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    • If you are buying a used car – you need to read this survival guide.
      • 1 reply
    • Hello,

      On 15/1/24 booked appointment with Big Motoring World (BMW) to view a mini on 17/1/24 at 8pm at their Enfield dealership.  

      Car was dirty and test drive was two circuits of roundabout on entry to the showroom.  Was p/x my car and rushed by sales exec and a manager into buying the mini and a 3yr warranty that night, sale all wrapped up by 10pm.  They strongly advised me taking warranty out on car that age (2017) and confirmed it was honoured at over 500 UK registered garages.

      The next day, 18/1/24 noticed amber engine warning light on dashboard , immediately phoned BMW aftercare team to ask for it to be investigated asap at nearest garage to me. After 15 mins on hold was told only their 5 service centres across the UK can deal with car issues with earliest date for inspection in March ! Said I’m not happy with that given what sales team advised or driving car. Told an amber warning light only advisory so to drive with caution and call back when light goes red.

      I’m not happy to do this, drive the car or with the after care experience (a sign of further stresses to come) so want a refund and to return the car asap.

      Please can you advise what I need to do today to get this done. 

      Many thanks 
      • 81 replies
    • Housing Association property flooding. https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/topic/438641-housing-association-property-flooding/&do=findComment&comment=5124299
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    • We have finally managed to obtain the transcript of this case.

      The judge's reasoning is very useful and will certainly be helpful in any other cases relating to third-party rights where the customer has contracted with the courier company by using a broker.
      This is generally speaking the problem with using PackLink who are domiciled in Spain and very conveniently out of reach of the British justice system.

      Frankly I don't think that is any accident.

      One of the points that the judge made was that the customers contract with the broker specifically refers to the courier – and it is clear that the courier knows that they are acting for a third party. There is no need to name the third party. They just have to be recognisably part of a class of person – such as a sender or a recipient of the parcel.

      Please note that a recent case against UPS failed on exactly the same issue with the judge held that the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 did not apply.

      We will be getting that transcript very soon. We will look at it and we will understand how the judge made such catastrophic mistakes. It was a very poor judgement.
      We will be recommending that people do include this adverse judgement in their bundle so that when they go to county court the judge will see both sides and see the arguments against this adverse judgement.
      Also, we will be to demonstrate to the judge that we are fair-minded and that we don't mind bringing everything to the attention of the judge even if it is against our own interests.
      This is good ethical practice.

      It would be very nice if the parcel delivery companies – including EVRi – practised this kind of thing as well.


      OT APPROVED, 365MC637, FAROOQ, EVRi, 12.07.23 (BRENT) - J v4.pdf
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Delayed flight compensation Jet2..Issued a Court claim against them ***Paid in Full***

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Delayed flight compensation Jet2 -



We have had a long and frustrating 9 months trying to get compensation from Jet2 for delayed flight LS606 from Malaga to East Midlands on Monday December 11th 2017.



To jog your memory there was some snowfall on Sunday 10th December across parts of the midlands and the south of the country.



LS606 was 3 hours 41 minutes late arriving at East Midlands. We put in a claim to Jet 2 by way of a letter (and two follow up letters) and it was repeatedly denied because of ‘exceptional circumstances’ which Jet2 tried to suggest was adverse weather.



To cut the long version short, we issued county court proceedings in January 2018 and Jet2 responded by appointing a large London firm of solicitors to fight their defence. The defence received was laughable and was mistly wrong, inaccurate or downright offensive. One part that sticks out to me was the following:



The defendant does not admit nor deny that the claimants presented themselves for check-in’. In other words, although they do not deny it, they wanted us to prove that we did. Of course, by law they have to keep records of who actually boards and travels on all aircraft.



For the last 9 months Jet 2 has tried to convince us that LS606 was delayed due to adverse weather but I can prove that it was not and will happily forward that proof onto anyone who also wishes to bring a compensation claim for the same flight.



The PREVIOUS flight, LS605 was delayed leaving East Midlands and that it was actually made our flight delayed. But although Jet 2 will again tell you that LS605 was delayed by adverse weather, that is also untrue. The actual reason LS605 was delayed was a lack of de-icing facilities and supplies. Something confirmed on bvoard LS606 by the captain in Malaga.




On the day in question I have records of every flight that landed and departed from EMA between 05:25 and 15:13. Not one aircraft was delayed from landing at EMA and of those that did land, not a single one was delayed in departing again. Only aircraft that had been parked overnight had any delay and of those only some of those. This was ultimately Jet2's downfall. Adverse weather either effects all flights atbthe airport or it doesn't. De-icing is more selective and thus the can of worms is opened.




The two flights in question are LS605 and LS606 on Monday 11 December 2017, both of which used a Boeing 737 aircraft with the registration G-JZHL. This aircraft was flown EMPTY into EMA from Birmingham on Saturday 9 December and it sat fully exposed to the forecast snow conditions until it was required on the Monday morning, 36 hours later. THAT is why it needed de-icing and the lack of said de-icing is why LS605 was delayed departing and thus why LS606 was subsequently delayed.



So, ANYONE who travelled on LS606 should claim compensation under EU regulation 261/2004 and I would strongly advise you to claim from Jet2 without delay. They WILL deny your claim and will most likely string you along for months also, but persevere and like us you will get your compensation.



Our court case was due to be heard in the next couple of weeks and out of the blue Jet 2 decided to offer the full claim amount (including the court fee) last week. This morning we received the full claim amount into our bank.


Jet2 tried to incorporate a ‘confidential’ clause into their offer, but I pointed out that they were not in a position to demand anything from us. They dropped that part in agreement of us accepting the full settlement offer. We did that specifically so we could tell you.



So, if you were on LS606 make a claim. You are entitled to 400 Euros per passenger.

I also advise anyone on LS605 to also claim because your flight was also NOT delayed due to adverse weather, but a lack of de-icing facilities. EU court cases have ruled that de-icing is not a reason to deny claims.



I think it is outrageous that companies such as Jet2 will try this. They know they must pay but WILL deny your perfectly valid claim. They are simply hoping you will just not bother, or if you do bother will accept their rejection, or if you do issue a court claim will be put off by their big London firm and their 20 page defence, or that you will just give up. Be like us and stand up to them.



Amount settled: £780.72 being 400 Euros each plus the £60 court summons fee.



In case anyone from Jet2 wishes to contest what I have said above, I have the full documentation of the entire matter from letter 1 to bank payment today.

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Thread title amended.


Dont forget to inform the court its been paid



Well done ...excellent result.




We could do with some help from you.



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BA in my case went a step further, denying that they were the air carrier!!!

CAA were brilliant in providing full info of the cancelled flight within 24 hours.

They paid up a few days before my deadline on lba.

I think as standard all airlines will deny liability to all claims and only pay when threatened with court actions.

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