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Found 4 results

  1. Hi, Me & my brother are swapping cars, both cars are the same year & relatively the same value. We are simply swapping as his car is an estate and better for my large dog and my car better for him as his daughter (my niece) can only drive automatics and mine happens to be an auto. I'm just confirming the taxation side of things. I pay DD monthly on my car (so kind of runs from month to month) whereas my brother has paid for the full year upfront on his car. His car tax is paid up till May 2019 I'm planning on doing the transfer of ownership/sale online via DVLA website while I am at my brothers (he lives 30 miles away). I am assuming when I do the transfer online for both cars it will automatically cancel my tax DD with respect to my vehicle and as for my brothers car he will be refunded for his car tax for each clear month by the dvla ? We will then need to both re-tax the cars again from kinda scratch? Is this the correct procedure? To be honest I've never sold a car since the new car tax system. Obviously we will update our respective car insurance's at that time too. Thanks in advance ;-)
  2. Hi Would appreciate some advice on the task I've been landed with. My Dad (92) has lost his licence and has got a SORN for his car. He wants to swap the car with one of my daughters car and then sell her car. His car is much better than hers and it will definitely benefit her. My concern is the whole road tax scenario. This is what I think I have to do, but I'd welcome any advice 1.Inform the DVLA that my Dad intends to give his car to somebody else 2.Complete the paperwork for his logbook to transfer the car to a new owner 3.My daughter informs the DVLA that she is giving her car to soembody else 4.She completes the logbook paperwork. 5.She informs her insurance company that she is trading cars 6.My daughter taxes my Dad's old car 7.My Dad applies for a SORN for my daughters old car My concerns are around 6 and 7. How does my daughter start the process of taxing a car that currently has a SORN? It was done quite recently and no paperwork has come through yet. Does this matter? Does my Dad have to tax the car first and then apply for a SORN for my daughter's car? Or can he just go directly to applying for a SORN Any help or advice would be gratefully received
  3. I swapped the tags in TKMaxx yesterday (30/11). it's the first time I did something like this so don't know what happens next and would be grateful for help. . Got banned for a year from all TKMaxx stores in UK and due to a crime prevention system they operate also from all the shops in the Birmingham city centre. I was told it's the city centre only, but the leaflet seems to say otherwise, I'd appreciate if someone had the same experience and could advise, please. When asked if it means I'll have a criminal record now, the guard assured me it had nothing to do with the police and the only reason my name and address were passed to the officer already present (there were some police officers already, detaining two men) was to confirm my address as I had no such confirmation on me. Was told the store's solicitors will be in touch asking for a fine, which might be between £50 and £100 and if that's not affordable, I will need to let them know. I checked the leaflet after finding this forum, it is RLP . I wanted to pay, but not sure I should anymore? I wouldn't be able to pay it all or all in one go, so I would have to speak/write to RLP . I am very scared of another debt collector and also of possible court prosecution, don't know what I should do? I've been looking for a job for a while, RLP says they're allowed to share my record with potential employers. Does it mean I can only apply for positions open to people with criminal record? Or abroad (or maybe this doesn't make a difference as they'd check even from overseas)? I'm also scared it may count as another fraud, so would like for this mistake to be rectified. Thank you.
  4. Hello, i am totally new to CAG and need advise. I am currently Nader police investigation for alleged piece swap where tkmaxx has CCTV passed to the police showing I bought items and returned other items under same receipts. I recently had a baby and as soon as I could get out of the house I went on a MAD shopping spree period over a couple of months where I was buying on credit card loads of items then return majority of them. On some occasion I would take the price tag off and then return the items within the allowed time having changed my mind. If some price tags were changed it was done completely innocently with no intention of wrongdoing or causing the shop a loss. One day I was at home alone with mu baby and the police came to search the house, they asked for Ll items I had purchased at tkmaxx recently and they seized them together with credit card statements and purchase receipts found. Same day I was interviewed on tape by police where I was finally told what the allegations were, I denied any wrongdoing and told them that any wrong price tag swap was due to the large amount of items bought and not remembering which one went where. They had a list of about 10/12 items for which tags may have been swapped at a loss for tkmaxx of approx £260, some of which tkmaxx are saying they were either not purchased from them or they are not fit for resale. About a month or so later I was called at the police station again for another interview when they showed me the CCTV and told me they could not understand how someone could make such mistake so many times! I continue saying I did to do any intentional wrongdoing and that the stress of having a baby, tiredness and being disorganised had caused this possible mistake. On both occasion the police told me to wait to hear more about their decision (I was told it could go to court). The items credit card and receipts seized are still in their possession. In the meantime while I'm still waiting for a deliberation by the police, I have receive a letter from RLP banning me from tkmaxx for like and asking compensation of £487. I have lost a lot of sleep over this and I'm starting to become ill with worry, I went to the CAB yesterday and told me to reply denying liabilities to the claim and seek legal advise. I have since spoken to a solicitor who told me to reply to RLP making an offer of part payment as they/tkmaxx could take me to civil court as there is also the possibility I can be taken to criminal court by the police due to the number of items... Over a week has passed for the date on the RLP letter and I still don't know what to do, threads I read seem to suggest to ignore them but my husband is scared they would pass this to the bailiffs. I am on maternity leave at present and instead of enjoying my time with my baby I cannot focus thinking of what could happen to me. I have never been involved with the police, my credit score is immaculate and have no debts. Can RLP access my salary and bank details to see if I can pay them, can they tell my employer to sack me? I have a very good job and cannot afford to loose it when I return from leave. Thanks so much to any advise you can give me, I'm totally confused with all different angles I have been given/reading.
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