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Everything posted by dadofholly

  1. There is a fee - but i think this is waived if you are on certain benefits - your local court will have leafets etc. on this and can give advice on how to go about it. Never had to do a set aside myself, so not realy my area.
  2. Stu I did actually see that bit about what he wanted - was just testing you to see if you could find it - Honest! I do think the begining of the letter is more emotive than needs be - and am not sure about the discrimination bit - they could not know about this prior to their initial contact - and the fact their responses are crap is more down to them trying to fob him off, than anything to with his disability. They send that crap out to everyone.
  3. Deny the payment - which is not hard as you never made it - and ask them to prove it as the Brig advises in an above post.
  4. Contact the Court where the CCJ was issued and get a copy of all the paperwork. Have you moved since taking out the original debt? it sounds like they have gained a judgement by default - and as ims says - you will need to get the CCJ set aside.
  5. It does not make the position clear - it just states what it claims the company did wrong. What is the OP's position? AS you have already made a complaint you need to state what you would like them to do to remedy - all the letter does is again list the issues. Do you want an apology, compensation, or what? All you are going to get in reply from that letter is another letter from them stating they have already replied - and are sorry you are not happy blah blah blah. Brig you rightly support this poster and the veteran in the complaints made to authorities - but what are these letters now hoping to achieve? - what is the desired outcome? It needs to be in the letter.
  6. The letter does not explain what outcome the Veteran is looking for - what is it you want them to do? as it states you wll not accept an apology..
  7. Yes and it's called fraud - report the matter to the OFT and trading standards..
  8. A big well done - HFO seem to be failing in their attempt to 'finish these internet arguments once and for all'. Would a complaint to the SRA be in order? HFO are in their death throws - its time to go for T&R.
  9. Have checked the details of 1st stop - and they are not a part of the same group of companies as Welcome Finance. So a couple of points. You paid a brokers fee to a broker to arrange finance for you - that means that the broker owed YOU a fiduciary duty - as you employed them - by payment to them. There is no connection between 1st stop and Welcome - except the ex employees link, (i would be intersted in more info on this), so they cannot claim the broker was working for them. They may have a working relationship - but that was not declared to you by either side - nor is it on their website - and beside this you paid the broker to find a loan for you. Basicly Welcome have just tried to scare you off with bulls**t. Hurstanger is relevant to your case. (you can also claim back the grand you paid the broker). Have you sent an SAR to the broker?
  10. If the OP has lost out financialy because of inccorect information on their credit file - or because NFU's system of checks are not robust enough, then there is the basis for a claim here. And loss can obviously be proven.
  11. Good points - and if the OP has lost a good opportunity through errors it makes it even worse - and brings into question the whole system.
  12. What position was this for? I know Morrisons well - and people who work for them who have less than good ratings - so they may not actually carry the checks out - or may depend on what it shows, - fraud for example would not go down well, obviously. My advice would be to apply - they can only say no. Will try and find out about the level of checks they do for you.
  13. Yes can post them here minus personal details and account numbers etc. Have also sent you a pm.
  14. Which supermarkets? most of the big retailers do not do credit checks - and they are the businesses at the most risk of internal theft - they just don't see the need - as they understand that the biggest risk is not people being in debt - but just people being dishonest.
  15. You should complain about this to the ICO - and also your MP - copy in Michael Meacher MP as well as he does not like CRA's. I have said it before - you are now treated worse for being in debt than you would have been if you stole the money to pay the debts. This is a disgusting practice sold by DCA's to employers as you being a security risk.
  16. Would need to use some software to work out the interest - but i do not have it on this laptop. I am still not sure who the boker was acting for - what was the name of the broker and did you approach them yourself ? and did they offer to find loans or provie loans? at what stage did you find out about the brokers fee? and at what stage did you find out about the commission? sorry it is a lot of questions but it appears you may have a very good case under Hurstanger - in my opinion.
  17. dx makes a good point. you say the debt has been 'sold' - are you sure of this? did you recieve a letter of assignment? If not it the DCA may jus be collecting on behalf of the OC - in which case you can ignore the DCA and pay the OC if you prefered.
  18. What form is it? Are you saying they have changed the valuation of your house on this form? Did they send you a copy of this form to complete or did they complete it on your behalf?
  19. Refuse to accept their offer and complain to the FOS.
  20. Why the broker ? its not the brokers policy - it's welcomes policy - sold to the customer via the broker.
  21. did you hire the broker or did they arrange the broker? If you arranged the broker to act for you then hurstanger v wilson stands. They are just trying to fob you off.
  22. Ok did you send the telephone harrasment template from the library here on Cag? if so re-send it and point out that it is not a complaint but an instruction to cease phoning you - if they dont stop take the steps outlined in that letter. As for the agreement - have they sent any terms and conditions? if not they have still not complied and they can not take action in court - so ignore them.
  23. Have they provided you with a copy of the agreement A copy of the terms and conditions Statements If yes to the above then they have complied with your CCA request - if no they have not.
  24. It is unlawful to sell a debt if it has been written off against VAT.
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