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Found 6 results

  1. On the 2nd of December last year, I bought an LG 3d Blu Ray player (for my bedroom) from Currys. Yes, they offered the extra cover but I declined. Two days ago, during one of my poor health days, I thought I would put a film on in my bedroom only to find that the player didn't switch on. I tried everything (new fuse, new battery for the remote) all to no avail. Yesterday, I took it back. I set my phone up to record the dismissive attitude of the Currys staff and being prepared to give them what for. Currys failed me miserably! They swapped the ruddy thing with no fuss. Bugger!
  2. Hello, I used this forum a few years back and it helped me greatly so hopefully I can get good advice on where I go with this problem. Basically I employed a car electronic/audio firm to fit a rear headrest DVD system into my car for the kids. This was back in May. Whilst the system worked lovely and I had no issues with it, it did however play havoc with my car's electronics. Within minutes of me driving off I had a tyre pressure system warning on the dash (which remained on) The reversing camera and the keyless door entry systems worked intermittently and the FM reception was poor. I messaged the guy a few times asking if anything he did could be contributing to these faults and his replies were basically to disable the tyre pressure system. I took it to the dealer and after plenty of visits and investigations they found the following : "disconnected DVD system. Found live wire wrapped around a fuse and pushed into fuse board for boot release. System earth wire was wrapped around a bolt. Advise wiring to be fitted correctly from a direct power supply". Basically the installation wasn't good by the sounds of it and it was interfering with my car's electronic systems. Anyway now they have left the DVD system disconnected and my car is all working perfectly again. Now however I am left with a system that I paid for not even connected. I paid for the DVD system by credit card but I am not sure what the score is here. Technically the DVD system worked ok and was not faulty. It was the installation that wrecked my car so are they still jointly liable or not? I am over £1000 out of pocket. Can anyone advise me on what I do and who is best to claim from. As I say it is not quite as cut and dry than if the system itself was faulty.
  3. Most people have been doing it for years, but currently it's against the law to copy CDs , DVDs and other media, such as ebooks. But from June 1st 2014, it will be legal to make copies for personal use. However it will still be illegal to make copies to give away or sell to other people. The Intellectual Property Office has produced a guide outlining the changes which will affect how you can use digital content like books, music, films and photographs http://www.ipo.gov.uk/copyright-guidance-consumers.pdf
  4. I have a Virgin TEVO box is it possible to record a program from that directly to my PC cdr or dvd player by use of the usb to usb? Gerry
  5. Guys, Looking for some advice here we recently got some blinds fitted by Shades window blinds & the installation was first class. The problem that I have is that the fitter saw fit to stand on top of the DVD recorder causing damage to the casing of the machine the company have admitted liability and took the machine away to be inspected(I made sure that I got a receipt from them stating they had it). I am looking for either a replacement or a financial renumeration to allow me to buy another one, they have said that they have checked the machine and it is fine(not sure how they managed this as I kept a hold of the power lead & the remote). They have offered to replace the casing at a cost to them of £35-£40 OR return the machine in its current condition & have offered £60 compensation. What are my rights in this situation???
  6. Hi there, back in 2010 in a moment of stupidity me and a friend were in a DVD shop and stole a DVD. We were caught and taken back to the shop where they then called the police. I admitted that it was my fault and not my friends. However the time has come now where I would like to get some voluntary work as a treasurer, however as the charity is involved with children it's an enhanced CRB. My question is will this show up? We were banned from the store but no fines were given and I believe we had to apologise. I seem to remember we were told we could avoid court by signing something but I'm unsure of what this was. I would really appreciate if someone could help me out, I was over 18 at the time. Needless to say I am very ashamed, I am being sent over the CRB form next week to fill out, should I declare this? Thanks for your help!
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