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  1. I made a claim for PPI through a company, I was claiming against one loan only. I filled out the claim form in my name only and signed the consent/bank authority form. my husband was not mentioned on the claim form, neither did he sign the consent form. When I received the offer from my bank, they had based the amount on all loans dating back to 2003. They sent a breakdown of the amounts awarded for each loan including the loans my husband took out in his name only. Unknown to me, the bank then passed this information to the Claims Management Company. As my husband did not make a claim through this company and did not give his consent for any information regarding his loans to be released to a third party, are the bank guily of breaching the Data Protection Act? In addition to this the company are now expecting me to pay them a fee based on the total amount and not just against the one item I had claimed for, are they allowed to do this as my husband did not give his consent?
  2. Sometime ago a friend was unable to pay his debts and took advice in how to deal with them. After much time the status ended up being that some where being paid and some where not. Around 5 years have now passed, and I advised him to do a search on his credit file to see what was showing. Unsurprisingly all three showed different data sets, though what caught my eye was the information that Equifax and Call Credit displayed. I presume at some point the debts had been sold to third parties; Cabot Finance, Arrow Global, Aktiv Kapital and Capquest Investments from the original suppliers. My concern was the date of default information, I have read on here that you can't have the information on a credit file twice, it is either the original supplier or the third party that the debt was sold to must display the information. While this isn't a major concern in this instance (only with one) my concern arises on the following points: 1. If a debt is Defaulted by the original supplier once, it cannot be Defaulted again when sold with a different date? 2. If the debt was sold what date should be published on the credit file as the Default date? 3. If payments are made towards a card and then cease what default date should be published, original when a lesser amount of the debt was paid or the date when the payments stopped completely?
  3. I recently had a CCJ against me for a credit card debt and I recieved a letter from In control debt solutions ltd telling me that they had been advised by the courts that I had a judgement against me and offering advise see details below . I can not believe that the court passed my details on to a debt management service that charge without my permission, What can I do about this surely they can not just pass out my details who do I complain to "We have been advised by HM courts that the above county court judgement has enterend against you. It is very improtant that this matter is dealt with without delay otherwise the court may dcie that judgement should be paide off in full or instalements which you cannot afford" It then goes on to explain what services they offering stating advice is free and in very very small writing that there will be a charge depending on which debt service i take. I am currently with Payplan so not needed. Others however could be duped and belive it is advise from the courts. they have all reference numbers etc and the amount of the debt Janes
  4. Facebook and Google amass 'voluntary' personal data Max Schrems is no luddite. The law student was savvy enough to know that, if he requested it, Facebook would have to release all of the data it has collected on him since he joined. Even he, though, was taken aback by the amount of information Mark Zuckerberg's social network had on him. When his report came back – all 1,200 pages of data – he saw details of friend requests he had ignored; people he had "defriended" and even items he had deleted from his account. Yet everything in his file was information he had voluntarily given. His experience mirrors not only those of Facebook's estimated 900 million users, but those of everyone who has ever googled something, entered personal information into a website or – to some extent – even loaded a web page. Today's headlines on the Government's so-called "snooper's charter" are about new powers for the police. But companies have been using internet users' data for good and bad for years. Google and Facebook are probably the most notable examples of sites that feed off the data their users give them. Both have targeted advertising. For those adverts to be worth the pixels they are printed on, they need users' information. http://www.independent.co.uk/hei-fi/news/facebook-and-google-amass-voluntary-personal-data-7854248.html?origin=internalSearch
  5. Firstly, apologies for harping on about this (as i've already posted on the general issue), but this is a related issue Does anyone have any case law for data protection breach by a UK employer ? I am aware that the majority of data protection complaints are probably settled out of court, (so therefore not public knowledge), but i am struggling to find any case law verdicts that actually were decided in court, and what if any compensation was awarded. To be specific, my employer dismissed me without warning, prior arrangement, representation, or records of minutes taken at 'the hearing'. This is being dealt with by my trade union legal team, so it isn't necessary to gain any further advice at this time. The issue at hand is that my employer sent an email to the entire UK network telling them that they had immediately dismissed me, and naming me in the email within 15 mins of the event, then to prevent any possible defence to this issue they deleted my entire company email account, and all of the emails contained within it within 15 minutes of the event also. The company didn't have my authorisation to release this data, and it was released prior to any dismissal letter, or invitation to appeal. Considering the size of the company, and the nature of the business (welfare to work), i feel that i will have major issues attempting to gain employment in this sector for the forseeable futue owing to the sheer amount of people in the industry that now know about my instant dismissal. So how would a court even quantify this and translate this into a compensation award ? What kind of compensation awards are awarded for breaches of this nature ? And, where would i find case law of a similar nature for cases that have actually been won in court ?
  6. I hope I've posted in the correct section as most of the Data Protection issues seem to be about Defaults. Recently a pony which was stolen from me some time ago has been found wandering loose. RSPCA scanned it and luckily the chip was still in my name. They called me and left a message. I called them four times to finally get a reply. I was then told the pony had escaped from a garden which it had been put it My issue is this. I fianally traced the lady who's garden the pony had been in and she told me that an RSPCA Officer had told her she could keep it or give it away as they would rather it didn't come back to me! They told her I was 'known' to them. This has caused huge problems with the lady thinking I'm some kind of monster and she won't let me have access. Cut a long story short the pony is coming back now, but I'm fuming. Yesterday I called the RSPCA and got the Inspector to call me back....which she did. She told me that there was no way they would have said anything about me and it would have been a breach of Data Protection. She seemed genuine. I have also found out that another Inspector was involved and it was him who'd come out with all of this. I haven't yet spoken to him. To summarise: The lady RSPCA Inspector called both myself and the lady holding my pony yesterday and confirmed that yes, I was on file with absolutely no cause for concern and that the pony should be returned. My problem is that the lady holding my pony cannot be lying as the RSPCA had also told her I'd moved from the address they had. Someone is lying to me and I know they have discussed me with this lady. Yes, the RSPCA were called out after I rescued a pony last year. When they came out they were amazed with how well I'd done. I made sure I gave them all the photos and contact details of where I'd got him from. So, an Officer who has said to someone 'Keep the pony as we don't want it going back to the owner as she's known' is surely breaching data protection? I want to make a SAR today, but am also going to leave a message for this second Inspector to call me as I'd like to question him. Am I doing the right thing? Could someone then remove anything that may be on file before I receive a copy? I hope my post makes sense as I'm so angry.
  7. I've been a happy Vodafone customer for years, but have just been stung by an outrageous £668 bill, most of which comes from data charges which I'm disputing from a recent trip to South Africa. Put simply, Vodafone informed me by text message on most days when I was using data that I'd used 3MB (£9) of data. Now they've billed me for anything up to 18MB (£50) data use on these days! To make matters worse, when I called Vodafone Customer services a few days ago when back in the UK, after a couple of first line support scratched their heads about the discrepancy, an abrasive, cocky second level support had the audacity to tell me that: 1) I did use the amount of data billed (I fail to see how I could have used 18MB on basic emails with no attachments) 2) That sending me a text saying I'd used 3MB and billing me for 18MB is not misleading(!) because: i) their log of data use is not in real time (well what's the point then in sending me old data with a current date & time stamp?!) ii) under their terms & conditions, they're not obliged to send me more than one data usage text per day 3) That if I stop my Direct Debit for this disputed bill to enter into further correspondence, my account will be suspended if payment is not taken on the due date, again saying its in the T&Cs. Naturally, I do wish to take this matter further, as I feel very strongly that I've not used the amount of data suggested, that I've been misled by innacurate information from Vodafone, and my reliance upon their messages to me had led me to believe my usage and expenditure was at most around £9 per day, when in actual fact it was much, much higher. As for the threat of suspending my phone if I don't blindly hand over nearly £700 without time for further discussion / investigation... well, if that's their appreciation of a loyal customer, then I'll be off pretty quick! I would really appreciate any guidance on how best to put Vodafone in their place on this. I certainly don't want my phone suspended, or a payment default against my name, but at the same time I won't be held to ransom in such unreasonable fashion. Some further relevant info below: I received the following idential text message on my data days while away: "40506: From Vodafone: Just to let you know, you've used over 3MB of data which has cost you £3 per MB so far. Once you use more than 5MB in a day, the charge becomes £15 incVAT for each 5MB. If you'd like to stop receiving these alerts, text STOP. Sent DATE @ TIME" These warning texts always arrived immediately after using data (having used data a few times throughout the day), and nearly always towards the end of the day. I always stopped my data usage immediately or soon after receiving the above text. On no day did I receive a further message about hitting 5MB or any other level of data usage. The texts are on my HTC Android phone are grouped together in a message 'conversation' so EVERY message from Vodafone is there. The Vodafone website states "We’ll send you free texts to let you know when you’re nearing the end of your data allowance. Once you’ve used your allowance you’ll pay the standard data rates." Note: "Texts" = plural. On no day was I sent more than one text advising 3MB usage When I first called Vodafone from South Africa when the size of my forthcoming bill became apparent, I spent about £20 calling customer services (billing dept) back to the UK. I was categorically told that they could give me NO breakdown or further info about my supposed data usage until after by bill was calculated at the end of the month. Since back in the UK I see on the Vodafone website: "If you need to use your phone in the rest of the world, you can extend Vodafone Data Traveller for just £5 a day for 25MB" Why wasn't I offered this option by customer services while I was paying for the provilege of calling them from overseas, rather than being charged up to £50 per day for less than 25MB usage?! I'm no stranger to roaming charges as I often have to travel for my work. But never have I had a bill anything like this! I'd really like to know where I stand regarding the charges and also having a time period to take this matter further with Vodafone without getting my phone suspended or credit rating affected. So any help or guidance would be gratefully received!
  8. Hi there, I need to get all the information 2 companies have on file about me and my Ltd company. The first needs to goto the insurance broker / intermediary - One Business Insurance Services and the 2nd needs to goto the actual insurance company - Tradex. I am concerned about information requested by the broker which I submitted and how it was used. Also, I am not happy that despite numerous requests, I did not receive a document with my no claims entitlement. I have had template that I got off this site for requesting information from the banks (thanks cerberusalert but for insurance, I need something equally good to get as much information they hold as possible Regards, Greg
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