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Everything posted by mrk1

  1. Hi. Need some serious advice and help here. Closed my business down March this year. I was liable for business rates from sep 13 to march 14. Totaling about £3600. I closed the business as we were not doing too well and struggling to make the rent money let alone bills. (we had been trading for 3 years but moved to a bigger location - more rent and now business rates etc). I was aware of the business rates of course but with the other bills piling up of course the business rates bill went on the pile. It is now 6 months later and I am now receiving letters form the local council. At forst they said I owed £9000 but they were unaware I had moved out in March and were charging me for the year 2014/15 as well.. I also got a court summons in the post, it was due 1st October 2014, I called them and explained I have only just received their letters (they were locked in the old business premises) and they have now took back the court summons and will no longer have to go) (for now). I have emailed them to say that I am unable to pay the £3600 (year sep13/march14). As I am only surviving off the remaining stock I had form the business selling online. Spoke to one lady and she said if you can pay £600 a month until the end of the financial year then that will be OK. I said I cannot even afford this, more like £50 a month. They said they will have to issue another court summons and a liability order to get this money back, but I said why would they take it to court if I am on the phone looking to set up a payment. I am eager to get back in business, and any other money going out right now is going to seriously cripple my chances, I need as much money as I can to get me back into business. What can I do about this? Is there anyway i can loophole around paying the business rates? Is there anyway I can get them significantly reduced? Look forward to your replies.
  2. Hi Andy, thankS for your reply.. When you say all small claims can add up to £10,000.... In what sense? As only one is above £500, I was told that that was the one to get below £500.... And if any of them under £500, that they could only be taken to small claims.. The people I am dealing with in the brand, do know my name, but all the letters they are sending out are not addressed to my own name, just the business name.. My thinking is that if I leave these long enough, that they will eventually go away, or at least that the 'debt collection' companies will not know where I am as they will only have my older shop address (and possibly mobile number - which might be changing soon). And providing I don't make any conversation or correspondence with said 'debt collection' companies I have nothing to worry about? I certainly have no intention right now to hand my money over, I am going to need this to survive and put into new projects to see me safe and making money in the near future, if you can understand and respect that? Hope you can advise. Thanks.
  3. OK. The total debts might be in the region of about £2000 spread across some brands.. I have some questions regarding dealing with these people in my own way. I have been told as well experienced how a lot of these companies work. If I did not pay £'X' - Amount, and just closed up shop (sole trader) and just left the premises... these companies would most likely keep sending letters and give up with no reply, or 'sell' or 'tender' the amount out to a third party ('debt collection' company or similar. The debt collection company would continue to send letters out and eventually give up. 3 out of the 4 companies only have my company name, and not my real name down, and all 4 only have my business address. I simply do not have the money to give, the last 4 weeks have been so tough. So now I am thinking to pay the smaller more independent businesses, and the bigger more super sized businesses to leave the debt with them. The highest debt to a supplier is £610. I have heard that if it is below £500 any such 'debt collection' companies can only apply to a small claims company. Is this the case? I can simply not be the 'nice business man' giving his past pennies out to these companies. I do not have. Can someone advise me on the above??? Thank you.
  4. Hi. I have been self employed for 3 and a half years now. Running a fashion store, bricks and mortar etc. I was in one location for 3 years and 6 months ago moved to a bigger location, more 'prominent' and the rest. Long story short (for now), I am now closing the store and hope to focus online selling clothing, but not under the business trading name. (a new venture). However, I have debts chasing me, from clothing suppliers/brands. I do not have the money they are asking for, and I have had a letter in the post now asking for a final payment immediately. Or the usual 'take legal action'. The business is now LTD. But these debts where incurred when the business was a sole trader. What are my options here? Is there anyway at all I can cancel this debt under the business and fold the business? Any advice/suggestions welcome. Thanks.
  5. I'm going to just pay this up.. win some loose some aye.. Very important question.. Today (Saturday), I received 2 letters... From Wilson Field and Premiere Insolvency Soultions.. Both basically saying 'we received public information from credit reference agencies in regards to a recent change... etc etc.. ' Why have they got my information, and what information exactly have they received?? Anything i can do to stop this onslaught of junk mail coming to me?
  6. I have just called the court now and the women is telling me everything that I already know... Is there anyway I can ask for something to be done about this, as I only paid 1 day late.. And with intention to pay... What kind of system is this where people get truly done over and thrown about... (I know I will get some really educated and smart answers and I know what they are so please don't bother). But seriously every time I get in this situation I realize how messed up it is.. What about people who can't genuinely afford.. does that just mean that they get screwed up for life..?!?
  7. I have already paid £150 to the client... now this letter is asking that I pay £159?! I do not have money to pay this. Who would be the claimant in this case??
  8. I have just received a ;notice of issue of warrant of execution' in the post. 'TO THE DEFENDANT, YOU HAVE NOT MADE PAYMENT UNDER THE JUDGMENT AS YOU WHERE ORDERED - (I PAD THIS ON THE 22ND OCTOBER TO THE CLIENT DIRECT) THE CLAIMANT HAS THEREFORE ASKED FOR A WARRENT TO BE ISSUED TO THE BAILIFF TO SEIEZE YOUR GOODS.. UNLESS YOU PAY THE DUE TO THE COUNTY COURT BEFORE NOV 19TH - ( THEY ARE ASKING FOR £159 ) I paid the company direct in their bank account... and then i think they where asking for £50 for court costs and £25 admin fee.. What is this now? Are they just using scare tactics? What do i do here?
  9. I didn't enter a defence... I am unsure how... This is all lingo to me... What is my next move here? Is it too late... I am unsure what my time frame is?? Please advise..
  10. Update on this.. I have just received a letter from Thomas Higgins Partnership.... It says something along the lines of: We have been instructed by our above named client to proceed judgement and execution (they love their powerful scary words don't they) upon the country court claim issued in this matter as neither full payment nor defence has been received. We therefore applied to the county court for judgement to be issued against you (CCJ) If the court has received a defence from you judgement and execution will not be entered Other wise once judgement has been granted this matter will proceed and youb will ne hearing from the bailiff direct. It goes on.. So what am I to make of this?
  11. is it worth getting letters recorded? i can't imagine a ruthless company like thomas higgs will just say 'oh ok'. what should i offer to pay them... i really don't want to pay them anything... but if i need to what should i offer?
  12. OK. So write back and who to do you know? I am not going to panic over this... these people/companies try to really get you deep inside well I am way above all that! Just be good to get them out my site. Do I write to thomas higgins or the court? Obviously THP will just say pay it all.... Ideas?
  13. The date on the claim for is 22nd october.. I paid this on the 23rd.. ?? What do you mean automatic compensation?
  14. Right I paid this yesterday at about 10am... To the business themselves.... This morning In have now received a N1CPC claim form... what is this?? It's saying I owe £209.80..... (144 of the cost i owed and solicitors and court costs) What do I do? I'm not shaking in my boots, just can't be bothered with this crap as I have a business to run, and i am not in the game of just giving my money away to these fat cats! Another letter that come with it was from Thomas Higgins Partnershop asking that I pay the remainder to them.. ahahaha!! This is how they make their money.. Am I guessing that I have nothing to worry about?
  15. I have decided to bite the bullet and just pay it.. . because these things get messy and lets face it those with money have power I paid the amount... all of it today but also had a letter in this morning after i had paid it saying that the 7 days had passed. I paid direct to the company I owed the money to and i emailed them to say I had sent the money. He replied (who I believe to the the main manager) saying 'sorry its too late you will have to pay the added costs or something (not got the letter now).. I have paid him now so where do I stand...
  16. Hello not really too sure where to post this one. I run a business (retail) and I recently opened a new shop, I am still classed as sole trader (thinking I need to go LTD soon though?). My shop was a big move and there is a lot of financial pressure on me right now and a lot of people wanting money from me. Suppliers and trade merchants. One of the trade merchants who put the shop sign up have sent a £145 balance onto Thomas Higgs Partnershop and the usual 7 day B.S that they give with it. Is this anything to be worried about? I have had letters like this before so I am not shaking in my boots, just thinking about credit scores and stuff like that?? My score is not the best at the moment.. Please let me know. Thanks. Mrk123
  17. OK I know that... If I am the registered keeper - but I'm not the what do I do??
  18. I emailed the dvl a and they said something like 'it doesn't matter if you don't own the bike now, you still have to pay' What kind of thinking is this??
  19. Do you think DVLA will listen so easily?? Anyone got a none 0845 or 0844 number to call them?? I have moved house a bit so no letters no. I should have thought but i didn't.. Whats my next move you think??? Should i worry about court action or my credit score??
  20. Hi guys, thanks for the advice. I don't have ability to scan right now. What am i to do here. I definitely do not have any contact with the guy i sold it to, and I am sure i posted the tear off to the DVLA. What was someone saying about the fact that the dvl a needed a recorded delivery system? i have received another letter here. dated 10th june stating: YOU SHOULD READ THIS LETTER CAREFULLY - COURT PROCEEDINGS MAY NOW COMMENCE Despite previous correspondance to your premises it would appear that you have no intention of repaying the amounts which remain outstanding to theca above named client. several avenues have now become available to us to clear your arrears. . county court summons/judgment being made against you statutory demand against yourself charging order attachment of earnings benefit bankruptcy petition court action is expensive and as a result....... (blah blah) ---------------------- So there is the last letter. what you guys think... i can't call any 0870 or 0844 numbers too much money.. what can i do.. i really don't want my credit score affected more than it is... what are my options???? thank you in advance..
  21. This last letter says something like: It has come to our attention your case is about to be allocated to our enforcement department which MAY result in you incurring additional costs when our enforcement officers commence procedures against you......... ETC ETC... Ha... they are so whiffy whaffy with these words!! What am i to think of this.... i mean i don't even know the guy who has the bike, and they have emailed back saying 'we don't care if you know him or not, pay the bill now' sorta vibe. Seriously do i just keep paying the SORN every year for the rest of my life... NO way.... I'm trying to clean my score up I hate how they can 'just sell it on to a debt collection agency ' IDEAS GUYS?
  22. I have received 2 letters from COLLECTICA who say i need to pay £80 because i have not SORNd my motorbike which i sold 3 years ago. I have tried to say I don't even know the buyer now or have his details. I am saving for a new business and £80 on this is not happening. I had a brief email back saying 'we don't care if it not your bike you need to pay' (along those lines). Guys what can i do.
  23. sorry guys not following you on this???? Where has it been moved to???
  24. This has been an ongoing thing for some time and I was on here about 10 months ago discussing this very same case. I was at a gym, and signed up for a 12 month contract. Hit financial trouble and the gym said I had to pay anyway. When I couldn't pay any of the monthly fees they got CRS involved. I was advised on here that I shouldcontact the gym and arrange to pay the remaining £92. I did this and the gym front of house said I need to deal with CRS. I was told on here that they had to accept my payment. CRS added about £100 onto this for admin fees (it's laughable) and I was also told on here that this is technically not allowed. I moved house anyway and I signed up to the gym again and took out another year (strange how they allowed this ) (my financial situ is better now). I received a letter in my new address saying basically: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Our records show that a balance of £192 remains unpaid.. A COLLECTOR from EQUIDEBT will be instructed to arrange payment with you: (IN RED) the cost of equidebt being employed will cost £79 This will bring your balance to £276. You can avoid this if you call us in 10 days and pay your balance of £197. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I knwo how this industry works, haha! They TRY to control you on fear and fear alone. I am wised up to this and will not allow my life which is moving forward to be dragged down by these **** bags! Can anyone advise..... are there any FORMS or any written documents which i can show the gym that they have to accept my payment of £92 (that i owe and am willing to pay). Please advise guys...
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