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Everything posted by nettyg

  1. i know a few people that have physically gone into the bank and asked for the charges to be reversed, however i also know a lot of peeps that have done that and they've refused to budge - i'd just start another claim... but that's me!!! i'm on my third claim on the same account:p
  2. to work out the overdraft interest you'll do the advance spreadsheet. i hope this link takes you straight to it. make sure you read the instructions on how to fill it in though - it can get a little confusing, but once you get the hang of it you'll be fine. good luck 6. Interest calculation spreadsheets
  3. good evening hot mamma!! i hope my thread didn't induce you into a coma lol. i was really happy that my claim went over the 5k mark - justice for making my life a misery. i found the whole claiming business daunting at first because it was such a large claim, but then i got hooked and this poor site has to put up with my nonsense ever since lol. the 5k limit is not set in concrete and i wouldn't hesitate in putting it through the small claims track on mcol if it were over - at the end of the day it will be the judge that decides which track to allocate the claim to. it will cost you £250 on mcol. (£750 quoted earlier would be for fast track). once you get your teeth into the process, i'm sure you'll be like me and end up being totally hooked and helping others too. i hold full responsibility for your children's neglect!! if you read my thread from start to finish (in a day wow), your'e good, even i can't do that lol. very good luck with your claim and if you need to shout - shout!! we're all here to hear you xx
  4. thanks for the balaclava giveme, did you knit it yourself lol:D
  5. i'll send you a link for Right of Appropriation when i get onto my own computer jen. there's a letter you can send to your bank if you know that things like tax credits or any other benefits are going into your account on a certain day. it tells them not to touch the money because you need it to spend on e.g. food, bills etc. somebody might be good enough to send you the link before me, if they've got the link somewhere. good luck - up em and stuff em!!!
  6. not sure about timescales for different banks tori, as there are different timescales for hsbc alone!!! good luck with it anyway, you sound like you know what your'e doing.
  7. we're hitting a brick wall with this request. hsbc have told me they only hold microfice copies of the current 6 years...... yeah i know ludicrous!! gonna have to do more digging with my ex colleagues at hsbc i think:mad:
  8. i've already made my mind up that the only way i'm going to get statements pre 6 years is to don a balaclava and a 'sawn-off' (giveme, you knew there'd be some kind of hat in it somewhere lol) and go find them myself.... if ever i find out where they're buried!!!
  10. i was calming down until you asked me that question fendy!! i spent the best part of a day arguing with two ladies, the first one i couldn't understand at all!!. apparently, the information that they hold on fiche is only for the same years that you can download yourself off internet banking!!! now if you believe that (which i don't for one second) pah! why would they copy current information - i ask you... ridiculous. bottom line is.. .they don't want us to make claims going further back than the six years they are currently paying out on - b*****s:mad:
  11. try and perservere with this site's spreadsheets - they'll work out the interest automatically. spreddie's from other sites differ a lot and they're not very detailed. have go though, cos there's always some kind peeps that will take a lood at them once you've done them to make sure you're on the right track! 6. Interest calculation spreadsheets
  12. thieving little S**ts - they'll have to take me to court for the rest hahaha
  13. "Is there anything more I should be doing? LOL" yes tomcody.... mopping your kitchen floor!!!!! hahaha:)
  14. GOD I HATE HSBC WITH A VENGEANCE!!!!! sorry i haven't been around much, but my second claim, which i was promised a cheque for.... was PAID INTO MY ACCOUNT!! i'm fuming b****ds!!! still leaves me overdrawn - and they have the cheek to ask me when i'll be paying the balance off - i told them to 'balance off' too!!. told them that as that bloody balance was made up of charges and they've stolen from me - once again! - the only way i won't claim from them for a THIRD time, is if they write off the rest. we'll see what bloody Fozia Hussain thinks of that when she reads her prompt card eh!!! absolutely livid....
  15. you do have the correct dates on your spreadsheet (breakdown of charges)?
  16. congratulations and well done!! happy spending lol:D
  17. hi jon are you using a spreadsheet from this site?
  18. yes you do have to write and tell the bank that a benefit is going in on a certain date and how you wish to spend the money!!
  19. no cases have been heard in court yet though! if you think about the recent media coverage - every one and his uncle have been told they can do this so they are doing it!! there are hundreds of thousands of peeps claiming at the mo so things are bound to have been slowed up by the process... just hang in there, your time will come and you'll get it back. be patient, that's all.
  20. nettyg

    Surf v HSBS

    hsbc are out of the equasion so to speak as you are now dealing with dg. give them a 'tinkle' and see what's what.
  21. haha lats doesn't drink carling... I DO lol and i do the night shift
  22. we've all been at that stage of 'despair'!! then we get the idea placed in our heads from 'whatever' source to get even. and bwoy what a feeling when that cheque/credit in the a/c comes your way - we win... simple as that!! key is... do your homework so you understand what you're doing, don't be impatient - after all, you are claiming for money that you thought you'd never see again, and ask as many dumb questions as you see fit!! better to have asked the question than to try and correct a mistake after the event. good luck... we're here if you need us!
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