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Found 7 results

  1. Dear all, I have a few questions I wonder if anyone can help with. The scenario is thus: I live in a block of flats with parking. Each flat has its own allocated bay. I own my own flat (leasehold, not renting) and I am sure (but I suppose I would have to check the leasehold) that means I own my own parking bay too. I have today received a letter saying "owing to complaints from residents regarding parking, we are implementing permits and ticketing". The letter also states "We, [management company] have no control over revoking parking tickets. Any issues with parking control must be addressed to [parking company]". The management company (or a parent company or sub-company or similar) is also the landowner. Yes, it's annoying if someone nicks your space, but I can't help but think there are going to be a lot more complaints from residents who get tickets. I have been given a permit to display. I'll put it in the car, of course, but... On what basis can they implement this? As I understand it, the 'parking charge' from a ticket is essentially damages either for trespass or breach of contract. If trespass: 1) surely the parking bay is mine to do with as I please; 2) how can the landowner say they are not involved in revoking tickets? Any 'damages' claim would have to be in their name and they can decide whether to pursue it or not. If contractual, how can I have agreed to this 'contract' when there is nothing in my lease? If (assuming the worst) I was to receive a ticket for parking in my own space, would I have any redress against the management co. for a) interfering with my right to park in my space / my right to a peaceful existence; 2) employing gibbons to do the ticketing; 3) saying I'm a party to a contract when I'm not? Cheers in advance
  2. On 18/04/2016 I received a PCN from Parking ticketing limited whilst parked in a private car park. The notice was issued on the grounds that I did not have a valid permit to park in the car park. I appealed the PCN on the grounds that: 1) I had a visitor permit issued to me at the barrier (entrance to the car-park), by their person operating the barrier. 2) I also cited that the PCN contained incorrect details of the vehicle ie the stated colour of vehicle was WRONG which rendered the PCN invalid. 3) The amount of the fine £60 was excessive. They rejected my appeal saying that a landmark case on 4th Sept 2015 was handed down in favour of parking operators, I missed date for a POPLA appeal (due to serious family illness issues) and then received a letter demanding £100 - I wrote to them again citing that I had a visitor permit and invalid information on the PCN. I then received a letter from PCS (Parking Collection Services on behalf of Parking ticketing Limited) demanding £120 - they stated on the back of their letter that I could appeal the (now £120) charge if I did not believe I should have received it and that they could cancel the ticket if they upheld my appeal. I explained the situation over again to them explaining that Parking ticketing Ltd had refused to engage with me again and had not answered any of my grounds for appeal. PCS rejected my appeal to them, and furthermore said that I could not appeal against the £120 fine levied by them as I had missed my original date of appeal to POPLA when I wrote to Parking ticketing Ltd back in April - they did not issue a reference number for me to appeal to POPLA against their £120 fine even though it stated on the back of their fine that if they rejected my appeal they would issue me with a POPLA reference. my question and need for advice now is have I got to pay this £120 to Parking Collection Services? They have now given me until 28/07/2016 to pay £120 to them, I did not think this thing would go the distance, how can I fight these people now? please someone give me some advice
  3. Have read the other threads on site and else where about this car park. I read the parking notices like others and to be fair if it says for site users I missed that. The Biggest part says 1 hr only. Came back in less than 20 min and a ticket saying I'd been observed leaving the site, not sure how but I'm guessing there using CCTV as there were about 5 or 6 cars ticketed. Pay £100 fine but only £60 for paying quick. Well not much chance of that. There were only 10 cars in around a 100 space car park. Don't see that I have caused any inconvenience or affected trade for Staples and Maplin's which are the only shops on site; so I intend to just ignore it and not even appeal. Anybody think I'm misguided????? Comments appreciated.
  4. I want help from members here. I recently got a ghost ticketing NTK myself knowing I didn't get any ticket on the windscreen. So it's fightback time. Let's get a list together of where this sort of activity takes place, The name of the PPC and the location of the site will suffice. I'll be asking for volunteers sometime in the future to do a park while watching and videoing from somewhere on the site or by a dash cam. I'm not very active on this forum so if you wish to drop me a pm it'll be fine, otherwise you can find me on Pepipoo.
  5. The secondary ticketing market, which allows fans to resell unwanted gig tickets, will become more transparent and potentially safer to use, after the government agreed on 24 February to back legislation that seeks to protect fans from fraud. The proposals also aim to counter the issue of professional touts buying tickets in bulk and reselling them at inflated prices through secondary ticketing agencies. The proposals, collected together in an amendment to the consumer rights bill tabled by Conservative peer Lord Moynihan, will ensure that fans buying tickets from reselling companies such as Viagogo, Stubhub and Seatwave will know the precise details of the ticket they are purchasing (row, seat, face value, age restrictions, its original seller) – currently not legally required – helping to stamp out the sale of both counterfeit tickets and speculative tickets being sold on the secondary market sometimes before they’re commercially available from event organisers. http://www.theguardian.com/music/2015/feb/25/touts-suffer-blow-government-backs-regulation-secondary-ticketing
  6. Had to take my 86-y-o father to local hospital A&E today after home visit from doctor. Parked in a marked bay near to A&E and displayed father's disabled badge on dashboard while i went to find wheelchair and take father (who has both breathing and walking difficulties) in to 'book in'. 5 mins max later I came out to move the car and it had one one of UKPC's 'penalty notice' invoices in disguise on the windscreen. Tried to call the number on the back of the piece of paper, but just got rerouted and then cut off five times until I got someone to answer – a robot I think, as she just said 'I can't do anything you'll have to appeal online no the appeals department don't answer the phone because they're too busy with documentation' in response to every point I attempted to make. Apparently I was parked on private land – at an NHS hospital, which according to the paper attached to my windscreen is apparently private property. I didn't get any sensible response to my enquiry as to who she actually thought owns the NHS, and my suggestion that I would charge them for the time I had to spend going through the appeals procedure was answered with 'If you do that we will have to refer you to our legal team'. Ho hum - will start the appeals procedure tomorrow, plus a stiff letter to the hospital in question, which presumably employs this company.
  7. Despite a push button controlled barrier we are having increasing problems with rogue parking in a block of flats in which I have an investment property. Spaces are numbered and no occupier has more than one allocated space, although many have more that one car. Visitors spaces are never available, people park in other peoples' spaces, the disabled spaces and on verges, blocking access to emergency vehicles. Mindful of R.L Davey v UKPC, the Residents' Association do not wish to harass members and their tenants, we are mindful of our tenants' quiet enjoyment rights, but we can no longer allow this situation to continue. We have two visitors spaces. Each was occupied for three days last week by the same car. I wished to visit my tenant and had to park in the street I have just spoken to a company which operates a self ticketing scheme. It works thusly. The company send a pack of signs to the management company who erect them. Any car parking improperly is photographed by the Management Company or any member of the Residents Association, and the photograph is then emailed to the parking company who then issue a pcn. As the company will only issue PCNs at our request, I cannot see any reasons why we should lose Popla appeals. I should be grateful for comments.
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