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Everything posted by Dipply75

  1. Aha, you are right, it is this that will snooker them. I as reading up on this and there are 2 types of sales, Advised and Non-advised. Welcome sem to be trying to mix both...they state on the initial disclosure that they will assess your needs and advise (advised sale) yet their demands & needs is a basic brief desciption of each policy type....thats all you have to go on (and no personal info assessed whatsoever) to base a decision on (non-advised sale). If they claim to have assessed yor suitability and advised you their insurance covers you then let them prove that. Like you said, in a durable medium, lets see them provide a single personal fact about any of us or a completed questionnair of any kind....Then lets see them prove the sale was fair, unbiased and in our best interests, actually provide some proof of this. Sorry, reading so much of this just now, regurgitating automatically!
  2. Will get one to you Andie, may be 2moro though, I have to go and use my mums scanner, still can't find the plug for min!
  3. LMAO, th book that shall become an obituary Thats it..initial disclosure document, I think yo have told me that twice now and I keep forgetting! On the one we have (that was posted I may add) it states: We will advis and make a recommendation for you after we have assessed your needs. Apparently our need was to part with as much money as possible. Anyone dealing with SAR's for NU, read this...it has a dedicated address and Tel number...may be orth trying! Norwich Union Ebroking: e-services: Register Form: Terms
  4. Hi Post, Andie, am waiting on an e-mail on the exact status of an authorised agent, what this entails and the responsibilities involved for the agent and the insurer...will advis asap. Welcome put in black and white on their FSA reglulation advice sheet: What will you pay us for our services - There is no fee payable. This sheet is given for you to decide if their services are right for you. This gives no indication that they have a financial interest in selling you that policy, in fact it implies the opposite...no fee payable. NU have decided the will happilly accept the dirty mone from this but cold not care less what is happening on their authorised behalf. And the ENITRE thing is run from a non-existent Dept 33, that doesn't actually keep records of anything or anyone (how do they pass an FSA audit or account to HMRC then??) We need Dr Who
  5. Interesting reading, this is from 1998!!! But doesn't it sound awfully familiar? Mr Walker had an accident last year, and following that his agent renewed his car insurance with a different firm. Problems with the claim from the first policy aroused Mr Walker's concerns, and he contacted the insurers - Royal Sun Alliance - for a copy of his policy documents. He had not received copies from the agent. To his surprise, he found that he had paid pounds 1,000 more to the agent than the policy actually cost: pounds 1,770 instead of pounds 770. He has since discovered that the agent has ceased trading, and his chances of recovering the extra money appears slim. Mr Walker concedes that it never occurred to him to check the status of the agent, which had also organised insurance for his business for many years. "I am horrified at how naive I have been," he admits. "But no matter how sophisticated you are, you become so familiar with your suppliers." Mr Walker fell victim to a practice known in the trade as "grossing up" which insurance bodies admit, does happen from time to time. The practice is unethical and often, illegal, and is condemned by the brokers' organisations. Insurance agents should show the commission they earn on a policy to clients if asked but, unlike for investments, there is no legal obligation for them to do so. Insurance companies also condemn the practice, but they admit that they cannot police every intermediary. When an insurance agent asks to sell policies for an insurance company, the company makes them sign a contract. This contract sets out the commission they will receive, how long they have to pay the insurer, and that they must give "best advice" to their clients. Grossing up is not part of best advice, and insurance companies will stop trading with agents that they find overcharging. "We pay a commission of 12.5 per cent of premiums," points out Michael Wallwork, communications manager for Royal and Sun Alliance's broker division. "We would take a very dim view of any agent who tries to further enhance that. It is not best advice." At Royal and Sun Alliance, Michael Wallwork advises customers to note when their insurance documents arrive. This now takes two weeks or less; any more, and there are grounds for asking questions. Also ask for a written receipt from the insurance agent for the premium and for a receipt from the insurer itself. If there is any doubt the insurer will provide a receipt directly. This should match the premium the agent charged, as it already included the commission. So what is this hidden as now...commercially sensitive information?? Why? Welcome are apparently an athorised agent for NU, they sell on behalf of NU, so why can w not simply check with NU (or DG lol) that a - there is commission and b - that commission is included in the actual policy price (and not paying a whole heap extra just because) Am gonna keep digging...
  6. Nowhere to be seen at the land registry????? Am I reading that right?! Do they have anything recording the charge on the property? (picking my jaw back up off th desk now)
  7. evening all whilst digging i thought i'd check in and laughed when I read postggj's post above....I am positive that one of their policies stated that if you wanted to complain to NU (way back on a 2004 agreement that actually listed NU) the address to write to was "Chief Executive at Dept 33....... Post, did it look like the chief exec had his corner office there then??!! Were our complaints also just going to this strange wee place too then, thinking it was to the chief exec? One wonders
  8. OK, I have to take issue with this....Welcome claim to do an 'advised' sale, which means they go through the policy and its exclusions and advise you if yo are actually eligible....giving you docmentation that tells you to read it carefully and see if you are actually eligible is a 'non-advised' sale. The just cannot have it both ways idiots
  9. Hi Andie - yes, pm'd you btw! And, um, who are they kidding lol? I bet you could not wait to phone mr bloomberg, hope he is suplying the choccie bics when he comes to see our proof as he will b there a while Hi Stewie, been out avatar shopping again, lovin it! Looking forward to whatever you have brewing hehe, puttng my own case together now, wanna play too.
  10. Evening all, popping and spotted this little eyebrow raiser.....bloomberg eh? Let the real truth come out, no just moans and gossip, we all hav solid proof Cattles cannot pretend to have been THAT misled or unaware after all this comes out. Those 3 wee monkeys wer very good at their jobs! And I'll be damned if any of my taxes will be used to bail out that goddam company
  11. Once again, I wait with baited breath I cannot wait to see what come away with...just how much of a blind eye has been turned eh? Best of luck for tomorrow, hope you have sunshine too, be back on later Happy Easter to all you caggers!
  12. Oh, POstggj, I note on the letter NU sent you a while back, their comment about unusual for the HMRC to contact you about the IPT...they wouold usually contact the insurer...... Cheeky buggers, implying you are lying? Fact is, HMRC WOULD be contacting you if you raised a discrepancy with them....and if they don't hold any of this info....why would HMRC contact them...lies again.
  13. Hi all, been MIA, apologies but have too mch life stuff needed sorting - not the fun kind. I have decided to start putting together my own case against them, enough carry on. I need the mone they owe me and ripped me off. Once I have the basics put together I will send a 7 day LBA and lets play. Not in the mood for peeing about anymore, and why should you guys have all the fun! Postggj, good hunting for 2moro, I think Andie has nailed the big questions, that shine the light on their area of responsibility (are Welcome an authorised agent, why is this not listed on the FSA register and V important....do they audit Welcomes paperwork and procedures, when did they and how often?) Andie - whilst putting all my welcome stuff together to get this moving, I noticed something. DG stated they send out the policy info once Welcome pass our details to them. Not in my case - the letter with the policy attached etc came from the BRANCH, signed by the dodgy branch manager that ripped us off. Anyone else know where any gumf yo were sent at the time actually came from? Am I right, was that one of their statements Andie? I would be using that to prove a timeline also....by the time Welcome process your loan & PPI, send all the info off then DG receive it, process it then send to you (alledgedly)....30 days to cancel? Hmmmm.
  14. Sorry, there were folk talking about a change that meant companies were supposed to start sending annual statements on your loans etc and if they did not then they could not apply interest (i think) for that period? Don't know anything about this but could be unbelievably useful against rbs right now! Lovin the erin brocovich idea lol
  15. Can I ask about this annual statement thing? Have never received diddly from Welcome, thats a given, but OH has a loan with RBS....had it since 2005 and certainly never received diddly from them either. What does that mean in terms of charges and/or interest?
  16. Well they say things happen for a reason Andie...perhaps enough will be public by May that you won't have to lift a finger! Stewie, I know what you mean....but what am I gonna do with myself when this is all over??!!! Sooooooo sad lol Back later, I have the neighbour from hell kicking off now *sigh*
  17. hiya, can only pop in, sorry...one of 'those' days. Andie, if you fancy a crack at those letters that would be great, I am in headless chicken mode at the moment...and you know all about it lol. There has been very obvious 'hear no evil, see no evil' by NU and DG with regards to Welcomes practices as long as the bucks rolled in....and I do not see how they can claim to justify any of it. Andie when is your court date this month?
  18. Voda is right, something we should all do is to start kicking up a stink collectively. I spoke about this a while ago on another thread but how about we do template letters for the FSA, Chief Exec of NU, head of DG, David Postings, Consumer Direct, OFT, Trading Standards...anyone else? Complain about: Insurances - the advice given/tactics used by the salespeople (FSA, NU, DG) Misselling - standard paperwork required by the FSA ridiculously non compliant and contains NONE of the information promised or required (FSA, NU, DG) Commission/Bonus - you understand a commission or bonus was paid to the salesperson responsible for advising you to buy the policies but this has never been mentioned or disclosed (FSA, OFT, NU, DG) Unfair & misleading treatment - under the FSA Principle "Treating customers fairly" you have a duty to be opne and honest if your dealings with me yet Any more suggestions? If we draw up a few templates, folk can add or amend to suit and get them all sent and CC a copy of each on to David Postings and the FSA and OFT....the more of us do this the less the regulators can ignore it. And lets not forget, NU are responsible for the behaviour and advice of its agents
  19. Hey everybody, query Welcome info on your credit report...whether correct or not (will all be wrong if you think about it) and lets see if they all disappear! Wonder if they are too busy etc to do all the checking and just amend/delete whatever!
  20. Morning all. For the credit rating thing, I am guessing its because they are a little thick and pretty busy right now They have been contacted by the CRA and instead of looking out your file and correcting it they have just agreed to delete it...doh! Funnily enough Andie, I am writing to Tony Hetherington about a British Gas thing lol....great idea, he does NOT like companies like this!
  21. Hi weejock, the only reason I asked what your montly amount was is to check you are not paying one of the 'minimum' amounts. Most Insolvency Practitioners have their own set minimum payment they accept every month, you can still go under that if circumstances dictate that but they check with you constantly etc. You are well above any minimum I heard of , you are paying a decent amount, your IP should have no problem with this. Don't worry, its just one of those things!
  22. Phew, as long as they hold up their end! You are right about the default notice, they would have to send you a valid one, with all the correct info on it......wouldn't have stopped them from just going ahead and doing it though. Good luck, let us know how you get on
  23. Oh yes, I would get right on to head office and demand to know what is happening....jsut for peace of mind as the longer it is left, the more chance their memories 'fade'
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