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Everything posted by Dipply75

  1. Thanks for that Buzby, want to make sure I've checked right into them as they are a royal pain in the hoo ha. I can handle them but anyone vulnerable would be at their wits end with them . Have just caught them lying through their teeth anyway, in writing no less! Reply ppreciated, thanks
  2. Hi postggj, Animal lover got an interesting reply from NU: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/payment-protection-insurance-ppi/147639-welcome-finance-investigation-20.html#post2227483 Apparently they are even dodging telling the ICO when they ask too!
  3. Hi animal lover, hope you are well! VERY interesting letter, also very interesting that Welcome are hiding this from the ICO also! This is all being untangled very slowly, they give conflicting answers to everyone, they really don't want this coming out. Postggj and Andie have really pounded them and I don't think Welcome or NU are going to excape lol Which address did the letter come from?
  4. Hi guys, still digging and checked the Lewsi Group's listing for their consumer credit licence. Ex Cheif Operating Officer Ian Cummings, suspended as you know, is still listed as running this place! How can someone suspended from a position that high for something so serious still be allowed to run the Lewis Group? Surely that brigns into question their fitness to hold a consumer credit licence? No-one can tell me he is A1 perfect at running this gaff and was just having 'an off' few years at Welcome (and considering it seems most of the Lewis Group offices are beside/in Welcome offices they weren't affected by the famous 'breakdown of internal controls' that have crippled a company)
  5. Hi Rob, I think Mr Cumming may have been one of the dodgy directors suspended lol. Be interesting to see if you get a response. They are doing to you what I got, the ridiculous run around. I have passed mine to the FOS and am gathering the info and paperwork for filing in court, had enough of the games. Will try and get back on later n help out. let us know if anyone replies to that e-mail though! Not sure what you should do next, the FOS taking an age to do things right now
  6. Hi all, Am picking a fight right back with a pondscum DCA, Reliable Collections. I know they are part of the JD Williams group and are an appointed representative for them listed on the FSA register. They are listed with Companies House as 'non trading', can anyone clarify this for me? I do not understand what it means. All I can find out is that they shouldn't have any 'significant' accounting entries.....but if they are collecting debts etc they would have wouldn't they? Arrrgghhh, confused! Any advice appreciated
  7. Hi folks, its been a while, cannot get on much but do try and keep reading. Hope you are all well and still giving them hell. After approx MONTHS of nothing from them, a threatogram from the Lewis Group, then a phone call - monkey on the phone listened to 10 mins of best of the 80's on VH1 before giving up. So they wanna play do they?
  8. Skintboy, congratulations, well done! Must have felt good lol Subbing if you don'tmind, Crap1 are a bugbear of mine also (used to be a nightmare but thanks to this site I've decided they are only a bugbear that needs their butt kicked )
  9. Hi sequest, no I was not taken to court, they threatened it when I stopped paying them. I e-mailed that I would be happy to see them there and outlined what my argument would be. Nottingham Collections could not be less bothered, trained or organised let me tell you, I dealt with them and Customer relations the whole way. Thanks to the OP, we now know this is obviously so wide spread, why is the FSA not looking into the actual operations at these Collection Centres?
  10. Hi Sequest, in that case I would ask some very forward questions about what was actually entered about your circumstances to get the loan approved (and were the staff on any bonus/comission? For selling the loan OR for moving your debt )...after a year of fighting I asked this and they settled in one week. I did not, however, get to see the details entered. If you are in litigation with them can you not force disclosure? Best of luck, it can be done And I agree Shakti, about as professional as the rest of their carry on!
  11. Hi Sequest, I had a loan with RBS and all was ok until the Tax credits system tried to ruin my life, practically no income I could not keep up with the payments. I was also due to go onto maternity leave and they just did not give any of the assistance they were able to and expected to. Then their solution was to offer a new loan paying off my huge overdraft of charges and settle my loan - essentially stretching a £1K loan balance to a £3.5K loan over 5 years (loan, O/D & charges). They insisted this was my only option so I signed. Then I claimed misselling as I was forced into further borrowing when in financial difficulty. I fought for a year with them, then just refused to pay. they tried the "you signed, your borrowing is your own responsibilty" crap but I kept on about responsible lending, banking code and then asked specifically what was entered into the system to allow someone in my financial circumstances be approved for such a loan - they folded! Hmm, not suspicious at all! If I can help please just let me know
  12. Subbing too, there is a walth of info on this thread and am just at the start of this process with RBS. Good luck and thanks
  13. Morning all, another one for the list. I sent my CCA request away on 2nd April, recorded delivery. Post Office did not get a signature and I thought it was lost until I received a letter from RBS Collections in Birmingham which seems to be a pretty standard template now. They cannot find the loan agreement, has been misfiled, return the £1 PO...but: The loan agreement remains valid, we expect you to meet your obligations under the agreement, if I cease payments they will report the default to the CRA's, then the usual open threat that this will affect you for 6 years blah blah. Should I require more details about the loan they can tell me what is in their records (pmsl, cause that is just as accurate and infallible) The thing that will really be peeing them off about this one is that I complained about a missold loan, won and got them to replace the £4K balance with this £750 interest free....I sent 3 agreements as they kept losing them, and they still cannot find one. What the hell is going on with their paperwork???!!! This account never showed on any of my credit files, if they decide to put it on now it would clearly be only to punish me and I will take them the whole way. Any idea of a suitable letter I could use in response please?
  14. Hi Jumdoogal I have heard of both companies and my advice to anyone considering a Trust Deed is to make appointments with at least 2 or 3 places, sit and talk over everything with them and see who you feel more comfortable with. Please do not be afraid to tell them you are not signing right away and you need time to think. Make sure and ask a few certain questions like what is the minimun amount they accept monthly, how often they will review your income and expenditure, wht they would do if your circumstances change...for better or worse. And please ensure any equity in a property is dealt with at the start and they explain clearly how they intend to handle it. My other advice is have someone with you, a witness even. Not implying anyone is dodgy but it can be a lot of info to take in, especially when you have the stress of money worries filling your brain...helps to have a 2nd pair of ears! Hey, good luck, If I can help just leme know
  15. Hi Rach8736, this is the SAR template I use, amend to suit: DATA PROTECTION ACT 1998 SUBJECT ACCESS REQUEST Dear Sir/Madam Your name: Account No/ No’s: I understand that you currently hold details of my personal and financial information within your internal record systems with regard to personal loan accounts. Please supply me with a complete list of transaction and charges relating to my history with your organization, INCLUDING Loans, payment protection insurance and other products. Alternatively a complete set of statements for the accounts or associated accounts is acceptable. I would be grateful if you would provide the following for ALL accounts or associated accounts I have held with your organization: -Full copies of all contracts which you believe exist or have existed between myself and your organization, including true copies of any documents you hold in support of the same. - A complete list of all transactions or statements relating to ALL of my Loan Accounts with your organization. -Copies of all documents which include any of my personal information including copies of any contacts or invoices, emails or computer records containing my personal information, or any records which pertain to this information. -Full copies or transcripts of any correspondence in postal, email or any other format which you have entered into with any individual, organization or third party which contains my personal or financial, or which pertains to me. - Where any previous information or records held have been deleted or disposed of, the methods used to do so, including dates, certificates or references confirming details of destruction. Where you are unable to provide such certificates, please provide a declaration, signed by an authorised officer of your company, confirming the dates and methods of destruction of this data. -Full hard copy print outs of my personal or financial information, held in a digital, magnetic or any other format which is held in any archives, backups or other storage devices / locations. I enclose a cheque in the sum of £10 to cover your fee. IF YOU UNABLE TO DEAL WITH THIS REQUEST, YOU SHOULD IMMEDIATELY FORWARD IT TO THE PERSON WITHIN YOUR ORGANISATION RESPONSIBLE FOR DATA PROTECTION. I look forward to hearing from you in the first instance of receipt.
  16. Hi all, god I've missed being on here Been trying to keep up with the thread and have to say I am disgusted with the peeing about by NU...who do they think they are?! I finally received a reply from the FSA yesterday about authorised agents, what they actually do and why Welcome do not appear listed for NU but they obviously did not read my question so asked specifics again, wait and see. I cannot believe they put in writing that what their sales agent gets up to is nothing to do with them, take it up with Welcome (but we wil quite happily accept the dirty money without question). Anyway, hope you are all well, be annoying you all daily again lol
  17. Hi Zaidey I think it is more than a little odd that your original agreement is missing all sorts, signatures etc then they manage to make a compliant one appear later on, tad convenient....are they STILL forging stuff?! Bein nosey I have to ask, did you have insurance at all on the original agreement?
  18. Hi all, subbing with great interest. Zazen, did you ever reply to their "shoulda coulda woulda" letter? Will be getting into with these muppets myself soon
  19. Am subbing this thread if you all don't mind as JD williams have jumped all over my last nerve and there is a wealth of info on this thread I can use! And well done dpick , you made them back down and left SO much useful info for us too!
  20. Good news! LVE continued to phone approx 3 times a day trying to discuss the complaint with my friend, and got her by accident on the phone one morning. The woman almost demanded she explain why EXACTLY she thinks it was missold, friend had to ask 3 times to only deal in writing and then just threatened to hang up on her....unhappy letter sent that day: Further to your recent letter and the numerous phone calls to my home to ‘discuss my loan account’, please remove my telephone number from your records and make all contact in writing. I am unhappy at the apparent delays in investigating my complaint. I do appreciate you have 8 weeks to resolve my complaint but I have been given no explanation as to why this has been delayed again, yet I am continually being phoned, in what I can only assume is an attempt to discuss the sale of the insurances disputed, as I do not have any current loan agreement with Liverpool Victoria. During our conversation of Friday 3rd April, I had to ask repeatedly for this to be dealt with in writing and had to threaten to hang up before this was agreed. I then received a letter stating “to enable us to investigate your complaint fully please could you provide us with the reasons that you believe that the PPI was not sold in your best interests”. I am confused by this request 7 weeks after receiving my initial complaint, which already stated my reasons. The FSA imposed a fine for the way your PPI policies were sold and you agreed to review all PPI sales automatically between the applicable dates. I have had to now ask for the sale of my policy to be reviewed also and find myself having to complain again to get this done. Can I direct your attention to the statement issued by the FSA regarding this: As part of the redress package agreed by LVBS, the interest paid on the PPI premium will be refunded automatically, without the customers having to write to the firm and make a claim. The firm will be writing to its PPI customers asking them to review the terms of their PPI policy and offering to pay full redress where appropriate. LVBS agreed to extend the scope of its redress proposals to include a review of all PPI offered via telephone, internet or post between 14 January 2005 and 31 January 2008. I am extremely unhappy at being asked why I want this review, when it was your undertaking to the FSA to do this automatically, and after 7 weeks it is clear that the basic telephone discussion and sale has not even been reviewed yet. Again, I expect a review to ensure the sale of the above mentioned policy was fair, reasonable and in my best interests. Further to this, after speaking with the FOS I am now also concerned that my employment status at the time, which was clearly explained to your advisor at least 3 times whilst applying, would have actually rendered my policy useless. As stated in my letter dated 12 February 2009, unless my complaint has been investigated and there has been some attempt at resolution within the 8 week timescale, I will pass this to the FOS for investigation and I will be advising the FSA of your failure to carry out the terms of your fine, despite repeated requests. Should you require time to review the sale of my PPI policy or you feel I am not entitled to this review, please confirm this along with your reasons ,but in the meantime please refund all interest paid on my policies (plus 8% statutory interest) as per your undertaking to the FSA – noted above. In Summary Please remove my telephone number from your records immediately and make all contact in writing. Refund all interest paid on my policies – as per my original letter. Clarify if I am entitled to this review or if you require more time – along with your reasons. Actually now investigate my complaint and confirm your findings urgently. Should you have any further queries please ensure these are put in writing to which you will receive a prompt response. The 8 week deadline was up on 10th April and they received this letter on 8th April. Magically enough my friend received an offer to settle on the 10th! Offer was everything she asked for so accepted but they dragged this out as long as possible, tried to get her on the phone to interrogate her and had to be forced to do what they promised the FSA would be automatic. Anyone waiting to hear, have not heard or thinks they may have been missold, stick in, they are at it! Thanks for the help Alanalana, friend now has £1800 coming and really needs it!
  21. *sigh*, have to put the champers back on ice for a few weeks...won't be long though methinks
  22. And before I sound too vindictive, after what I have seen this company do to vulnerable people, never mind just know about through others...this is justice. I like Amjestermoons idea of reporting them as loan sharks, as it is simply true.
  23. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA........HAPPY DAYS!......WHOOPEEEEE!!!! :lol: This has made my whole year, GET IT RIGHT UP YE WELCOME (more manic laughing and dancing round the kitchen )
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