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  1. All the relevant politicians have been scheduled to give evidence to the Horizon Inquiry now, plus Vennells (3 days) and Gareth Jenkins (4 days). Bring popcorn. Phase 5 and 6 Timetable WWW.POSTOFFICEHORIZONINQUIRY.ORG.UK Heari
  2. The inquiry has published an email exchange between some PO execs and Angela Van Den Bogerd from 2010. POL00091384 - Email chain between John Bredeen, Angela Van-Den-Bogerd, Sue Higgins and others RE: Follow up to BIS meeting on JFSA WWW.POSTOFFICEHORIZONINQUIRY.ORG.UK Here's a snippet.
  3. Oops indeed. You edited out the rest of the 2nd quote that specifically referenced the evidence given in the inquiry.
  4. There is no evidence whatsoever to suggest that ministers are ''trying to stop any police investigation into Vennells and others''. Where is the argument to support saying it? I think those who run forms of social media (which this is) have a responsibility to separate fact from fiction.
  5. As some kind of moderator shouldn't you be discouraging conspiracy theories rather than inventing them?
  6. This was reported in the media, where a Fujitsu manager dissed Lee Castleton in an email before his court hearing. He was being questioned by sub postmaster's barrister Flora Page (who my partner works with). You can't really see him but Lee Castleton is sitting right behind her, so It's pretty cringing stuff. Fast forward to 47:00.
  7. I always find it better to see the actual evidence rather than some journalist's interpretation of it. It's at the very start of this evidence session. And before you start slagging off the Fujitsu witness, he's actually a good guy.
  8. Well on this occasion it backfired on them even though they were attempting to assist the subpostmaster in correcting his data, but basically those corrections didn't show up on the Fujitsu's own archived data and that's why PO prosecuted him. It was fortunate that the subpostmaster kept the Horizon printouts that established that the transactions actually existed.
  9. I don't know if anyone has been following the inquiry today but some significant evidence being heard from Fujitsu witnesses. A court of appeal case hearing for a convicted postmaster last year has established that at least 13 missing transactions that were subsequently manually replaced by Fujitsu remotely & covertly didn't show up in the ARQ (audit data) evidence that post office relied upon in prosecuting the sub postmaster.
  10. If you think that the police would or even could charge them before a judge-lead statutory enquiry examining these very matters is concluded then you just don't understand how the world works. But I suppose it's easier for you to stick with social populist conspiracy theories dreamed up between keystrokes.
  11. So ministers are putting pressure on the police service to delay investigating the Fujitsu employees because they made wodges of money out of it (whatever 'it' is)? I'm quite happy to contribute to this thread with informed comment and hope others do too but this is just mindless landfill that isn't worth the pixels.
  12. The police will be smart enough to wait until Gareth Jenkins gives his evidence, under oath, to the inquiry before charging him. Wyn Williams has already dismissed two applications by him for criminal immunity in respect of the evidence he'll give, so the MET will get him handed to them on a plate, with garnish. Ann Chambers has already given hers but I suspect they'll be charged together - if she's charged.
  13. POL = Post Office Ltd. There were 2 call helplines available to sub postmasters, a general one run by POL and another technical one run by Fujitsu. The Fujitsu employees were originally referred to the DPP by Justice Fraser (the judge in the GLO) following his concerns about the evidence they gave in prosecutions.
  14. I've seen a map somewhere of the locations of the affected post offices and there wasn't any geographical significance as far as I remember. They were spread evenly over the UK. As the 'shortfalls' didn't actually exist, the money that sub postmasters 'paid back' would in effect been additional revenue and have just gone into the PO's account and onto their bottom line.
  15. The Business & Trade Committee are hearing from a host of different witnesses on Tuesday including the current Post Office CEO and a Fujitsu exec. 16 January 2024 - Post Office and Horizon - Compensation: follow-up - Oral evidence - Committees - UK Parliament
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