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Found 4 results

  1. In order to keep the Bailiff forums a bit tidier it was decided to provide a new section where those who wish to discuss - provide information or press releases could do this. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/forumdisplay.php?474-Bailiffs-and-Enforcement-Industry-General-discussions This will allow those new threads where people are asking for specific help, to be more visible. It will also make searching for information or discussion threads easier to locate. The new section is open to EVERYONE, even those visitors who are not registered. Links for those who are already subscribed will still work. We will also provide signposts in the CAG library for the new section. When posting in the new section, it would be beneficial to others to make it quite clear in the thread title or in the first post if this is to be a Discussion thread, inviting others to take part or if it is an Information thread which caggers should take note of and perhaps even follow for updates.
  2. In order to keep the Bailiff forums a bit tidier it was decided to provide a new section where those who wish to discuss - provide information or press releases could do this. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/forumdisplay.php?474-Bailiffs-and-Enforcement-Industry-General-discussions This will allow those new threads where people are asking for specific help, to be more visible. It will also make searching for information or discussion threads easier to locate. The new section is open to EVERYONE, even those visitors who are not registered. Links for those who are already subscribed will still work. We will also provide signposts in the CAG library for the new section. When posting in the new section, it would be beneficial to others to make it quite clear in the thread title or in the first post if this is to be a Discussion thread, inviting others to take part or if it is an Information thread which caggers should take note of and perhaps even follow for updates.
  3. Ofcom has created an online tool that lets people see what kind of mobile coverage they should be getting. The coverage map is based on data provided by mobile operators as well as Ofcom's own testing of signal strengths around the UK. The webpage has gathered data about the quality of voice calls as well as 3G and 4G data. The watchdog said it was seeking feedback to fine tune the map to make it more accurate. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-33906048 Mobile Coverage Checker http://www.ofcom.org.uk/mobile-coverage
  4. A huge selection for 'Free to Download' ebooks. Not a lot come for free now, so take advantage. Largest collection of FREE Microsoft eBooks ever, including: Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Office 2013, Office 365, Office 2010, SharePoint 2013, Dynamics CRM, PowerShell, Exchange Server, Lync 2013, System Center, Azure, Cloud, SQL Server, and much more ... http://blogs.msdn.com/b/mssmallbiz/archive/2014/07/07/largest-collection-of-free-microsoft-ebooks-ever-including-windows-8-1-windows-8-windows-7-office-2013-office-365-office-2010-sharepoint-2013-dynamics-crm-powershell-exchange-server-lync-2013-system-center-azure-cloud-sql.aspx UPDATE: Congratulations! We surpassed the 1 MILLION FREE eBooks given away target in just 2 days! Thank you to all of you and please continue sharing with others as we’re closing in on 2 MILLION given away within a week!
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