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    • Interesting question regarding what Government accounts opposition parties have access to, before an General Election. From what I understand, Government department accounts that are published are always lagging behind and would not include some amounts which are classified as 'commercially sensitive'.  Therefore opposition parties and Parliamentrary select committees would not have access to accounts which contain real time up to date information. If a new Government have found £20 billion of spending liabilities they did not know about, this could be true, as £20 billion is not that much when you look at total Government expenditure. Government department are making decisions on spending all of the time and it could be the previous Government were planning tax changes and/or spending cuts to balance the books.  Jeremy Hunt has recently said that if the Tories had stayed in Government and held an Autumn budget, it would have been very difficult to cut taxes as some had wanted.
    • Everyone knows the tories were hiding the costs - and even added 4 billion quid to the taxpayers high interest credit card to fund a chunk of the NI tax reduction - prime example - look at how much cost was hidden re the Rwanda dogwhistle -10 Billion quid     and re the handful of rebels on the benefit limit If the disasters (like the Rwanda rubbish) of Tory dogs being wagged by the extremist minority ERG tail doesn't highlight the issues .. Enlighten yourself here .. (fat chance) Sir Keir Starmer is right to show Labour rebels the door WWW.INDEPENDENT.CO.UK Editorial: Suspending seven MPs following their rebellion over the two-child benefit cap is more than a prime minister flexing his political muscle. It is a...  
    • Trump instigated that didnt he @theoldrouge despite losing the election - and Biden mitigated as much as he could within his boundaries?   "President Donald Trump ordered a rapid withdrawal of all U.S. troops from Afghanistan and Somalia in the wake of his 2020 election loss"   “The order was for an immediate withdrawal, and it would have been catastrophic,” said Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., one of two Republican members of the special panel. “And yet President Trump signed the order.”   Trump ordered rapid withdrawal from Afghanistan after election loss WWW.MILITARYTIMES.COM The memo was among the latest revelations from the congressional committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol building.   Although i agree that Biden should have done more to mitigate Trump driven disasters
    • ok your WS is wrong. Paragraph 16 and 17 says  you did not contract with evri but this is not true - see below  Furthermore to the eBay Powered By Packlink T&Cs that Evri is referring to, Clauses 3b and c of the T&Cs states:  (b)   Packlink is a package dispatch search engine that acts as an intermediary between its Users and Transport Agencies. Through the Website, Users can check the prices that different Transport Agencies offer for shipments and contract with the Transport Agency that best suits their needs on-line. (c)  Each User shall then enter into its own contract with the chosen Transport Agency. Packlink does not have any control over, and disclaims all liability that may arise in contracts between a User and a Transport Agency post 251 of occy thread - £844 lost    you should also add a paragraph on donough v Stevenson talking about the fact that even without contract there is still duty of care to goods and by failing to deliver this duty has been breached.   Make those changes and post it back up here and I'll check over things again
    • no we cant add the occy thing because leicster are being difficult people so we're just going to go without it for now
  • Our picks

    • If you are buying a used car – you need to read this survival guide.
      • 1 reply
    • Hello,

      On 15/1/24 booked appointment with Big Motoring World (BMW) to view a mini on 17/1/24 at 8pm at their Enfield dealership.  

      Car was dirty and test drive was two circuits of roundabout on entry to the showroom.  Was p/x my car and rushed by sales exec and a manager into buying the mini and a 3yr warranty that night, sale all wrapped up by 10pm.  They strongly advised me taking warranty out on car that age (2017) and confirmed it was honoured at over 500 UK registered garages.

      The next day, 18/1/24 noticed amber engine warning light on dashboard , immediately phoned BMW aftercare team to ask for it to be investigated asap at nearest garage to me. After 15 mins on hold was told only their 5 service centres across the UK can deal with car issues with earliest date for inspection in March ! Said I’m not happy with that given what sales team advised or driving car. Told an amber warning light only advisory so to drive with caution and call back when light goes red.

      I’m not happy to do this, drive the car or with the after care experience (a sign of further stresses to come) so want a refund and to return the car asap.

      Please can you advise what I need to do today to get this done. 

      Many thanks 
      • 81 replies
    • Housing Association property flooding. https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/topic/438641-housing-association-property-flooding/&do=findComment&comment=5124299
      • 162 replies
    • We have finally managed to obtain the transcript of this case.

      The judge's reasoning is very useful and will certainly be helpful in any other cases relating to third-party rights where the customer has contracted with the courier company by using a broker.
      This is generally speaking the problem with using PackLink who are domiciled in Spain and very conveniently out of reach of the British justice system.

      Frankly I don't think that is any accident.

      One of the points that the judge made was that the customers contract with the broker specifically refers to the courier – and it is clear that the courier knows that they are acting for a third party. There is no need to name the third party. They just have to be recognisably part of a class of person – such as a sender or a recipient of the parcel.

      Please note that a recent case against UPS failed on exactly the same issue with the judge held that the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 did not apply.

      We will be getting that transcript very soon. We will look at it and we will understand how the judge made such catastrophic mistakes. It was a very poor judgement.
      We will be recommending that people do include this adverse judgement in their bundle so that when they go to county court the judge will see both sides and see the arguments against this adverse judgement.
      Also, we will be to demonstrate to the judge that we are fair-minded and that we don't mind bringing everything to the attention of the judge even if it is against our own interests.
      This is good ethical practice.

      It would be very nice if the parcel delivery companies – including EVRi – practised this kind of thing as well.


      OT APPROVED, 365MC637, FAROOQ, EVRi, 12.07.23 (BRENT) - J v4.pdf
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The sub-postmasters scandal

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says it all:

“Almost any evidence coming from the Post Office would have to start with the assumption that it’s now seriously flawed”

- Richard Moorhead, Horizon compensation advisory board

The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads

If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs


However bad you think things are ..

Could be worse - could be Farage

Sergei Lavrov:  “an ally” 

"echoing Putin's vile justification for the brutal invasion of Ukraine."



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Another conviction was overturned. Kathleen Crane was in the high court in the Strand today. 

One of the main firms of solicitors involved, Hudgell, has said since the ITV series it's had 450 requests for legal help, of which over 50 want to appeal against a court sentence. 

Illegitimi non carborundum




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I find it hard to imagine any SPM's haven't been impacted - most of them just paying the (not) shortfalls out of their own pockets.

Which money the PO owes them - plus interest

Edited by tobyjugg2

The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads

If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs


However bad you think things are ..

Could be worse - could be Farage

Sergei Lavrov:  “an ally” 

"echoing Putin's vile justification for the brutal invasion of Ukraine."



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good point

.. probably not for long though


As a number of the faults appear to be repeating single entries - or repeating entries as SMPs sat at a frozen screen - seems possible.

PO can have their money back in 20 years - after the board have spent time in jail and they've paid it anyway - twice - but only if they lose their houses

Edited by tobyjugg2
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The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads

If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs


However bad you think things are ..

Could be worse - could be Farage

Sergei Lavrov:  “an ally” 

"echoing Putin's vile justification for the brutal invasion of Ukraine."



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"Labor peer Prem Nath Sikka has asked the government what it knew about the Post Office’s attempt to remove a High Court judge from his position during a High Court battle with 555 subpostmasters."

"The application was widely seen as a delaying tactic by the Post Office and an attempt to ramp up costs"

"Fraser rejected the application and the Court of Appeal rejected the Post Office’s appeal against his decision. Lord Justice Coulson, in the Court of Appeal, said: “The recusal application never had any substance and was rightly rejected by the judge.” "


"Paula Vennells could be stripped of her CBE as the Honours Forfeiture Committee commits to reconsider its award in the light of the Post Office Horizon scandal."

- about time



Labour peer uses urgent question to uncover who, if anyone, in government was aware of the Post Office’s attempts to remove judge as it became clear...


Edited by tobyjugg2

The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads

If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs


However bad you think things are ..

Could be worse - could be Farage

Sergei Lavrov:  “an ally” 

"echoing Putin's vile justification for the brutal invasion of Ukraine."



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16 hours ago, brassnecked said:

They are still trying to stop any police investigation into Vennells and others it may seem. 

As some kind of moderator shouldn't you be discouraging conspiracy theories rather than inventing them?


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2 hours ago, cjcregg said:

As some kind of moderator shouldn't you be discouraging conspiracy theories rather than inventing them?


That is scarcely an argument to rebut what is being said but I have noticed that you often like to introduce a note of tension into these discussions.


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There is no evidence whatsoever to suggest that ministers are ''trying to stop any police investigation into Vennells and others''. Where is the argument to support saying it?

I think those who run forms of social media (which this is) have a responsibility to separate fact from fiction.

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@cjcreggWasn't the horizon scandal itself and accusations of a conspiracy by the PO -  a conspiracy theory?

Unthinkable that a british institution would hide evidence, let alone prosecute innocent people - that they had very good reason/evidence toi believe were innocent?

VIPlane scandal?

Crony Mone scandal?

Money for access scandals?

MP expenses scandals?

or is it just a little mild tourettes flareup you've got there?

Edited by tobyjugg2
  • I agree 1

The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads

If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs


However bad you think things are ..

Could be worse - could be Farage

Sergei Lavrov:  “an ally” 

"echoing Putin's vile justification for the brutal invasion of Ukraine."



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On 19/01/2024 at 04:56, cjcregg said:

I always find it better to see the actual evidence rather than some journalist's interpretation of it.


On 19/01/2024 at 05:14, cjcregg said:

This was reported in the media, where a Fujitsu manager dissed Lee Castleton in an email before his court hearing.




Another point @cjcregg

Has this entire scandal been highlighted by investigative journalists alleged of spouting conspiracy theories again and again.

.. and far into an ever growing list of evidence of conspiracy, deceit and corruption do you go before it becomes the default perception of the entire scandal? ... and it seems to unquestionably be a corrupt scandal


“Almost any evidence coming from the Post Office would have to start with the assumption that it’s now seriously flawed”

- Richard Moorhead, Horizon compensation advisory board

Edited by tobyjugg2

The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads

If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs


However bad you think things are ..

Could be worse - could be Farage

Sergei Lavrov:  “an ally” 

"echoing Putin's vile justification for the brutal invasion of Ukraine."



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The inquiry has published an email exchange between some PO execs and Angela Van Den Bogerd from 2010.

Here's a snippet.


I found out this week that Fujitsu can actually put an entry into a branch account remotely. It came up when we were exploring solutions around a problem generated by the system following migration to HNGX. This issue was quickly identified and a fix put in place but it impacted around 60 branches and meant a loss/gain incurred in a particular week in effect disappeared form the system. One solution, quickly discounted because of the implications around integrity, was for Fujitsu to remotely enter a value into a branch account to reintroduce the missing loss/gain. So POL can't do this but Fujitsu can.


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2 hours ago, cjcregg said:

Oops indeed.

You edited out the rest of the 2nd quote that specifically referenced the evidence given in the inquiry.  


You mean like the one liners you throw out accusing others?

- which actually was the point


Regarding your above post. There has been reams of actual reports that Fujitsu could manually alter/add/delete/whatever entries in SPMs accounts for years .. what isnt clear is

Whether these were logged

Whether the edits actually did as intended, let alone left a 'proper trail

Who authorised them

Why and under whos instructions these facts along with the errors the system generated were withheld in criminal cases, let alone apparently ignored when SPMs raised issues



It appears there possibly is a 'location part to many of the issues:

Those locations with poor data line/internet connection - needs confirming (and that the system didn't trap connection failures properly) although certainly seems that way.


Hope this is visible to all


Rural sub post offices are still apparently required to use elderly (perhaps aluminium) lines from BT even when full fibre is available from alternative...



Edited by tobyjugg2

The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads

If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs


However bad you think things are ..

Could be worse - could be Farage

Sergei Lavrov:  “an ally” 

"echoing Putin's vile justification for the brutal invasion of Ukraine."



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"Project Sparrow"

The secret plan to sack Second Sight is revealed in the minutes of two Project Sparrow meetings in April 2014.

Available to the government and investigation committee (in redacted form!!) since 2021

"Yet the Project Sparrow minutes from April 2014 show Paula Vennells, Alice Perkins and the other members discussed closing or speeding up the mediation scheme and planning to pay minimal compensation to sub-postmasters."

"Second Sight submitted a report on 8 July 2013 identifying computer bugs that raised doubts over the reliability of Horizon data used to prosecute sub-postmasters."


"The Project Sparrow sub-committee was led by Post Office chair Alice Perkins and included chief executive Paula Vennells, alongside the Post Office's most senior internal lawyer, general counsel Chris Aujard, and Richard Callard, a senior civil servant at UK Government Investments, then a division of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy."




BBC obtains unredacted minutes showing government knew of plan to sack experts who found Horizon IT bugs.


"It's a distinctly corrupt, murky story that goes right the way into government and it's deeply worrying,"

- Lord Arbuthnot

  • Thanks 1

The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads

If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs


However bad you think things are ..

Could be worse - could be Farage

Sergei Lavrov:  “an ally” 

"echoing Putin's vile justification for the brutal invasion of Ukraine."



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add Tom Wechsler to the list



(Sparrow) allegedly involved parties, including "representatives from the government's UK Government Investments division"

Edited by tobyjugg2
  • Like 1

The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads

If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs


However bad you think things are ..

Could be worse - could be Farage

Sergei Lavrov:  “an ally” 

"echoing Putin's vile justification for the brutal invasion of Ukraine."



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The Beeb has got hold of some secret POL documents talking about sacking Second Sight and about compensation.

The documents reveal the Post Office planned to pay a total of only £1m in "token payments", or compensation, to sub-postmasters as it suppressed evidence of computer bugs in 2014.


BBC obtains unredacted minutes showing government knew of plan to sack experts who found Horizon IT bugs.


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Illegitimi non carborundum




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20 hours ago, tobyjugg2 said:

"Project Sparrow"

The secret plan to sack Second Sight is revealed in the minutes of two Project Sparrow meetings in April 2014.

Available to the government and investigation committee (in redacted form!!) since 2021

"Yet the Project Sparrow minutes from April 2014 show Paula Vennells, Alice Perkins and the other members discussed closing or speeding up the mediation scheme and planning to pay minimal compensation to sub-postmasters."

"Second Sight submitted a report on 8 July 2013 identifying computer bugs that raised doubts over the reliability of Horizon data used to prosecute sub-postmasters."


As no one else has extrapolated ..

As the senior PO staff at the meeting has been detailed and largely isnt redacted .. who would the other (5?) attendees be that have been redacted.

We have most of the PO attendees it seems, We have the PO's legal council


So who would the other 5 be?  - they certainly aren't representatives of the SPM victims ...

Seems to me the only answer that make sense are government representatives and/or Fujitsu staff.


Had a crack at AI enhanced scanning of those unredacted pages. Unsurprisingly no luck so far although for any others, font would appear to be arial for detection purposes




The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads

If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs


However bad you think things are ..

Could be worse - could be Farage

Sergei Lavrov:  “an ally” 

"echoing Putin's vile justification for the brutal invasion of Ukraine."



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It has been reported that Richard Callard (whos linkedin profile seems to have vanished from public view) was part of the project (BBC reported) .. so he may well be one of the redacted attendees






The matter was allowed to drag on long after the Horizon accounting software was found to be fatally flawed


The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads

If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs


However bad you think things are ..

Could be worse - could be Farage

Sergei Lavrov:  “an ally” 

"echoing Putin's vile justification for the brutal invasion of Ukraine."



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and here


The chairman of the Post Office is being forced out of the role amid frustration in Whitehall over the state-owned company’s governance as it...


most saying roughly the same thing.

Edited by tobyjugg2

The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads

If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs


However bad you think things are ..

Could be worse - could be Farage

Sergei Lavrov:  “an ally” 

"echoing Putin's vile justification for the brutal invasion of Ukraine."



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On 16/01/2024 at 11:31, honeybee13 said:

Part of Paula Vennells CBE was awarded for Charity work Could you please provide a full list of the charity work carried out and what charities she was...


Either no answers or the FOI requestor not updating


Unless her 'charity work' is in receiving around £60,000 quid from charities ...


There’s been acres of media coverage of the disgraced Paula Vennells in recent weeks – largely in relation to her activity on the board of the Post...


Edited by tobyjugg2
  • Like 1

The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads

If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs


However bad you think things are ..

Could be worse - could be Farage

Sergei Lavrov:  “an ally” 

"echoing Putin's vile justification for the brutal invasion of Ukraine."



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found myself running around in circles somewhat here - theres so much smoke, so I started pasting and editing bits about who dun what when - for what its worth


There are clearly answers needed from before/during the PO split with RM but .... In addition to EVERY minister and senior civil servant with a PO remit since at least 2008:

Sir Donald Brydon Post Office chair 2009-2011; Royal Mail chair until 2015

Sir Donald Brydon The former Barclays banker replaced Allan Leighton as chair just as the Horizon scandal was becoming public. (I've left Leighton out so far)

Paula Vennells Post Office chief executive 2012-2019

When the organisation routinely denied there were any problems with Horizon and pursued prosecutions against hundreds of sub post office operators.

During this time she collected more than £4.5m in pay, £2.2m of which was performance-related bonuses.

She told MPs in 2020 that Fujitsu had assured the Post Office board that Horizon was “not perfect” but was “fundamentally sound”.

In 2019 Vennells joined the UK Cabinet Office board and received a CBE for PO + services to charity

Alice Perkins Post Office chair 2011-2015

Alice Perkins led the board as concerns mounted about the Horizon system and the prosecutions carried out by the Post Office. She is a former senior civil servant and is the wife of former foreign secretary Jack Straw.


Alan Cook Post Office managing director 2006-2010

Alan Cook denied problems with Horizon during his tenure. He was criticised in 2021 by Kevin Hollinrake, now postal affairs minister, for his oversight of the business throughout the scandal.


Rob Wilson Head of Criminal Law at the Post Office

On receiving an internal email complained about not being invited onto a conference call (3rd March 2010) about problems with Horizon. A memo of the meeting concluded a thorough investigation of the Horizon system should be commissioned 'not only needed but is imperative'. Wilson allegedly had and continued to have a problem with this.


John Scott, head of PO security


Simon Clarke/Cartwright King

The Clarke advice was written for the Post Office in 2013 by a barrister called Simon Clarke. It contains information that a senior Fujitsu engineer failed to disclose Horizon IT errors during the prosecutions of a number of Subpostmasters. The document has yet to be made public. In 2015, the chief executive of the Post Office told Parliament that no evidence of any miscarriages of justice had been found.

The allegation of contempt for disclosing the Clarke advice was first raised by the Post Office in court on 18 November, against Flora Page. They said the document should only have been seen by the judges, appellants and their legal representatives.

On 19 Nov, the Met alerted the court to Mr Marshall's actions in sending the Clarke advice to them (for criminal investigation?)

As a result of what was said about the Clarke advice in court on 18 November, Lord Arbuthnot told the government it was clear the Post Office had "lied" to parliament in 2015, and the former Lord Chancellor, Lord Falconer, told me it was likely a "smoking gun".



Rod Ismay former Ernst & Young auditor joined the Post Office in 2003

Author of the first report into the Horizon IT system.

Ismay was tasked with writing the report in 2010 in response to questions being raised about the Horizon IT system by some MPs, the JFSA and the first media investigation into flaws in the system, published by Computer Weekly in 2009. The report, which became public only in 2021, determined that Horizon was “robust”.

Ismay told the public inquiry that he had not been engaged in a “whitewash” process, saying that he had been asked by bosses to only find assurances that the accounting system was working correctly. His report concluded that the Post Office could remain satisfied that “money was missing due to theft in the branch”.


Investigator Robert Daily and similar

 had written that ‘checks have revealed no problems’ with Horizon, but he admitted there was no paperwork to show how such  checks had been made. He said in his witness statement that he was the disclosure officer in Holmes’ case but he could not recall if data requested by Holmes’ defence team had been disclosed. 


Gareth Jenkins

The former chief architect at Fujitsu, which supplied the centralised computer system to the Post Office to replace paper-based accounting, gave evidence defending the Horizon computer system in a number of prosecutions.


Jo Swinson was postal minister from 2012 to 2015, replacing Norman Lamb, who lasted a little more than six months in the role.

This was a period when an external review of the Horizon IT system was carried out by the forensic accountants Second Sight, brought in by the Post Office as pressure mounted from a small group of MPs and the Justice for Subpostmasters Alliance (JFSA) set up by victims to campaign for their innocence.

Second Sight’s interim report found evidence of flaws and bugs in Horizon. On two occasions, “defects” in the system had resulted in a shortfall of about £9,000 at 76 branches.

However, the Post Office maintained that there was “absolutely no evidence of any systemic issues with the computer system”. Swinson backed up this position in a statement to the House of Commons.

Susannah Storey Post Office board 2012-2014

Susannah Storey worked as the government’s non-executive representative on the Post Office board. She has held a series of senior civil service roles and is now permanent secretary at the Department for Culture, Media and Sport.


Richard Callard Post Office board 2014-2018

Richard Callard replaced Susannah Storey as the government’s representative on the board in 2014 and remained until 2018 as the scandal continued to unfold. He worked for the Shareholder Executive in the government business department and is an executive director of its successor body UK Government Investments.


Tim Parker Post Office chair 2015-2022

Tim Parker led the board as it continued to aggressively fight legal claims by sub-postmasters alleging wrongdoing. Parker, labelled the “Prince of Darkness” by trade unions after job cuts during his corporate and private equity career, was an adviser to Boris Johnson when he was mayor of London. He was chair of HM Courts and Tribunals Service from 2018-2022.


Carla Stent Post Office board 2016-23

Carla Stent was a non-executive director for seven years and served as chair of the board’s audit, risk and compliance committee. After executive roles at Thomas Cook, Barclays and Virgin Group she sat on several company boards, including chairing commodities broker Marex Spectron and Savernake Capital. She is on the board of Evelyn Partners, accountants to prime minister Rishi Sunak.


Adam Crozier Royal Mail chief executive 2003-2010

Adam Crozier chairs BT and previously led the Football Association and ITV. During his time leading Royal Mail, the Post Office was a subsidiary. Crozier was in charge when Computer Weekly first reported on the Horizon scandal in 2009. He said this week he had no involvement in the Horizon issue


Nick Read Post Office chief executive 2019-present

Nick Read took office in 2019, taking over day-to-day running of the Post Office as legal pressure over the Horizon scandal mounted. He has apologised for what happened to sub-postmasters and called it “unacceptable”. In 2023 Read, former boss of retailer Nisa, handed back part of his bonus that was linked to the inquiry over the miscarriage of justice.

Tom Cooper Post Office board 2018-2023

Tom Cooper former Deutsche Bank global M&A chair, was a non-executive board member representing the government. He apologised to MPs last year for his part in an error relating to bonus payments to executives for assisting the inquiry into the Horizon scandal.


Tom Weschler PO chief of staff 2014


Boris Johnson

instigated an apparent 'kick in to the long grass'  investigation which wallowed and dribbled with further abuses until the TV story.


Sunak - probably not at all interested until it hit the headlines - then not much




Zarin Patel Post Office board 2019-2023

Zarin Patel joined the board as the Post Office settled a legal claim by 555 former sub-postmasters following which there was renewed focus on the safety of the criminal convictions. She is a chartered accountant and senior independent director of retailer Pets at Home. She sits on the boards of Anglian Water Services, recruiter Hays, and the National Trust and is a member of HM Treasury’s audit and risk committee. She was previously CFO of the BBC.

Allan Leighton Royal Mail chair 2002-2009

Allan Leighton led the Royal Mail board before it split from the Post Office and while sub-postmasters were prosecuted and pressured to make payments to cover “shortfalls” that had shown up in Horizon. He departed two months before the first media report on the Horizon scandal.

Simon Blagden

a Tory donor who chairs the government’s Building Digital UK agency, was described by Fujitsu UK in 2015 as a member of its leadership team who sat on its UK and Ireland responsible business board, as well as being chair of one of its subsidiaries, Fujitsu Telecommunications, from 2004 to 2019.

Tim Franklin Post Office board 2012-2019 (??)

Tim Franklin was on the board for seven years as former sub-postmasters launched a lawsuit against the Post Office. Currently on the board of The Very Group, he has also been a non-executive at HM Land Registry. He chaired PCF Group but left in 2022 less than a year before it announced plans to cancel its Aim market listing after failing to raise capital.



Ken McCall Post Office board 2016-22 (??)

Ken McCall McCall was senior independent director on the Post Office board. He previously headed DHL Express in the UK and was deputy CEO at Paris-listed Europcar Mobility Group. He spent six years on the board of retailer Superdry.



2012–2015: Second Sight reports

The litigation between sub-postmasters and the Post Office that led to the 2019 settlement was far from the first chance for board members and the government to abandon the Post Office’s aggressive defence of the Horizon IT system. Between 2012 and 2015 forensic accountants Second Sight, appointed by the Post Office after pressure from MPs and sub-postmasters, investigated concerns over glitches in the Horizon system that may have been producing “shortfalls” in sub-postmasters’ accounts.

Its final report raised concerns that “in some circumstances Horizon can be systemically flawed from a user’s perspective”. Second Sight also said it had been unable to complete its investigation, pointing to legal challenges by the Post Office and its refusal to provide some documents.





Cant finish without (and what led to that) .. and nothing like the blame ministers and PMs since at least 2015 should shoulder


Tony Blair  (Actually seems more detail in this than with any other ministerial or PM interaction)

Blair: I would favour Option 1 (pressing ahead with Horizon) but for Geoff’s statement that the system itself is flawed. “Surely there must be a clear view on this. Speak to me on that: ie reading the enclosed paper, it all focuses on the financial deal.

 "Alistair Darling was against the deal, but the department for trade and industry (and Mandelson) was more supportive."

Lord Mandelson told then chief secretary to the Treasury Stephen Byers he believed proceeding with Horizon was the “only sensible choice” available.

Harriet Harman, then secretary of state for work and pensions, had written as far back as 1998 to Blair to warn him there was a risk that the project would fail to achieve its objectives, while the then prime minister also received a Treasury briefing the following year outlining a series of failures.

Ian McCartney, who was handed ministerial responsibility for the Post Office in the first weekend of Blair’s premiership, told the inquiry in September last year that he had discussed a major problem regarding the project with the then minister of welfare reform, Frank Field, who said he was “appalled” by a lack of documentation.

But McCartney told the inquiry: “To have abandoned the Horizon project would have been calamitous. There would have been no contract, so we would have had to start from the beginning again.”




also rans


Ed Davey postal affairs minister between 2010 and 2012. Davey accusing senior Post Office managers of unleashing a “conspiracy of lies” against successive ministers. Seems to me Swinson is more first port of call here.


Starmer - cant find anything to answer for in the sub dozen cases of his time. No indication whatsoever he would be aware of the cases, let alone any dishonesty in PO prosecution evidence/disclosure.


"the threshold for a conspiracy to pervert the course of justice, which, they say, is committed “when two or more people agree to embark on a course of conduct which has a tendency to, and is intended to, pervert the course of public justice.

Henry et al note that “a person may be attributed with knowledge if the evidence suggests that they “deliberately shut their eyes to the obvious, or refrained from inquiry because they suspected the truth but did not wish to have their suspicion confirmed“.”




'Corrections/changes to SPMs data were made, often apparently secretly, that do not show up in audit data. and the facts of these along with known issues with the systems NOT disclosed (if fact refuted) in court cases and to the media.

Fujitsu engineer seems to have lied in court and to parliament.

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The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads

If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs


However bad you think things are ..

Could be worse - could be Farage

Sergei Lavrov:  “an ally” 

"echoing Putin's vile justification for the brutal invasion of Ukraine."



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On 13/10/2022 at 06:54, unclebulgaria67 said:

Think we would need to see the actual government papers. Senior officials means Civil Servants and not ministers.  When it says Tony Blair was briefed in 1998 about issues with the system, I suspect this was one item within his red box full of other items.

More information is needed before any conclusion of any political cover up by the Blair Government.

I know a local couple who were wrongly accused, had their post office closed down for over 6 months, while they were under investigation regarding their accounts.  Once there was a full audit of accounts they were cleared to re-open, but they were financially impacted, so eventually had to give up their current office. 


The cost of compensation will run into billions and take a long time.  Agree that the Post Office management who knew the truth but allowed prosecutions to happen on false basis, should face criminal investigation and hopefully Court trials. 





Its rare to hear about audits actually being carried out, let alone which cleared SPM's

When approx was this?

Did they not get compensation when they were cleared?

The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads

If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs


However bad you think things are ..

Could be worse - could be Farage

Sergei Lavrov:  “an ally” 

"echoing Putin's vile justification for the brutal invasion of Ukraine."



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avdb, swinson and davies




Reporting the High Court class action against the UK Post Office


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The Tory Legacy

Record high: Taxes, Immigration, Excrement in waterways, energy company/crony profits

Crumbling: Hospitals, Schools, council services, businesses and roads

If only the Govt had thrown a protective ring around care homes

with the same gusto they do around their crooked MPs


However bad you think things are ..

Could be worse - could be Farage

Sergei Lavrov:  “an ally” 

"echoing Putin's vile justification for the brutal invasion of Ukraine."



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