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Everything posted by tonycee

  1. I cant believe what has happened. I bet we will never know the truth. One thing you can be sure of, i bet he never got a pay off, and left by mutual consent.
  2. There is no definative answer as to how long it will take. You MUST give it as long as is necessary. You must if necessary apply for an adjournment to enable you to get the details together. You really MUST do what you can. Good Luck
  3. No need to worry. Court is very civil. I suggest you go as its easier to get an adjournment, than an annullment. What you need to do is get the facts together. Times, dates, amounts claimed, and for what periods. The land registry will have cancelled the charge over your fathers property, as you have no legal investment in it. They do it as a matter of course to stop you selling before the hearing. Dont worry about this bit for now.
  4. You say you used to own the house. Can you explain who owns it now. And from when. The Land registry cant cancel the petition only the creditor. If you still owned the house, and the bill was in your name, you are liable im afraid. Yes i would DEFINATELY still go to the hearing, If there is a misunderstanding, you can sort it out, Ask for an adjournment.
  5. 26 July 1947 to 06 June 2010 Two sad years have passed, but the legacy and fond memories remain. Hope you are helping out up there big man. Like you always did down here. R I P Bob. Gone but never forgotten.
  6. Bailiffs are still using 13th century laws, to a 21st century problem. But if you keep up the good fight. You can make a difference.
  7. Click on the web page at the top. It should highlight blue. Right click, copy, then paste it where you want it to go. http://www.justice.gov.uk/courts/procedure-rules/criminal/docs/crim-pr-2011-part76-costs.doc
  8. Its natural for people to form an opinion. I am begining to feel that i am on trial here. I wont reveal anymore details than necessary. I was charged with an offence i did not commit. I am out of pocket and looking to redress the balance. Does ANYBODY know of a legal reason why i should not sue the alleged victim?
  9. Thanks for your input. If any one has any factual matters to add, feel free to comment.
  10. Its not that im not listening. I hear the advice, I dont hear anybody yet, giving me a valid reason not to proceed. Thats what im after. I thought i had heard it all, but this takes some beating. Whatever happened to innocent untill proven guilty. On WHAT grounds would i have to prove anything, The facts that i am innocent are all that i have to prove.
  11. Thanks for the input. I cant see how my claim has no merits. I was wrongly arrested on the word of a third party. I pleaded not guilty right from day one. The whole process could have been avoided. Im out of pocket. Somebody has to pay. Im self employed btw but on a fixed day rate. I have experience with County Courts. I will proceed with this. I just wondered if anybody had any legitimate reason, other than conjecture, as to why i shouldnt. Pursuing a CCJ will be easy and push the total claimed over the bankruptcy threshold. Thanks again.
  12. I dont care who pays. I want my money back. The "sufficient evidence" was/is based on the statement of a third party. When the crunch came, he couldnt go through with it.
  13. I love cats. But only our local ones. And only on a Saturday night. Extra chilli sauce mate. !!!!!!!
  14. Dont worry. If a tsunami hits Britain and we all die, The government will say its the wrong kind of water.
  15. How is he going to drive his car with only 3 wheels.
  16. I know this is a consumer site, but i need a bit of advice. Brief as poss situation. I was wrongly arrested for Actual Bodily Harm and Criminal Damage on the 9th sept 2011. The charges were dropped on Tuesday 22nd May 2012 the day before my 3rd court appearance. I had to appear as instructed by my sols, so we could go for a costs order. To my horror the court would not entertain my loss of earnings, £652.50p. Only reasonable expenses. Fuel, car park etc, Now i consider my loss of earnings to be reasonable, dont you. So this is what i am thinking. Should i take the other geezer to County Court for my toot, and do you think i should go for compensation for 9 months duress and the likes. Or do you think i would be pushing my luck. I will have no hesitation in going to court if i think it is worth it. Any advice/opinions. Thanx.
  17. Verbal agreements, whether at a betting shop, or otherwise, are just as legally binding as a written contract. The problem, in the absense of a witness, is proof.
  18. http://www.talksport.co.uk/magazine/virals/120504/funny-video-arsene-wenger-fired-alan-sugar-apprentice-171366
  19. Whatever you decide, you must do it correctly or any petition will be dissmissed in court. What i suggest you do, and its only my opinion, is to seek advice from a proffesional insolvency practitioner. And do it now. Any initial advice should be free of charge. They think they will get your business out of it. But you dont have to make a commitment to them. I have posted a link >>>>>HERE Good Luck.
  20. Im sorry if i have offended anybody in my posts. I have not read the thread through since last posting, and wont be doing so. I find this whole subject far to painful. BYZEE Madeleine McCann Still missing. Still missed.
  21. Put the washing out, go to the toilet, talk to a neighbour. Thats the sort of leaving alone i meant. I dont condone what they did in leaving her alone. I just dont think we should cast judgement at this stage, And thank you for the kind words.
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