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Found 5 results

  1. The secondary ticketing market, which allows fans to resell unwanted gig tickets, will become more transparent and potentially safer to use, after the government agreed on 24 February to back legislation that seeks to protect fans from fraud. The proposals also aim to counter the issue of professional touts buying tickets in bulk and reselling them at inflated prices through secondary ticketing agencies. The proposals, collected together in an amendment to the consumer rights bill tabled by Conservative peer Lord Moynihan, will ensure that fans buying tickets from reselling companies such as Viagogo, Stubhub and Seatwave will know the precise details of the ticket they are purchasing (row, seat, face value, age restrictions, its original seller) – currently not legally required – helping to stamp out the sale of both counterfeit tickets and speculative tickets being sold on the secondary market sometimes before they’re commercially available from event organisers. http://www.theguardian.com/music/2015/feb/25/touts-suffer-blow-government-backs-regulation-secondary-ticketing
  2. Ok so after reading this forum for ages i have decided its time to do something, for about 2 years on and off myself and my partner became reliant on Payday lender. Over the last few years we have managed to pay all bar 4 back (3 of which are on my dmp the other being mobile money) What i want to do now is claim back any i can for irresponsible lending but am not too sure where to start, so far i have contacted a few and asked for a loan history off them which they are said to be emailing but any help off you all would be appreciated, so far contacted - Uncle buck (who have already sent me it) - wonga - myjar - quickquid (who apparently i have to write via snail mail) and wageday advance. What then is claimable, i know the charges are but i know on a few i deferred alot too as i was stupidly trying to ignore the problem. Thank you.
  3. Whats the average length off time the banks give you, to do a charge back. Im guessing will all be different but i would just like to know some average lengths So if you are with any banks and you know the length please share. Ive heard anything from a few months for debit cards upto like a year for credit cards. thanks.
  4. Have just seen this on Local BBC. http://www.thisishullandeastriding.co.uk/Tesco-Beverley-backs-plans-change-free-parking/story-19683071-detail/story.html#axzz2cX5aOjMv
  5. This will be a big seller: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/10209515/Stephen-Fry-backs-worlds-first-talking-Teddy.html
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