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Found 3 results

  1. Hi Ladies and Gents. I have an old Lloyds bank debt going back to 2008/9. They went to court and got a Judgement and then an Attachment over my house registered with HM Land Registry. However, Lloyds and their solicitors have written to me to say they have sold the debt company. This got me thinking that the Judgement and Attachment are therefore void. Reason being if I paid Lloyds to get a 'Certificate of Satisfaction' to show debt was paid they would be committing fraud as they no longer own the debt. Also, I am not sure whether a Judgement can be sold to a debt company. Can anyone shed some light on my thoughts please. Thanks. Urban
  2. I think this is relevant because this part of the forum is to do with benefits advice. I think the admin team responsible for monitoring these threads should be impartial, and not allowed to act like a blue collar gang, closing threads and then allowing admin staff to continue to post, after the creator has been banished from his own thread. They seem to want to put their opinions across and stifle and repress all opposition to it. This is the behavior of school children, and not a consumer actions group it is often the case that no attempt is made to answer the thread authors questions. instead they gang up to demean the post and post snotty school boy remarks. please look at my other thread in the homeless section
  3. I had a credit card with Citi Cards for a few years, no great problem - low balances no great issues on payments etc. I was informed by Opus that they were taking over the account from Citi and all payments and contact had to be directed to them. My first payment was due in December 2010 and was a few days late because I had to set up the payment details with my bank however they did not make any charges for this 'late payment'. My second payment was due on the Bank Holiday Monday for New Years Day which was the 3rd January 2011, I made a 'Faster Payment' via my online banking on Sunday 2nd and I was advised that the payment had been received by Opus' bank, however my payment was not credited to my account until 4th January - a day late and of course they presented me with a £12 late fee. I contacted them shortly after receiving my next statement detailing the fees and spent close to 30 minutes on my mobile 'phone talking to several undesirables about this and they all refused to budge. My bank, Halifax,has confirmed to me in writing that the payment was made successfully. Ironically both Halifax and Opus are within the HBOS group! Subsequently, I have made all my minimum payments to them LESS the £12 fee and LESS the £12 below minimum payment fees they have given me every month since! I have put my case to the FOS and they have responded that OPUS is not required to refund the charges, with no explanation of their decision whatsoever. I plan to take this matter further, but how? How do I stand on this one guys?? Any advice is appreciated.
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