamer for years, and recently I had a fall out with my father. Unfortunately because of this fallout, he had asked for all payments made to Valve to be charged back, this also included Paypal payments. So I have a quick question, In the UK, for a online digital product/game that is linked to an account, I know that they Valve has legal right to suspend the games/items that the charged back money was used on but do they have any legal right to permanently block any online gaming with this account because of the charge back for a completely different item? The items in question are three games, worth 150 pound. However Paypal took the money of Valve/Steam not the bank. These games have been removed for my account and my account has been restricted. Restricted in terms that ALL my other 1000 pound + games I purchased with my own card, I am blocked from playing online. In some of these games, Online is the ONLY game mode. I just wanted some advice, before sending steam a ticket. I've read here that they can only suspend and remove games that was charged back, not your whole account(However in other countries I hear their legal system doesn't support this, only in the UK are they restricted to taking back what was purchased rather than the whole account). So in short terms, My account is worth over 1150 pounds, 150 pounds was charged back from Paypal, from my fathers bank. They have ONLY taken what was bought with that 150 pounds BUT have restricted all use of my account other than playing single player games. I would think I would have a case against them wouldn't I? As these games that have been restricted were purchased as a Online and Singleplayer game. And before anyone jumps to conclusions, I am 24 years old, living in my own place with my own job. The money my father gave to me was when I was out of employment over a year ago. We had a falling out a few weeks ago which lead to him cutting all communications from myself, and then charging back everything I had borrowed from him. I have spoken to Paypal and they acknowledge this, and am currently waiting for a reply from them. What laws are relevant to this situation ? Thanks
  3. Hello I hope you can help - I have someone who is a decent human being but has been put is a difficult situation. Someone else was helping him before but I’ve been called on-board as the other person hasn't got the time. He has been on ESA for a long time, He suffers from severe social anxiety, depression, body image issues and also post-traumatic stress due to many issues; most of which are childhood-related, whereas the traumatic stress (I believe) was relatively recent (5 years ago) due a severe facial injury that required intense facial- reconstruction; (were talking hours of surgery and many surgeons) He has been on a continual downward spiral since as he has no support network and his heavy drinking with which he has used to cope with his social anxiety! This has now culminated with him having a psychotic episode a few weeks ago that resulted him being imprisoned for 6 weeks on remand. He received a suspended sentence plus counseling for drink. No one was hurt, though I’m assuming the experience hasn’t been pleasant for anyone that was involved. I cannot stress enough that the person Is decent human being that hasn’t had the help he’s needed for years. His ESA was such that even wrote him off (never needed a tribunal etc) but since coming out of prison he has found that his ESA has been stopped. Im assuming it was because he went to prison the last amount paid into his account was june 6th! and nothing after this. He doesn’t have the skills to get it reactivated on his own! I have done some homework, and found that he is classed (still) as a remand prisoner as just being locked up from June 6 to approx 5-6 later! I believe from my own research (limited) that..... 1 There is a 12 week period within which the EAS can be re-activated / or linked) is this correct? 2 and that this means that there is not major/ substantial extra information needed to be sent to the dwp? And that it is merely a case filling in a new form and re-activating the claim? 3 However he hasn’t been in proper contact with a DR due to him slipping off the radar in terms of doctors notes (he hasn’t needed them for over three years, so you can imagine that someone who suffers from such conditions has simply let things continue!) will he need one now? 4 Or is it simply a case of filling in the correct forms etc? He has no money since coming out of prison- his rent was paid by housing benefit but the short-fall which was made up by himself with the ESA which obviously means the current situation is-not sustainable 5 he will not need to see Atos, surely if it is simply the case of linking the claim? In conclusion I’m unsure which type of ESA he was on but I’m sure it falls within the category of not needed to attend any support group. He hasn’t needed to supply an updated Dr’s note to Atos or the dwp. I have not phoned the ESA yet on his behalf as I’m not sure if I’m up to the task. But the idea is I would like to get the ESA up and running the way it was before, but obviously to try and get him some type of support group as well. Can anyone help? As the 12 week cut off period is looming? Thanks
  4. I have just received a 32d pcn in north end Croydon I was hoping to park in popular walk coming from London there is a bus lane on the left in moved to the right and when safe moved into north end and then popular walk can any one help
  5. Hi, my fixed penalty notice says fail to comply with direction indicated by green arrow traffic sign, £75 + 3 points. The police officer that stopped me after the turn asked if I knew why I was stopped, I said no , he mentioned the arrow , I apologised to him and explained that I genuinely missed the sign and thought it was a normal green light , it wasn't my area of driving and i was following the traffic until that turn, there was a lot traffic, but unfortunately the officer still issued the ticket. Could anyone advise how to contest this penalty ? Cheers
  6. I filled a claim against Barclaycard charges. I was expecting to receive an allocation questionnaire form N149 not direction questionnaire N180 which does not contain the section G (additional information). My question how do I attach the draf direction to the N180. Pease any advice ?
  7. Hello I'm Marc - These are my very first words on this forum! I need some advice about taking a used car dealer to court. Can somebody please point me in the right direction? Many thanks
  8. Hi all, This is probably a long shot but I remember reading a post about a standard rejection letter from Store Card PPi claim that some kind person had gone through and highlighted why the companys reasons for refusal were invalid. Just hoping someone could point me in the right direction as I need to try to refute my own rejections. Hope this makes sense to someone. Thanks.
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