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Found 7 results

  1. In order to keep the Bailiff forums a bit tidier it was decided to provide a new section where those who wish to discuss - provide information or press releases could do this. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/forumdisplay.php?474-Bailiffs-and-Enforcement-Industry-General-discussions This will allow those new threads where people are asking for specific help, to be more visible. It will also make searching for information or discussion threads easier to locate. The new section is open to EVERYONE, even those visitors who are not registered. Links for those who are already subscribed will still work. We will also provide signposts in the CAG library for the new section. When posting in the new section, it would be beneficial to others to make it quite clear in the thread title or in the first post if this is to be a Discussion thread, inviting others to take part or if it is an Information thread which caggers should take note of and perhaps even follow for updates.
  2. In order to keep the Bailiff forums a bit tidier it was decided to provide a new section where those who wish to discuss - provide information or press releases could do this. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/forumdisplay.php?474-Bailiffs-and-Enforcement-Industry-General-discussions This will allow those new threads where people are asking for specific help, to be more visible. It will also make searching for information or discussion threads easier to locate. The new section is open to EVERYONE, even those visitors who are not registered. Links for those who are already subscribed will still work. We will also provide signposts in the CAG library for the new section. When posting in the new section, it would be beneficial to others to make it quite clear in the thread title or in the first post if this is to be a Discussion thread, inviting others to take part or if it is an Information thread which caggers should take note of and perhaps even follow for updates.
  3. Hi, Several years ago (within the Statute of Limitations 6 years), a previous landlord got an Order of Possession in his favor in court re 2 months rent arrears. That very same day, whilst I was out, he changed the locks and when I got back, told me that ALL of my goods had been "thrown away at the dump" i.e. including, computers, televisions, laptops, new white goods etc... At the time, when legal aid was readily accessible I got a solicitor to write to him, with an itemized inventory, with items priced at "second hand replacement value", which totaled about £5000. Since then, because I lost everything, including paperwork i.e. passports, birth certificates etc... I had to reestablish my list, which I've done. CAB have told me that this is definitely a criminal matter as well as a civil matter. Criminal in terms of the LL gaining access to the property without a Bailiff, as well as stealing all of my goods without following the correct procedures to get money owed. And Civil in terms of the amount owed for the goods alone (this excludes damages etc.. which I could have slapped on.) I personally have no idea how or where to start with this, and have no idea how to start criminal proceedings. Can someone give me some pointers on how I should approach this? Cheers, A
  4. I though that this one might interest you as lidl's have today made the following statement in a Scotiish (Midlothian) newspaper. All Lidl UK car parks are equipped with signage informing those parking there of any time limitations, as well as the penalties imposed should they remain over the allowed time.
  5. Hi i was working for a company in the public sector , one of the things in my defense is the basic fact that they was in breach of contract because .... The manager forced me into taking a break at the end of the duty which i am claiming effected my performance According to ACAS It's extremely important that workers take breaks. Studies have shown that heavy workloads and stress can make workers less productive, increase the risk of mistakes, and affect health. and should have their break at some point during the middle of there shift rather than adding the break to the end or beginning of work. In the CWU agreement contract it states breaks must not be taken at the end of the duty. I have it in writing in the interview notes when i pointed out that i was stressed because i had had no break " we have spoken about this before , U MUST TAKE YOUR BREAK AT THE END." ( which was just to suite manager so he can can close doors early and get away earlier while im on my "break" as im walking home) The company s CWU has a binding agreement which means it is contract ... contract of employment explicitly mentions the inclusion of collective agreements with the cwu.This means that all valid collective agreements are express contractual terms.Breaching those terms is a breach of contract. Its gone straight to FINAL HEARING .. i dont know if that is the final thing skipping any kind of pre hearing or whatever? Anyway would you guys say this is breach of contract or what. sorry if this makes no sense
  6. Hi Press release by CAB on the Goverments decision to give OFT powers to suspend consumer credit licenses with immediate effect. http://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/press_20120719 Interesting
  7. The Family Mobile scheme looks really great. Very cheap call rates and SMS rates, automatic top-up, no minimum monthly spend, no expiry of credit. Also, they are partnered with IKEA so you expect that the quality is going to be good in every respect. I decided to get a couple for my kids who are going away for a few weeks this summer. I am so disappointed so far. The Sim cards arrived - without instructions, without PUK numbers, without the default PIN number. The website didn't work correctly so that it became impossible to activate them without help from the Family Mobile cust.service team - of which there only seems to be two (not their fault) - but it means a longer than 10 minutes wait on the phone until they get round to you. It took two phone calls of over 30 minutes each to get both sim cards activated. The website instructions are very poor and don't provide all of the info needed. Anyway, well and good, the sim cards work - although the website still shows them as being inactive. the Cust service rep told me that there are issues with the website (there certainly are) and that what I see may not reflect the true situation (it certainly doesn't). More worrying was the fact that I had authorised automatic top-up which means that Family Mobile has access to my money. There is meant to be an itemised billing service available and you are meant to be able to check online what the state of your account is - usage and so on. None of this is working. I have used one sim to send sms messages but there is no trace of them on my account console. In fact it is impossible to manage the account or to see how much activity - and how much expense is being incurred by your children - even though, being able to manage your children's accounts is one of the features of Family Mobile. The customer service rep said she would escalate it but didn't know when - or even if someone would call me back. Can I speak to a supervisor? No Can I speak to a manager? No Can I have the name of the department which will deal with the escalation complaint? The escalation department. Where are they? Not allowed to tell you. Who will deal with the compalint? Not allowed to tell you. Can I have the posta address of your office so I can write? No So where do I stand? You'll just have to wait. I decided to get the address of ttheir website - they have a legal obligation to carry the address. No address. I tld this to the customer service rep. She agreed that the address is not displayed. No company registration number. Nothing. It says that Family Mobile is owned by the Mobile Partners Group. Well I called them and got through to someone who says that he is the MD of the group. He told me that Family Moble has been sold to CDRator and that Family mobile should not be carrying references to Mobile Partners Group on their website!!! Is this true? I don't know. I am only relating the conversation which I had. I thought that IKEA had better know what is being said about all of this so I called them. they were concerned and will be investigating and calling me back. I contacted the phone regulator about the failure to display company information on the website. They have logged it as an industry complaint ???? (What does that mean?) I now have a contact email for the MD of CDRator - so I'll report back after I have heard from him. Meanwhile, the family mobile website is still not showing my account information accurately. I suppose that I will phone Trading standards as well - and T-mobile because Family mobile are offering T-mobile services. Has anyone had any good experiences with Family mobile? I'd like to know. Google searching doesn't disclose any problems. They seem alright I'd really like to clear up the issue of who owns family mobile too. It is all very strange
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