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    • If you are buying a used car – you need to read this survival guide.
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    • Hello,

      On 15/1/24 booked appointment with Big Motoring World (BMW) to view a mini on 17/1/24 at 8pm at their Enfield dealership.  

      Car was dirty and test drive was two circuits of roundabout on entry to the showroom.  Was p/x my car and rushed by sales exec and a manager into buying the mini and a 3yr warranty that night, sale all wrapped up by 10pm.  They strongly advised me taking warranty out on car that age (2017) and confirmed it was honoured at over 500 UK registered garages.

      The next day, 18/1/24 noticed amber engine warning light on dashboard , immediately phoned BMW aftercare team to ask for it to be investigated asap at nearest garage to me. After 15 mins on hold was told only their 5 service centres across the UK can deal with car issues with earliest date for inspection in March ! Said I’m not happy with that given what sales team advised or driving car. Told an amber warning light only advisory so to drive with caution and call back when light goes red.

      I’m not happy to do this, drive the car or with the after care experience (a sign of further stresses to come) so want a refund and to return the car asap.

      Please can you advise what I need to do today to get this done. 

      Many thanks 
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    • Housing Association property flooding. https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/topic/438641-housing-association-property-flooding/&do=findComment&comment=5124299
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    • We have finally managed to obtain the transcript of this case.

      The judge's reasoning is very useful and will certainly be helpful in any other cases relating to third-party rights where the customer has contracted with the courier company by using a broker.
      This is generally speaking the problem with using PackLink who are domiciled in Spain and very conveniently out of reach of the British justice system.

      Frankly I don't think that is any accident.

      One of the points that the judge made was that the customers contract with the broker specifically refers to the courier – and it is clear that the courier knows that they are acting for a third party. There is no need to name the third party. They just have to be recognisably part of a class of person – such as a sender or a recipient of the parcel.

      Please note that a recent case against UPS failed on exactly the same issue with the judge held that the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 did not apply.

      We will be getting that transcript very soon. We will look at it and we will understand how the judge made such catastrophic mistakes. It was a very poor judgement.
      We will be recommending that people do include this adverse judgement in their bundle so that when they go to county court the judge will see both sides and see the arguments against this adverse judgement.
      Also, we will be to demonstrate to the judge that we are fair-minded and that we don't mind bringing everything to the attention of the judge even if it is against our own interests.
      This is good ethical practice.

      It would be very nice if the parcel delivery companies – including EVRi – practised this kind of thing as well.


      OT APPROVED, 365MC637, FAROOQ, EVRi, 12.07.23 (BRENT) - J v4.pdf
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Me vs Littlewoods Catalogue

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Hi there.


Wrote to them 18 December requesting CCA from littlewoods (sent non recorded like a fool, so they could deny ever getting it, plus i couldnt prove they DID get it.)


sent another letter (this time recorded) which was signed for on the 6th March, asking for CCA, Statement of account etc.


Well i got this reply yesterday.





13 March 07


Dear Me


Subject - Catalogue Debt.


Thank you for your letter, i was sorry to hear you are experiencing financial difficulties.


As you requested, i have listed a full statement of account.


The outstanding balance on the account is £xxxx.xx This consits of:


£xxxx.xx of good over x period of time


£xxxx.xx of goods over x period of time.


Under the circumstances, all further action has now been suspeded on this account for 28 days, in which time we should have received your proposal for payment.


If you need to contact me about this matter, please write to me at the above address. I will be happy to help you.




Now i asked for CCA and Statement of account (including payments) this obviously isnt it.


What do i do from here, obviously they are stalling, as i know for a fact i didnt sign anything.


Do i wait until their in default (which they are if you count the letter in December, which i kept a copy off, if not they are in default

26 March)


Thanks in advance for all replies!

Me Vs AA/Blair Oliver - Defaulted on CCA, Committed Criminal Offence, started chasing payment


Me Vs Great Universal - Wrote off the 2k balance, couldnt supply docs



My Friend Vs Lowell Portfolio - Balance written off, all action stopped!



My Friend Vs Empire Catalogue - Balance Cleared


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Me Vs AA/Blair Oliver - Defaulted on CCA, Committed Criminal Offence, started chasing payment


Me Vs Great Universal - Wrote off the 2k balance, couldnt supply docs



My Friend Vs Lowell Portfolio - Balance written off, all action stopped!



My Friend Vs Empire Catalogue - Balance Cleared


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Me Vs AA/Blair Oliver - Defaulted on CCA, Committed Criminal Offence, started chasing payment


Me Vs Great Universal - Wrote off the 2k balance, couldnt supply docs



My Friend Vs Lowell Portfolio - Balance written off, all action stopped!



My Friend Vs Empire Catalogue - Balance Cleared


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sorry to bump this again, but am really in need of advice on my next step.

Me Vs AA/Blair Oliver - Defaulted on CCA, Committed Criminal Offence, started chasing payment


Me Vs Great Universal - Wrote off the 2k balance, couldnt supply docs



My Friend Vs Lowell Portfolio - Balance written off, all action stopped!



My Friend Vs Empire Catalogue - Balance Cleared


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so i will write


Thank you for your letter dated.


It seems youve misundersood my original letters (enclosed for ease of reference), please comply with my original request which is for a copy of the True Signed Agreement.







would that do?

Me Vs AA/Blair Oliver - Defaulted on CCA, Committed Criminal Offence, started chasing payment


Me Vs Great Universal - Wrote off the 2k balance, couldnt supply docs



My Friend Vs Lowell Portfolio - Balance written off, all action stopped!



My Friend Vs Empire Catalogue - Balance Cleared


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ok ive drafted a letter


please tell me what you think and reply as necessary




To Them


Dear Ms person who signed letter


Before I continue I wish to establish that I am not seeking to avoid responsibility for any alleged debt or breach of any alleged agreement that I may have or have had.

Thank you for your letter dated x March 2007, however, I am very disappointed you seem to have misinterpreted the content of the original letters, please find those letters enclosed for ease of reference.


Please supply me with the documents I have requested in the enclosed letters and please note that the original deadline as per the original letter still stands.

As you have suspended this account, you are acknowledging that the OFT has ruled that it is a creditor's obligation to prove that a debt is owed, rather than a debtor's obligation to show that it is not. It is also the OFT's position that once a debtor queries or complains about a debt, no further enforcement or recovery action can be taken until the query or complaint has been resolved.

Accordingly, I look forward to the information originally requested in my letter dated x month and year, and again in my reminder, dated x month and year received by your firm on x month and year

If you are unable to supply the information within the original legal time frame, then please send me the name and address of your compliance officer.


Yours faithfully,


is this ok? if anyone has any suggestions or changes, PLEASE LET ME KNOW ASAP


Me Vs AA/Blair Oliver - Defaulted on CCA, Committed Criminal Offence, started chasing payment


Me Vs Great Universal - Wrote off the 2k balance, couldnt supply docs



My Friend Vs Lowell Portfolio - Balance written off, all action stopped!



My Friend Vs Empire Catalogue - Balance Cleared


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Dear Mrs Littlewoods,


Thankyou for your letter dated xx/xx/xx the contents of which I note. However this does not fulfill your obligations under the CCA 1974, details of which I requested xx/xx/xx.


The alledged debt is at present unenforceable, until you satisfy my request.


To this end I would like you to note that I will not enter into any further communications with your company on this matter, unless and until my request is actioned.


For ease of reference please find enclosed copy of aforementioned letter


Love Kenny

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cool, sharp simple and to the point, will leave it and post it tomorrow morning!


thanks gizmo, in the meantime any other posts or replies welcome!

Me Vs AA/Blair Oliver - Defaulted on CCA, Committed Criminal Offence, started chasing payment


Me Vs Great Universal - Wrote off the 2k balance, couldnt supply docs



My Friend Vs Lowell Portfolio - Balance written off, all action stopped!



My Friend Vs Empire Catalogue - Balance Cleared


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lol not at all


PS - posted the letter tonight recorded

Me Vs AA/Blair Oliver - Defaulted on CCA, Committed Criminal Offence, started chasing payment


Me Vs Great Universal - Wrote off the 2k balance, couldnt supply docs



My Friend Vs Lowell Portfolio - Balance written off, all action stopped!



My Friend Vs Empire Catalogue - Balance Cleared


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  • 2 weeks later...

once again the letter hasnt been signed for (this is from the 16th march)


what i will do (as they "gave me 28 days" lol )


i will wait until Tuesday April 3rd, if ive had nothing back from them (because i think it has been signed for in a bulk bag), ill send the letter Special Delivery, they are in default and offense stage anyway!


im having so much fun with this now!

Me Vs AA/Blair Oliver - Defaulted on CCA, Committed Criminal Offence, started chasing payment


Me Vs Great Universal - Wrote off the 2k balance, couldnt supply docs



My Friend Vs Lowell Portfolio - Balance written off, all action stopped!



My Friend Vs Empire Catalogue - Balance Cleared


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Just dropping in to say that a recorded delivery CCA letter which I sent to NDR on 6th March as never shown up as being delivered by the Royal Mail. I even phoned to check with the Royal Mail and they said it hadn't been delivered. However, bless their cotton socks, NDR actually put the £1 towards the account and kindly sent me a statement showing when the £1.00 was received. Very thoughtful as I hadn't got any proof of it being delivered. I must presume that Royal Mail in their wisdom just posted it and didn't get anyone to sign for it.

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Kenny P R


I've just had 8 weeks of pure fun with Littlewoods and Debt managers Ltd.

They started giving my Mother in Law loads of Sh*t so i decided to start firing some letters at them.


To cut a fairly lengthy story short, Debt Managers fired her account straight back to Littlewoods within 48 hrs of receiving our CCA request. They even rang us and said that they had handed it back as there was no CCA agreement in place and they did not want to be associated with illegally chaseing a debt!


We then got a letter from Littlewoods as follows


"With ref to your letter requesting a copy of the credit agreement.

Under sections 77 and 78 of the consumer credit act 1974 we are required to provide a copy of the executed agreement (if any). On the assumption that you have signed the agreement supplied to you at the time of opening your account. We enclose a copy of our agreement which complies with the requirements of the Consumer Credit (Cancellation Notices and Copies of Documents) Regulations 1983"


They sent a blank copy of a credit agreement!!!!!!!!


After another letter from me saying poke it basically we got a phone call today from littlewoods saying that the debt has been scrubbed and that the balance was now £0.


The lady that rang was sound with me and i pointed out that all the letters that had been sent were pretty naughty considering they never had there admin in order.


When i pointed out that a criminal offence would be commited in 4 days, she was aware of this, and offered to reimburse all monies paid on the account!! Result


Stick with it KPR you'll get there mate.

If you can read this, thank a teacher.

If you can read it in english thank a soldier.

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although keep track of this thread, if they fob me off with a blank CCA i may need the letter you sent them


thanks for dropping by :-)



Me Vs AA/Blair Oliver - Defaulted on CCA, Committed Criminal Offence, started chasing payment


Me Vs Great Universal - Wrote off the 2k balance, couldnt supply docs



My Friend Vs Lowell Portfolio - Balance written off, all action stopped!



My Friend Vs Empire Catalogue - Balance Cleared


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No problem for the letter mate, just shout as and when you need it.


What i found was that once you got past the "Customer - we're right and your wrong- Service" telephone operatives and started speaking to the people in the Payment Collections Unit you started to get results.


All the best mate. I'll keep my eye on this thread for you but if you need owt and i've not seen this thread just PM me.



If you can read this, thank a teacher.

If you can read it in english thank a soldier.

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Hi all,


I too was supplied with a blank "agreement" from Littlewoods after my request to NDR. It was 3 days outside the 12 working days (+2) and the one calendar month. Just left it and thought - let them hang themselves - and they did! A few days later I received a default notice from NDR (thread under lxdirect and NDR). Fuming I fired off a stinker of a letter, and lo and behold yesterday received a reply from Littlewoods saying they will not pursue this debt anymore. Have now written requesting they remove any reference of this debt from my credit files. Gave them 14 days to do this. Just waiting for a response.

Had a bit of a result today re: a default I have from Robinson way (although it is registered by their "parent company" London Scottish).

Sent the same letter to them to remove the adverse info from my credit files, got a letter today saying they will do this (thread Robinson way - default removal). So it does work peeps! Keep at it.


Couldn't do it without the knowledge I have gleaned from this site - and the support of other CAGers, so thanks everyone!!


Cheers Ajjars

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Hi all,


I too was supplied with a blank "agreement" from Littlewoods after my request to NDR. It was 3 days outside the 12 working days (+2) and the one calendar month. Just left it and thought - let them hang themselves - and they did! A few days later I received a default notice from NDR (thread under lxdirect and NDR). Fuming I fired off a stinker of a letter, and lo and behold yesterday received a reply from Littlewoods saying they will not pursue this debt anymore. Have now written requesting they remove any reference of this debt from my credit files. Gave them 14 days to do this. Just waiting for a response.

Had a bit of a result today re: a default I have from Robinson way (although it is registered by their "parent company" London Scottish).

Sent the same letter to them to remove the adverse info from my credit files, got a letter today saying they will do this (thread Robinson way - default removal). So it does work peeps! Keep at it.


Couldn't do it without the knowledge I have gleaned from this site - and the support of other CAGers, so thanks everyone!!


Cheers Ajjars


I'm impressed aljars..any chance of seeing 'that' letter you wrote or was it one from a templte here ??

Just hate every DCA out there

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can i see the letter too?

Me Vs AA/Blair Oliver - Defaulted on CCA, Committed Criminal Offence, started chasing payment


Me Vs Great Universal - Wrote off the 2k balance, couldnt supply docs



My Friend Vs Lowell Portfolio - Balance written off, all action stopped!



My Friend Vs Empire Catalogue - Balance Cleared


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Hi guys,


It wasn't a template letter, more a "coalition" letter! One of my own, but with lots of quotes and information from this site! I will try and post it ...

couldn't upload anything last time tho. If I get time later I will type it out tonight.

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Hi guys,


It wasn't a template letter, more a "coalition" letter! One of my own, but with lots of quotes and information from this site! I will try and post it ...

couldn't upload anything last time tho. If I get time later I will type it out tonight.


Cheers, would be appreciated

Just hate every DCA out there

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Ok guys,


This is the main body of the 2nd letter. First was pretty much in the same vein, but I can't seem to find it!


Dear Sir/Madam,


Reference No.


I wrote to your company on 11th January 2007 requesting information under my rights under the Consumer Credit Act 1974 and under your companies obligation to comply with my request, your company did not supply me with any of the information within the prescribed timescale, or indeed at all. They have now committed a criminal offence.


I wrote again on 2nd March regarding this matter of non compliance and of the fact that your company were now in criminal default and giving them 14 days in which to remove the related default from my credit file, and any reference to this account. As of today (17 days later) I have not had any response.


I had confirmation from one of your managers that your company bought this “debt” from the original creditor. It is a widely known fact that companies such as yours buy debts at a much reduced amount then chase the debtors for payment. I have made over £800 in payments to this “debt”, which equates to around 80% of the total.


Therefore, I consider this as settled. As I stated before, the fact that you are not in possession of my original signed and executed agreement negates any claim that you may have/had to collect this “debt” and to register defaults against me. As you are not, and were not in possession of the correct documentation at the outset, then you have acted unlawfully in pursuing me for this money and registering a default on my credit file.


The default is in fact registered under London Scottish who I believe is your parent company. They have never contacted me regarding this debt. If in fact your company were entitled to register a default against me, it should have been under Robinson Way & Co, as you were the company pursuing me for money. Can it be that you do not have the necessary authority to register a default against me?


The fact is that your company have committed a criminal offence, and someone in your company could be liable to a large fine and/or imprisonment. I could now quite conceivably pursue this matter for a full refund of all monies paid. You know this and I now know this.


I am considering all my options. One of them is to reiterate my previous request to you. It think that this may be the simplest way to remove this default from my file, which is what concerns me now. You should not have placed this marker on my file. You have acted illegally. However, I am willing to try to resolve this matter, before the need to utilise the courts time. However, please be aware that if that is the only option left open to me, then it is one which I shall take. I believe the option I am now giving you is for the benefit of all.


I am therefore again requesting that the default entry associated to this “debt” is removed forthwith from my credit file. I am now giving you a further 7 days to action this request. Please be aware that this will be the final written communication regarding this matter.


If I have had no positive response from you in 7 days, then I will be contacting all the relevant authorities as stated previously and sending to them all correspondence I have regarding this matter. All correspondence I sent to Robinson Way was sent with proof of postage. I shall also be contacting the CRA’s informing them of the circumstances of the default. If this matter is still unresolved after this, then I will be filing a claim at court for non compliance of my CCA request and default removal.



Yours faithfully,


Got the letter within 7 Days saying they will action my request! Lets hope they do ..... or I WILL be making those complaints!!


Cheers Ajjars

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Hmm, nice letter, might be using it myself if it keeps this up... not meaning to gatecrash your thread, but Littlewoods set Moorcroft on me, who then said they couldnt provide a CCA request, so were returning the "debt" to L/woods.


A few days later Debt Managers Ltd started chasing me so I sent THEM a CCA request and just as Im about to send L/woods one just to make sure, Debt Mgrs have set their solicitors on me threatening me with court action .... again (yawn)


Ho hum.. more letters :D. You never know they just might start listening eventually


Keep it up guys and gals


Mol x




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