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Found 5 results

  1. CMA considers regulation for heat networks READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/cma-considers-regulation-for-heat-networks
  2. The UK has experienced some rather warm weather over the past few days. There are many ways in which to cool down, the article below list some of them.. all though a few might be just a little drastic ! Read on
  3. It amazes me that Utility Companies treat us with contempt again and again and get away with it again and again. Today’s CAG newsletter “Npower ordered to give energy away for free” or E.On fined £7.75m Sorry, as a newbe I can't post links but everything can be found easily on google District Heat systems only affect a few hundred thousand of us at the moment but that number is expected to grow in to the millions over the next few years. District Heat – a block of flats has one boiler making hot water for all the flats. In theory cleaner and more efficient (cheaper). That hot water is passes through a “heat exchange” in each flat generating hot water for heating and washing Given the utilities companies history it is amazing but the government prefer to leave the companies to self-regulate on the basis that…… actually I have no idea why anyone would think that is a good idea So they have. There is an organisation called "The Heat Trust" which is managed by the, ironically named, Heat Customer Protection Ltd. They have come up with this wicked wheeze known as the “Heat Cost Comparator” upon which prices appear to based, it includes 1. How much it would cost if it were gas 2. How much the standing charge would be if you had a different supply 3. How much it would cost to service your gas boiler 4. How much it would cost to replace your gas boiler Add them together and that is how much you should pay for your heat Maybe it is me but I think 1. The price should be based on how much it costs to produce the heat not on how much gas costs 2. Our standing charge should be based on our costs not someone else’s 3. We don’t have a boiler and our heat exchanger is very low maintenance 4. The heat exchanger is expected to last a lot longer than a gas boiler and then be cheaper to replace This system has been, according to The Heat Trust, “reviewed and approved” by Which? and the Citizens Advice Bureau. I asked Which? and the CAB and they both refused to confirm or deny if they had “reviewed and approved”….. ummmmmm I smell a fish ARUP wrote a very interesting report which says that if this is the correct method then we are only being charged twice as much as we should be, page 8 says a 2 bedroom flat which should be about £350 a year is actually closer to £700 in the East London scheme In the Which? report Turning Up The Heat – Getting a Fair Deal for District Heating Users. March 2015. It was written “the lack of consumer protection had left many feeling vulnerable: It seems to be done with a certain amount of protectionism towards the companies and nothing for the consumer” The report goes on about how much it should cost. To give you an idea I moved in to my 3 bedroom flat on the 1st Dec 2014. By the end of June my Heat Bill has been £832, annualise that is £1,250. I keep writing to my MP Matthew Pennycook – that does me no good at all On the upside I have got the ASA to investigate E.On for their claim that District Heat is no more expensive than Gas. On the 7th July I received a letter from the ASA apologising for the delay “We have received a response from E.On, which we have assessed. We may need to go back to them for some further clarification” – yea I can’t get a straight answer from them either And I do have the Financial Ombudsman investigating them as well because the maintenance, repair and replacement is an assurance policy which should be regulated. E.On have bundled it in to the standing charge so it is not regulated. If E.On pull out of the market I lose my premiums. OFGEM will not look into it because their remit is Gas and Electricity and I am buying HEAT Maddest one yet, the Ombudsman for Energy will not look in to it because E.On have not signed up for their services. Ahhhhh???? So, the million dollar question. Why don’t I change provider? I can’t E.On have a monopoly! This is going to happen to loads more people. write to your MP. We need regulation NOW
  4. hello, In a few weeks I will have to travel constantly for about 7 - 8 days. This is 3 days by train 4 days by bus. Everything is usually fine whilst I travel through Russia by train and the Baltics, Poland and Germany by bus. I usually experience problems within Netherlands / France / UK - when air conditioning does not work in the bus. In 2010, I was unconscious because the air conditioning didn't work on a bus and my body could not cope with the heat. I don't want heat stroke again and certainly don't want to be unconscious again since it took me ages to recover as I felt ill for weeks after this. I shall travel in August. My question is: If I am on a bus and the air conditioning is not working and it is a high temperature, I know I have to leave the bus for the sake of my health. Is the bus company then responsible for my financial losses such as replacement bus ticket for the rest of my journey? The first 2 times without air conditioning on bus, I sent complaint letter to National Express / Eurolines who then gave me % off voucher for my next travel. The third time it happened when I was unconscious, National Express didn't answer my complaint. I then changed companies to Ecolines since I found they run a bus directly to UK over 2 days (constant travel). So, if I find myself in a position on Ecolines direct bus with extreme heat and no air conditioning, can I get off the bus and would Ecolines then be responsible for giving me a free ticket to continue my journey on a bus with air conditioning? I realise this may sound petty but my body can not cope with heat for a long period of time and I'd like to know my rights if this happened again, because really I am not looking forward to this travel and I do not want to experience heat stroke or heat exhaustion / unconscious again. Thanks! ps.... No, I can't fly because of fear
  5. Hi All, My OH has major problems with staying warm. So I'm taking her to Iceland for all the years of grief that woman has given me So I'm looking for a battery operated heating pad that can be used when out and about. I can see there are a fair few available online but I'm finding it difficult to find one with good reviews. Any ideas? Cheers
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