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Found 5 results

  1. Hi all, Firstly I wasn't quite sure which area to post this, so apologies if I've got the wrong place. Right, to my question. I won £6500 on an online casino last July and they are refusing to pay me. I have done all of the SAR, online mediation, contacting the CEO of the company, involving the gambling commission etc etc to no avail. The casino's stance is basically "take us to court". I'd love to as I've got a water-tight case, but the problem is that they're based in Malta with no UK service address. Questions: - Am I correct in thinking that I have to take them to court in Malta? and if yes.. - Does anybody know how to do this and if there are any solicitors who may specialise in these type of overseas disputes? - Any other general advise on how best to proceed? For info, the casino involved is Slotty Vegas and their parent company is Max Entertainment. Many thanks, Lee.
  2. Hello. A got car insuance through a broker called Adrian Flux. They sent through details of the insurer which is Trinity Lane. They’ve sent me through the paperwork and I was looking through it and in the Trinity Lane documentation it says this. We are authorised and regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority under the Insurance Business Act 1998 to carry on the business of general motor and accident classes of insurance. So basically I don’t know if this is OK or if I should be wary that it is not authorised and regulated by an authority here in the UK. I can still cancel with no penalty so I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice. Thank you.
  3. a friend of mine ran up a mobile bill whilst living in malta hes now returning there after a two and a half gap would that company still have that on file and will it affect him getting credit there again
  4. Good evening, My auntie used to own a timeshare with Sunny Coast Malta and died over 4 years ago. Since then her sister (my auntie) and my dad have been receiving debt collection letters for the annual maintenance fees for the timeshare. They were not aware that the timeshare would become their responsibility in the event of her death and have not signed anything in respect to the ongoing fees or use of the timeshare. Since her death they have been ignoring the charges. Just recently they have now started to receive letters from Network Credit Services threatening further debt collection. Please could anyone advise what steps they should now be taking? Should they just continue to ignore? Any advice would be fantastic as it is getting to a point where my auntie is starting to feel ill with it all. Many thanks in anticipation
  5. Hi all, I'm having some problems with a personal loan with HSBC Malta, and after a long search I've found this site which looks the best place to get some help. Background to my problem - I lived and worked in Malta for two years, returning to the UK in 2007. I had a rather large overdraft that at the time I could afford to manage because I was earning a lot more money than I am now. When I returned to the UK I had a difficult time with work and my personal life and was eventually made redundant. I always had every intention of paying the overdraft but for several years the bank made no attempt to chase me for the outstanding amount so I had it low on my priorities. Earlier this year, HSBC Malta contacted me demanding full payment of the overdraft facility - stating that failure to do so would result in court action. This worried me and even though I realise that a Maltese court can only do so much to me now that I live in the UK, I wanted to avoid any ongoing problems and possible transfer of any court ruling to the UK. I have in the past worked in banking and plan to return to that occupation - so anything that has the potential to affect my credit rating is a worry, particularly a CCJ which would make me unemployable in any financial services role. In March I agreed to switch the overdraft into a personal loan. I did this reluctantly - HSBC Malta did not (in my opinion) consider the affordability of the loan payments (€234 per month) and didn't ask for any income/expenditure details to assess me. However I felt that I could probably afford these monthly payments if I tightened my belt elsewhere. I've since made six monthly payments. In September my wife gave birth and she is on maternity pay. The extra expense of a baby and surviving on one income now means that the monthly loan payment is impossible for me to afford and I missed my September payment. I've now received a demand for the full amount of the loan €11,564 from the bank with a warning that failure to do so will result in legal action. This situation is completely stressing me out. I've tried to call HSBC Malta Retail Risk (as suggested in the letter if I want to discuss the situation) but no-one answers the phone. I want to pay this loan off but at an amount that is affordable and realistic. And I certainly don't want to start down a legal path that might ultimately destroy my credit rating. Does anyone have any ideas or information that I should know about - I will keep trying to speak to someone at the bank and I intend to ask them to freeze the interest and allow me to pay €100 per month until the loan is cleared. But I am unsure what their attitude to such a proposal will be. Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks.
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