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Found 2 results

  1. Can you believe this? https://www.theguardian.com/business/2017/mar/25/pret-a-manger-looks-to-uks-teenagers-to-tackle-looming-staff-crisis Apparently not too many people impressed so now they are agreeing to pay them. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/03/25/pret-criticised-offering-teenagers-sandwiches-exchange-work/
  2. :jaw: This monster snack is the world’s meatiest sandwich - crammed from bottom to top with 41 different cuts of meat including sausages, ham, turkey and - of course - bacon. Before you tuck in youought to have planned for a long lunch break as this megawich will take an overwhelming ten hours to eat The massive sarnie, dubbed a 'carnivore’s dream', stands a whopping 15 inches high, 24 inches wide and tips the scales at more than two stones. It contains 1,445 grams of ham, two kilograms of salami, turkey and bacon, one kilogram of sausages and 720 grams of chorizo. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2148140/Now-THATS-sandwich-Worlds-biggest-meat-sarnie-contains-41-cuts-weighs-stone-10-hours-eat.html#ixzz1vdHoJova
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