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Found 6 results

  1. Hi, We have been looking at cleaning up my girlfriends credit record there where 2 entries from Freemans and one from Atlantik. One Freemans account stated it had been settled and closed in 2010 with the last record update in 2010. The other Freemans entry defaulted in 2011 and although not stated on the record, it was settled in 2013 through debt collection. We wrote to Freemans and they say they will update the record to reflect that it was eventually settled. The matter we have issue with, is a record for Atlantik that shows a default in 2010 for £357 and they last updated the record in 2015. They claim this is another Freemans debt which my gf doesn't recall. We're not wanting to get out of paying this, I would pay it today if I have to. Our worry is the fact that if we settle this today it will still be other credit record for the next 6 years, whereas if it was in fact settled year ago then it shouldn't be in this state. We wrote to EOS which is the company listed on the credit record for Atlantik, asking for more information. They simply responded with a bill for the £357. So a couple of days later we responded with the following letter: We heard nothing back, so later sent the following: They responded a few days later, acknowledging the complaint saying they have passed it to Atlantik F.GmbH (Freemans Oli) and that they have put the account on hold. 4 weeks later we received another letter from them saying: Now the credit agreement they sent has not been signed or even completed with any contact details. It is simply a photocopy of an Oli.co.uk credit agreement. It says in big letters at the bottom IMPORTANT: THE RETURNS SECTION OF THIS AGREEMENT MUST BE SIGNED AND SENT BACK TO US AT... So why can they not supply us a copy of the signed agreement? 9 days later, they sent a letter to my girlfriends fathers very old address (Luckily after 2 moves, he now lives next door to where he used to live, so he got passed the mail) saying they are trying to contact the addressee on the letter regarding a personal matter etc. . I think it's a standard fishing letter when trying to find someone. 2 days after that, they sent another letter to her fathers old address (Please bare in mind, all previous letters were received at our current address) saying: Before we were passed these letters from her fathers neighbour, we had already responded with the following: And finally, this week received a response, again to her fathers old address: With this letter, was many pages of computer screenshots showing monthly statements of purchases, payments, and many Dolt Reminder Fee's. For completeness, her is the letter we received from Freemans.com: Both account numbers mentioned by EOS end with A701, so is it possible it is in fact the same account? What should my response to this now be? They can't supply a signed credit agreement, and can't even get our address right. Like I said to begin with, we haven't got a problem paying it, but this only came to light when my gf checked her credit records and noticed it, so it's been lingering on her record all this time, and if we settle it it will linger for another 6 years. Thanks for any input.
  2. I'm after a bit of help, I have slowly but surely sorted out my debts and most of the companies are playing fair and agreeing to my £1 per month payment offers.. ..however I have a problem with Freemans Catalogue, I have sent 2 letters to them explaining my circumstances have changed and offer of payment, both sent recorded delivery and as to date had nothing back of them except another default notice, in the default notice they say the £230 debt will be passed onto a dca which doesn't worry me just annoying they will not respond to any letters and this can be resolved... .all letters have been issued recorded and a cca has been applied for but nothing received and well past the 12+2 days have passed so what would you do next? Thanks all.
  3. Hi all, long time no post, hope all are well? My better half has had a freemans account for more years than she cares to remember. Has used it very little over the years, but never had a problem, that is until now. They owe her money, not much in the global scheme of things (about £20) but significant to her. They are refusing to pay her until they owe her £25 - is this right? - can they do this? Regards
  4. Lowells have placed a default on partners credit file. We moved out of our house temporary (6mths) and in this time wifey applied for a very account which as far as i gather is part of shopdirect which freemans is a part of of which we have an account very good standing i.e 5k limit £1800 used and is a long standing account. Upon trying to get a loan to carry out further home improvements she got declined. so checked credit expert and low and behold there is 5 defaults red 8's no late payments etc... As you can see the default was for £29 From what we can remember of the situation was that when she applied and ordered everything went through fine until a phone call a few weeks later asking if she is the same person they have on their records(freemans account) at a different address, to which we confirmed we was and explained we was living temporary at this address. Out of the blue they seemed to shut the very account down as there is no credit agreement on credit expert or late payments etc... my wife tried to log in to pay the £29 but was unable to log in. We then received a default notice (plus 12 charge) on our freemans account in the account section, which we have now looked into and have realised it relates to the new very account as we haven't missed a payment on the freemans for over 2 years and has the very account number, we didn't notice this at the time and thought it was just an error. What would be best plan of action? the original amount was only £29 and rose to £137 as you can probably see we have agreed to pay it of in £20 monthly payments but hadnt realised they had placed a default on CR Was going to fire a arrange payment for Default removal before I go for CCA/Dispute/SAR?? Is this the procedure most would go for?
  5. Hi, I have been trying to reclaim the PPI that I was paying to Freemans. I was honestly never asked if I wanted it and up until recently I thought it was standard and had to be on my account. After writing several letters and then several more to chase any form of reply I have received the letter which I shall type below. Does anyone have any advice as after hearing about other peoples PPI claims I feel disappointed now. Thanks Dear X I am in receipt of your letter dated 29 September 2012 regarding Payment Protection Insurance. I can confirm that my investigations are now complete and I would like to make the following observations. Our sales processes have always had regard to the legal requirements in force at the time. As the policy was applied to your account on 16/05/00, you will be aware the detailed rules currently enforced by the Financial Services Authority were not applicable at this time. I can also confirm that cost to the customer was always part of the sales process and that full consent was always actively sought. This was only obtained when the customer confirmed eligibility and suitability. The polices we have previously sold have changed over time. However, those which carried benefits associated with unemployment were equally valid for the self employed providing you worked 16 hours a week or more and paid the correct National Insurance contributions. Furthermore, every monthly statement you have received, where applicable, always referred to the policy giving transparency of all transactions taking place on the account, giving you the opportunity to review your account on a regular monthly basis and raise any matters you may wish to. It has always been possible to cancel at any time, by whatever means, and without penalty. Having considered all the matters raised, I regret to inform you that I am unable to uphold your complaint. The issues you raise appear to fall outside the jurisdiction of the Financial Ombudsman Service owing to the length of time your policy has been in force. You are, of course, at liberty to contact them and they may, in exceptional circumstances, waive the prescribed time limits. In accordance with the legal requirements as they apply to the investigation of complaints, I must inform you this is my final response regarding this matter. I understand this is not the outcome you have been looking for, but I hope that you understand the reasons for it. Yours sincerely XXXXXX
  6. Hi, I hope im writing in the correct forum. I wrote to Freemans because I had PPI with them for quite sometime and I think it was mis-sold. They wrote saying they would get back to me within 8 weeks. Eight weeks later I received a letter saying they would not further discuss matters as I have contacted them before regarding the PPI. I have written back but they simply resent the letter. What should I do now? I want to quote which legislation applies (if it does), so that I can sort it with them rather than taking it to an ombudsman. Any help is appreciated. Thanks
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