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Everything posted by Dipply75

  1. Found the HTML version, needed a coffee while reading it lol, but it as clear as a bell......Andie, use some of the exact quotes in there and you are going to have a ball in court
  2. Hi rrfc fan, have read your thread, anything happened lately? Must say, you have a very patient judge. Can't help thinking if an ordinary joe like us took the mick as much as WF have been we would be chucked out on our ears! Subbng and good luck
  3. Maybe I am missing something but if te banks are so determined that the charges are fair and resonable blah blah, why exactly have they paid out so much money already (or anything at all)? If they truly believed thy had a case they wouldn't have parted with a penny. Has anyone asked them that direct question throughout this case?
  4. Arrrghh, I cannot open this link and am dying to read it, can anyone do a quick summary for me? I damn well knew it....everytime we started looking into this it became so confusing but we all knew something wasn't right, that niggle would not go away! Postggj, am doffing the cap in respect again lol, you're making a habit of this Lets see them try n claim this was an oversight, cause they have already ben asked that specific question numerous times and replied to various caggers in writing.......they were either refusing to investigate (naughty!) and replying with guesses () or just droning crap as usual to confuse joe public. (sneaky) Which do you think they will tell the fsa lol
  5. I think they have tried to be too clever..... They list the acceptance fee in a seperate box as a charge for credit - looks legit but as you all see they calculate interest and show that in the breakdown AND if you get a statement - they list the amount you borrow then ADD the acceptance fee THEN start calculating the interest. So they are writing it right on the agreement, but just still doing it wrong behind the scenes. Lookin forward to the FOS/FSA reply
  6. Hi The wife, there has been some very creative accouting in yur name, thats for sure! I will dig out my IPT stuff to explain and come back to you but am concerned about the extra loans you don't know about. If (according to them) there is a significant balance then I would be checking with the land registry asap to see if Welcome have attempted to secure any of them onto your property, if you own. Just to be on the safe side....its been known;)
  7. Strange one, no idea what that means, sorry! You will come across a lot that raises questions with them, if you keep a list of questions as you go then add them to your complaint when you send it. We have all pretty much done this and it backs you up for the FOS/court etc if they avoid answering. Are you getting any greif off them at the moment?
  8. Hi all welcome fighters. Anyone with a Mortgage with Welscum, have a look at this, hopefully you can get your voice heard as they REALLY need to know about the sort of scams youve suffered and posted on here: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/mortgages-secured-loans/205401-sub-prime-mortgages-call.html Not sure if this could also apply to secured lending?
  9. The general rules are 12days + 2 for posting for the CCA and for SAR they have 40 days from receipt of your request to ge the info to you. They tend to try and ignore you if there is stuff they don't want you seeing. Dipply75 I am in no way a legal advisor and only speak from my own experiences and the helpful advice of those in the same boat!
  10. Very true Well, theyve admitted liability so its really just a haggling issue now. Daft question but I don't suppose at any point, them deducting that £1 at an inconvenient time put you in OD or caused a charge of any kind? (as that is the sort of ridiculous thing that happens to me!)
  11. Hmmm, am wondering if its the acceptance fee then? PPI must be standard for them now and I know a few have asked about that fee. They really do need to clarify that once and for all. Mine is for acceptance fee, no rebates on early settlements, DPA breach, PPI misslelling, fraud, mysterious charges, misselling part of the loan, the list goes on......... Very interested to see what you get back from them
  12. That gives me a bit of hope for passing mine to them. Am all in bar my toenails again lol!
  13. Hi Skintboy My first thoughts are that they have admitted liability, and I am guessing this is to do with them being fined for this sort of carry on. You could send a full SAR, but unsure if this would get you the really old historical stuff, if they even have it. You could work out an estimate based on £1 pe rmonth for X no of years and just ask for that, plus any interest they charged you PLUS the 8% statutory interest....get to a figure you would be prepared to accept and see what they say! If they don't want to play, tell them you will just ask the FOS for their decision and report them to the FSA for not complying with the terms of their fine *am sure they got a substantial discount on the fine for agreeing to contact folk voluntarily and settle claims etc
  14. Sounds promising! How long ago did you pass yours onto the FOS?
  15. Hi, thought I would add my tuppence Posggj is bang on, some very dodgy stuff here. Firstly, they should not have let you take another loan 3 months after the first....their policy (and most lending institutions) is that you cannot have another loan until 6 mnths have passed. I would also be asking how that is responsible lending, letting you take 2 loans in 3 months. The settlement figure in loan no 2 is a croc. You only borrowed in total about £1300 initially and after only 3 mnths and probably only 2 payments, you owed them over £1600? And now it looks like they got another agreement signed sneakily while your husband was sick for even more money, instead of just letting him claim the mega expensive insurance you have paid for? Dirty [problem] artists:mad:, best of luck
  16. Was looking at the info for Welcomes and Lewis Debt Recovery's comsumer credit licences and there is a list of Officer involved in running the companies. There are 2 Right Honourables listed! At least one of these guys had a seat in the House of Lords!
  17. What the hell is that? What a cop out! So, what he is saying is "if welcome say you've had everything, you've had everything"? I would be rather upset at being treated as stupid in not realising that what you are fighing to get, they have probably already provided you this (and what, you've just not noticed???) Have they even bothered to check with Welcome if the missing info CAN or CAN't be disclosed under the SAR? I would complain about the ICO bitterly - they have obviously not even looked into this as their whole response is "welcomes word is law, we haven't actually asked them anything and think you have not noticed you already have it" Am sorry to rant but that is shocking!!! (Hope you are well )
  18. Hi all, looking into this company for a cagger and noticed that their consumer credit licence expired on 16th June 2009....their renewal is open so am thinking now is the time to make sure everyone gets their complaints to the OFT and make them reconsider! Public Register
  19. Hi all, looking into this company Ruthbridge Ltd for a cagger and noticed that their consumer credit licence expired on 16th June 2009....their renewal is open so am thinking now is the time to make sure everyone gets their complaints to the OFT and make them reconsider! Public Register
  20. Hi all, looking into this company for a cagger and noticed that their consumer credit licence expired on 16th June 2009....their renewal is open so am thinking now is the time to make sure everyone gets their complaints to the OFT and make them reconsider! Public Register
  21. Hi all, looking into this company for a cagger and noticed that their consumer credit licence expired on 16th June 2009....their renewal is open so am thinking now is the time to make sure everyone gets their complaints to the OFT and make them reconsider! Public Register
  22. Yes, definately time for a SAR. I thought my fight with RBS was basically over so hadn't ever bothered with one. Will now though. Thanks, will be asking advice if anything untoward appears if thats ok, Appreciated...and best of luck paulwlton, get it right up them for what they did to you
  23. Yes, my case, there is an acceptance fee of £75 on a loan term of 36 months. On the statement of price the breakdown for the acceptance fee is £3.44 per month - over 36 months this totals £123.84. Is this the kind of thing you refer to? Thanks
  24. Hi all, I remember reading this thread in shock, horror and disgust and now think I need to post here as something aint right! I have an ongoing dispute with RBS and recently sent my CCA request. They confimred they couldn't find it...ok, fight begins, but... This morning received 2 bits of mail from the Customer Care Team at Birmingham Collections. One is a letter stating that I am still disputing the validity of the loan account, they have insufficient records when setting up the loan to allow them to re-create it but still want payment and will register with the CRA's etc. It then states that 'Your accounts have been defaulted today (WTF!) and I should contact them about repaying the excess on my loan and 'Step Account'. I do not have a step account or know what this is. Collections tell me this was simply an admin error, to ignore but refused to put in writing that the default notice was an error...I had to accept verbal confirmation of this and just a note on the system. (yeah right) But I also received, under seperate cover - a default notice for an account listed as £119 in arrears (not my arrears!), the address is RBS/Natwest Plc, High Street in Dartford (I am in Scotland, never been to Dartford) yet shows my loan account and sort code (scottish branch). Even more concerning - the top of this default notice has 'For Bank Use Only' underlined at the top, and when I phoned collections to query this I got a very strange reaction..they asked me to hand that back into the branch to 'investigate'. I said I could certainly hand in a copy but he asked me to take the original? So is there some dodgy 'step' account in my name in a branch in dartford or have they managed to mix up my account with someone elses, and how is that possible exactly? Any comments welcome!
  25. Excellent, love it. They just do what they please thinking no-one will ever check, especially us normal folks. Will be digging my nose well and truly into them. If I were to send Reliable Collections money (and even though one cagger found out they are actually only some desks in the JD Williams office lol) that company has still received my money and still has to pass it onto JD Williams Ltd, therefore they need to be able to account for that money.... Thanks;)
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