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Everything posted by ihateyes

  1. No you need to default on the rest as well and stop paying interest. this will help you in the longer run. I assume like most of us here, your credit is shot to pieces!! Default on all, and keep emailling everyone that refuses, email them everyday, this continues to show your willingness to pay debt, but only at a rate that you can afford, and still be able to live your life. the golden rule here is loan +1mths interest... no more, and no charges (the chartges they charge are unfair, and could be challenged in court, and not many PDL like this route, as they then need to explain their fees, and their naughty unlawful thefts from bank accounts)
  2. Its time for you to take the plunge, be brave and retake control. You need to default with all of these, some rides will be smooth some will be rough. You need to move your wages to another account, and cancel all debit cards, as even with an agreed plan, they will try to plunder. Email errol.damelin@wonga.com and balanceoffer@wonga.com and john.hegarty@wonga.com. wonga at these 3 email addresses advise your financial circumstances have changed and you propose a 12mth repayment plan, you require all interest and charges to be stopped, and require sort code/acc number and reference number so you can make a payment each month. do this now as wonga will stop the interest from the point you contact them UNfortunately the other companies wont do this, but will do it from your next due date. PDE wont budge, you may need to ride this one out til it goes to a DCA, also the same with QuickQuid,. they may be happy with 3mth plan, but no more. Not sure about the others, keep us updated, come back for more help if needed. I have just finished a 6mth plan with 10 companies..... Good Luck
  3. i work for a company in this line of business.... yes...... but not homeserve
  4. After 6 months the morning has arrived when i can at last for the 1st time in a cpl of years i can shout IM PAYDAY LOAN FREE!!!!!!!!!! just over 6mths ago, i had 10loans, eating my monthly wage, rollin over just to live and provide, and after reading on here i decided i can do this..... i can honestly say apart from PDE it was relatively smooth. Again IM PAYDAY LOAN FREE!!!!!!!
  5. there is a few payday companies here that use a rolling credit agreement, almost like a credit card.
  6. i would consult a solicitor who offers free consultation to get their thoughts..... its not im against what your trying to do, far from it.... id hate these leeches to screw someone even more than they already do in court. i dont want anyone to think something, only the judge to rule the opposite
  7. of couse you have to pay interest.... its in the t&c's.... you got the money on 4th july , emailled them 8days later to cancel....... will you loan me (a complete stranger) for 8days interest free??
  8. problem is to cancel the loan the gotta pay it back, if the funds have went into an overdrawn how do you plan to pay it back??
  9. Well i would be double checking and even asking a solicitor to advise what his/her thoughts are.... some agreements if stated payment by debit card, the cancellation would also be expected to be paid by debit card. Thier behaviour wouldnt get it stuck off, and the fact they refused to give you bank details i doubt would get it stuck out, where does it state they will give bank details?? like your arguement is the cancellation paymnt doesnt state has to be by card... you might want to check that until payment is made im sure the credit agreement and t&c's are still in force.
  10. he is not a person of law, and therefore cannot charge you with an offence!! calm dwn relax, this guy is having it on
  11. I think thats a wise decision.... btw i have a dyslexic keyboard!!
  12. i still think the judge would ask you why you didnt call them to advise of your intentions and to ask for the bank details...... i dont think it may be as clea cut as you might think..... while im all for people getting one over on these companies, at the same time it needs to be clearcut..... normally there is moe regulars posters on here that would come and give their tuppence, im not sure why they have not responded here...... do you have the money to challenge this, and prepared for costs if you lost...... thats what ou need to ask yourself... also as you use pyday companies, i guess these companies have decided you dont have the means necessary as if yo did, you wouldnt borrow from them recently i say a program about neighbour disputes.... there was 2 hosuse that have a 1m path seperationg, both neighbours agreed to split the 1m path between them (it ran up the middle of the gardens - semi detatched). then the neighbour who suggested this changed their mind and wanted the path back...... the other neighbour decided to fight and lost.... lost on the grounds in the land registry it stated there was a path, therefore thats what the judge ruled..... now the losing neighbour has to sell his house to pay the 20k legal bill. im sure if he hadve went to a solicitor, this wouldve been the first thing the solicitor checked, ah well..... just be careful thats me advise....... as you can tell i dont fully agree with your predictment.... purely because it doesnt seem you have made ALL REASONABLE attempts, nd thats what would be key in a court case imo
  13. you see, if this went to court, you need to be seen to be making all REASONABLE attempts..... surely picking up the phone, and aying you want to cancel, give me your sort code acc number to repay isnt unreasonable.... and would sort it very quickly.... remember payday loans is generally for 30days... most cancellations are within 7days, fom what i can recall.
  14. i defaulted on 10 loans.... called them all once, then done the rest by email. Most sorted out the repayment plan on first call.
  15. Yes... you cancel cards nows.... read these forums, and you ill read people who even came to repayment plans still had their accounts plundered. Do no apply for more as some share your barnk details, and could get the new one that way. They dont tell you that they do this. If you can appply for a new current account, do so, but do this now.......
  16. Mini credit are tarnished.... thats like telling someone with bad credit, not paying your loan will affect your credit....... you may start thinking of answers, because if this went to court you do realise the question will be asked of you Why didnt you ring and get this cleared up in one call???? (Ok Mini, may not of played ball, but it wouldve looked more favourably as you wouldve fustrated all avenues) Mini cedit would also be ased why they didnt supply their bank details. Tim can i ask are you on some crusade here? You post that other companies wouldve supplied their details??? how do you know??? have been been cancelling loans all round? PDE bank details are like gold dust.... they are not bono fide
  17. Welcome, and well done for trying to take control. It starts here. Cancel your bank cards, and open a new easycash account with the halifax...... (if you dont they WILL STEAL money at will, at all hours, and for all amounts) send the same email (straightaway, as they WILL freeze interest) to these 3 addresses at Wonga: errol.damelin@wonga.com and balanceoffer@wonga.com and john.hegarty@wonga.com. explain you financial circumstances have changed, and you propose to pay your balance Xamount of months. they are normally very quick to respond.... also ask for sort code/acc number so you can make faster payments on you payday. Ring PDUK one day after payday, as they onwt do anything today, explain to them they will agree to aa 3mth plan, then to review 3mths later, i extended another 3mths to clear..... Payday express..... these people wont listen to you, their bank details are like golddust. you will need to ride this one out..... email them every day, keep copies, and whatever you propose to pay, keep it to one side, so when they do you can get rid of these sharks as quick as..... i defaulted on 10loans in february, and pay the last 4 off on friday, and then i will be PAYDAY LOAN FREE!
  18. firstly you got to take them to court, and win before a CCJ can be issued.... But with Building firms, they will most likely wind up, thus meaning your CCJ has been ineffective, then a new company will be set up and off they go again!
  19. Have you ever considered you were refused, because: 1) youve just moved (how often you moved in last 5 yrs, when did you get your last credit) 2) you rent (therefore can move as easily and a regulary as you please?)
  20. first of all, the police prosecute not IMS...... secondly, as they other have advised you, if he rings, advise your recoding the call. i guarantee he wont continue. ask him to deine fraud and money laundering, and why does he believe you have committed this. then..... i would :lol: down the phone and tell him to f**k off you want to show him, that he isnt scaring you, or he will continue to call.... laughing will pi** him off!
  21. Can i ask why you just didnt ring them?? and pay it that way?? so much easier than getting into a fight.. personally im sorry, of i worked for a company like this, i would think you needed the money for a day or 2, you ot it, you used it and emailling us, simply was buying time, as you knew it would take a couple of days to sort out..... Im not upto scratch on distance selling..... would this apply here? as you signed an online credit agreement, so infact you knew exactly what you were signing before you were signing.
  22. Maybe churchill were only paying a set charge for the repair, and the contractor was on a loser.... As i hae said many times, this is the reason, why people shouldnt use these emergency policies especially when the faults ae fixed by sub contractors.... tony i hope you get this sorted out.... i would demand any refund of an excess you might pay.... TCF - treating customer fairly...... its getting unreasonable now the way you have been treated
  23. answer the phone, and just start laughin til they hang up:whoo:
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