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Everything posted by dadofholly

  1. The wording of the letter they sent seems to indicate it has been sold to them - and i know they purchased a lot of accounts from Black Horse - but most i have accross before all had assignment notices.
  2. And for that the veteran deserves our respect and support. And if anyone is any doubt as to the reasons i believe he is right to take this action, here is a couple of links. http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200708/cmhansrd/cm071218/debtext/71218-0020.htm http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-484772/Grandmother-terrorised-death-bank-wrongly-hounded-16-000.html http://beryl-brazier.gonetoosoon.org/ Do we get it yet - or are we just wasting the time of some poor DCA?
  3. Am not sure that they have sent it to Hillsdens - but may have actually sold it to them. I know B/Horse assigned a lot of their accounts to Hillsedens in recent times.
  4. There is a requirement to remove incorrect data - i know i never said i would comment but. It is covered by OFT guidlines as confirmed to me on another matter by the OFT.
  5. What is the problem you have with this thread ?- For 10 or more pages there seems to have been a campaign to simply get this OP to just change his number and move on - but he has made it plain that he does not want to do that. The OP has clearly stated the position. So I say again - either support them - or leave them alone to get on with it. I will not be commenting any more on this issue - as it usually leads to threads being closed. Unless of course that is the aim.
  6. Mike i understand your sentiments. I have never advised - nor would i - that the OP does not change their number. In fact in one post i do conceed that this could be a simple answer for the OP. However it is the OP who has decided not change their number - and frankly - why should they? If they wish to fight on a matter of principle then they have my support. It is often quoted by some posters, that one of the problems is lack of complaints being received by TS and OFT etc. about DCA's. That is because many people opt for the quiet life once they have managed to win their individual battle. My view is that if you have been wronged, then you should excercise your right to complain - not just for yourself - but to help all those others who will become victims if things don't change. And things will only change if people do something to force it. @give them FA - It may be an idea if you go over the thread again - i think you will find that there is - at least one - DCA who has acted in a manner worthy of complaint. I think it would be more beneficial to the OP to desist from giving 'opinions' about what he should or should not do as regards his number, and complaints. He has made his decision so either support them or leave them to get on with it.
  7. You can add contract interest - which is the rate they are charging you for your loan - or 8% statutory interest. The 8% may be your best option. They have 8 weeks i believe.
  8. Who mentions payplan plus? I have read through the thread and find no mention of them.
  9. They can't take the car without a court order full stop - as you have paid over one third - and they are miles away from that possibility at the moment. They are siply trying to bully you.
  10. Here is the CCA request letter - you need to send it with a £1 postal order - and ask the post office for proof of posting. If they fail to reply - or send insufficent detail you can lawfully put the account in dispute. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/content.php?414-CCA-request-letter.
  11. Instead of changing your number simply send them this letter - or end the letter and change the number anyway. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/content.php?493-Harassment-by-telephone-response-letter
  12. Head Office - never deal with the local office for anything. If the local office tries to deal with you tell them to go forth. And don't forget to complain to OFT and trading standards etc.
  13. Wait until they have completed their investigations. Have you made a formal CCA request?
  14. And the bit about them not having registred under the DPA - as they should not have been processing your info either.
  15. The data protection act - but if they were entitled to search your file for legitimate reasons they could.
  16. Don't speak to ROX - Never speak to them on the phone ever.
  17. I would assume Credit File - and i would be surprosed if the poster was joking.
  18. Reps from companies are able to join as official reps - and help people come to resolutions. Lee from Vodaphone being a prime example. Unfortunatly he is the only example that comes to mind. The other reason is that they try and work out who you are - and sometimes amend their WS's - and dare i say evidence - accordingly (speaking from personal experience).
  19. Then you don't need to contatc them - if they are not trading they are not eligible to collect.
  20. You need to find out when you last made a payment to M&S. Have you kept all the letters you ever got from HFO? If so could you scan them - edit out your personal details, agreement numbers etc. and upload them to here. And don't worry about bailifs etc.They have not even got a court judgement against you - and if they have no paperwork - will not be able to get one.
  21. Having gone through the thread it would apear that there was one company that was an issue - and i would continue to complain about their antics. It would also seem - though i am loathe to assume - that someone may be proactivley giving out this number. In which case changing the number would be good advice.
  22. Gammon - did you send the new CCA request as i advised? Have they relied to nay CCA requests as yet? Have you sent a witness statement to the Court - or are you yet to do this?
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