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  1. Today
  2. An update! I emailed both Andrzej.Tuleja and James_Goldsmith at Whirlpool dot com. I got a phone call from their executive team a couple of days later, and a replacement part dropped on the mat a week after. She was quite apologetic, however, also reiterated the "90 day warranty" period on customer fitted parts, and did not comment when I mentioned that the CRA also applies as I was a consumer buying from them directly. I now have a spare door switch if the machine decides to eat another in the future! Cheers all! Note dx100 that the "Hotpoint CEO" you linked to is not related to the hotpoint appliances, but some kin
  3. yep, throw that morality card out the window....9/10 you never owe a DCA ANYTHING!! they are NOT BAILIFFS!!
  4. Yesterday
  5. (See the link to DVLA’s INF188/6 document I posted above, page 4 as cited) “I have a new medical condition that I have told the DVLA about on my recent application. Can I drive? As soon as the DVLA receives your correct and complete application for a new licence and as long as you meet all the Section 88 criteria, you may drive. It is important that you are satisfied that the medical condition you have declared on your application does not stop you from driving. If you are unsure, check with your doctor or healthcare professional before you make a decision. You can also look up your condition in the ‘Assessing fitness to
  6. Anyway, I've asked my Booking.com flat-rent-out-bloke what needs to be done on the Booking.com portal to cancel a reservation. I got a late message "I'll let you know tomorrow".
  7. I see that at the start of your thread you said they hadn't sent a Letter of Claim. And in fact in all the uploaded material there is no LoC. This is great news. Even were you to lose - you won't - the judge would chop off a chunk of the money for their non-respect of PAPLOC. However, I'm a bit confused as you've named the file name as a SAR. Are you sure about this? Did you send any other letters apart from the one dx advised which was a CPR request (not a SAR) to DCBL (not Group Nexus). I'm not being pernickety, this will be important for your Witness Statement further down the line.
  8. I didn’t say it wouldn’t. That is not the issue here. To continue driving after the licence has expired (under s88), the driver must have submitted a “qualifying application”. An application disclosing a relevant medical condition (of which sleep apnoea is one) is not a “qualifying application”, This means the driver cannot take advantage of s88 and must wait for the DVLA to make its decision before resuming driving. The driver’s belief is irrelevant. The fact that a licence was eventually granted may mitigate the offence, but does it does not provide a defence. But this driver didn’t meet the conditions. I explained why
  9. I'd recommend getting a new thread started about this. Let us help!
  10. to whom..here? read upload one mass pdf only in date order please too. dx
  11. Hey, sorry it is me again. I haven't received any news about the claim at my new address. The deadline was the 28th of May. I have posted the letter with my address change to both the court and solicitors. I am worried that it will get sent to my old address and I have a problem. Should I call the court to find out, or should that be ok to continue waiting? Thanks
  12. Trouble sending Evris correspondence I will get my son to do it tomorrow
  13. It's great you came back SPM and are looking to control this! keep it up The thread was opened a few years ago, revisit it all from post #1, slowly.. with a cuppa tea I would advise consider the questions you asked, read the answers you received. From post #6 onwards are all the answers. Including some very thoughtful replies from the Regulars CAG Team. Sleep on it, look for answers to new questions you have tomorrow, then return here for clarity on new questions on different subjects not already covered - you will get there, no rush. But genuinely, YOU must find answers, in order to make the most informed decision you can. Cl
  14. Ok get it dx. Just for absolute clarity no payments until dn.. then pro rata the letter to oc’s ? That’s enough to be getting on with itself isn’t it
  15. Thanks @dubai 5 0 I hadn’t seen anyone get emails from the bank to say two agencies had been given the debt to chase and I’ve not heard anything from J&P for ages. I assume IDR had given up so have to see what I get next from them
  16. no you are not. if your exit was not completely clear before you entered the box, you have no appeal, .. end of no get out. esp if you followed another vehicle in when they were not completely clear themselves, the stopping issue is somewhat immaterial and no excuse as it proves your exit was not completely clear for your whole car to exit if you had to stop. an assumption cars were going to drive clear is guilt. dx
  17. Also just to let you know I have pretty well no doubt that not only will we be able to get you reimbursement for your destroyed parcel but also we will be able to get your compensation for them having taken this action against your property without authority. Please do the reading which has been recommended to you and keeping close contact with this thread and update quickly when we ask you questions. Please let us know when you think you have completed the reading. There is a lot to do and it may well take you a couple of days
  18. thread title updated get reading up. spend a good few days reading 10-20 thread here a day... Programmable Search Engine (google.com) clickme^^ also hit evri and read comeback with any questions then dx
  19. Alright, so they know they've got nothing to stand on in court!
  20. Hi DX, thank you for your reply and clarification on site rules re photos. I'm not sure what the parameters of the offense are, but ISTM my rear wheels may be beyond the line anyway. Depending what the video footage shows, I may be able to claim I had to stop suddenly due to the vehicle in front doing the same. I have no memory of the incident sadly. I fear I'm dead to rights but always worth an appeal... right?!
  21. regardless to if a debt is unenforceable or not, if it's still owned by the oc, once a default notice has been issued and a defaulted date entered on your credit file, you should resume some form of payment, be that the required sum or a lower one via a self managed pro-rata scheme. not sure in how many differing ways or by varied worded posts we need to keep stating thus. dx
  22. std begging letter they always send in response to a paploc reply. you need to read like threads. dx
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