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Found 4 results

  1. Can you believe this? https://www.theguardian.com/business/2017/mar/25/pret-a-manger-looks-to-uks-teenagers-to-tackle-looming-staff-crisis Apparently not too many people impressed so now they are agreeing to pay them. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/03/25/pret-criticised-offering-teenagers-sandwiches-exchange-work/
  2. I just need some advice and help in what to do to trace this miss sold PPI in 2001. I bought a car from Northampton Car Shop end of 2001. I have some record of paperwork with an agreement number. I was paying First National Motors PLC a direct debit – their letterhead states First National Motor PLC is an Abbey National Group Company. Abbey National Group Company rebranded itself as ABBEY and then it was taken over by Santander UK plc. I bought the car for £6000 and ended up paying just over £8500 with added PPI. Every month I paid a direct debit via my bank to First National motors PLC via the third party agreement (The Car Shop). The Payments with PPI added was so high and I was struggling to make monthly payment I ended up getting a further loan from my Halifax bank to pay the car off. I paid the total amount off in 2004 with interest and PPI. What I have done so far: 1. I contacted the car shop complaints department and they said they are not responsible even though they sold the car and they have no records that way back and i needed to contact First National Motors PLC who I made payments to which was then First National Motors PLC. 2. I could not contact first national motors as they were taken over by Santander in 2004. 3. I then wrote to Santander and they wrote back to me stating they are not responsible and I should contact who ever sold the PPI (Third Party car shop) and this was their final response. 4. I then wrote to the FSA who was as much help as a chocolate tea pot and spent nearly two years trying to find out details with nothing. I do not know what investigations they made as they wrote back they could not find who is responsible. I am still confused who is the person I need to be contacting to get my money back. It seems to me everyone is fobbing me off so that I would disappear. Who do I send a SAR or CCA to please ? OR do re-open the case with FSA all again .
  3. Please advise...Thanks. Long Story: My cover With Homeserve was nearing expiry. I had a letter from them asking for £555 a year [approx.] to continue my cover. After a chat they were willing to reduce to about £32 a month. Still too expensive. I said I would let the cover expire. I then rang Homeserve servicing department and asked them if this years service was still covered. the lady said yes. I told her that my cover was due to expire. She said it did not matter as I had paid for this service with my cover. I booked a service and pointed out it was after expiry of my cover. She answered as above. The engineer duly came. he cleaned the boiler and put a new seal on the inner door of the boiler, checked the outside flue. That was it. He did not check the flue gases. I have never had any paperwork from the Homeserve subcontractors over 3/4 years! I then Joined Home Energy Service. They required a boiler inspection before the cover started. They came 2/3 weeks later and cleaned the inside of the boiler and tested the flue gases. They found it was "over the top" and was in a dangerous condition and disabled the boiler. The engineer stated he would contact his office to have the flue repaired on my cost as the boiler had to be in good condition before they would agree to cover it. He then gave me relevant paperwork. I phoned Homeserve asking them to pay for the repair. After saying that the policy had expired and I countered that I had already confirmed that the service was included, they came back to say that the company that carried out the service stated to them that a "full service had been carried out and the boiler was safe". Homeserve said they would send a copy of their worksheet and a letter confirming they would not pay. Every time I ring Homeserve they say "all calls are recorded". Do I pay £10 to get the information from them? Do I have to get an outside party to examine the flue before I do anything else please? My mother in law is a frail 97 years old person and we have no heating. Where do I stand please? I wish to go to the small claims court. Sorry it's so long.
  4. Hi All, I'm currently with Bank of Scotland, well for the next 56 days anyway. I'll start at the beginning: I received 3 payments amounting to over 5k split between my current account AND ISA account. I was not expecting these payments (initially thought possibly sent by family - unfortunately this was not the case) and so contacted Bank of Scotland to notify them of this. I was told to either move the money into another account as to ensure that I wouldn't spend the money or leave it where it was (which I did) and wait for a letter notifying me the money would be taken out and paid back to the original sender. The next day or so I went to the bank to withdraw money, card was swallowed by cash machine I then went into branch to discuss this - was asked to bring in more ID, did this and was then told my account had been frozen. Turns out the payments were not made in error but rather fraudulently - They were FPI payments so I assume they were paid from the other party's online account. I was told I would receive further information the next day on the issue. The next day I am told my accounts will be closed as they believe I am behind the fraud. At this stage I did try to discuss why they thought this and how could I prove otherwise etc but was met with only the phrase (along the lines): "The account will be closed and no more offered" I did also ask if I would have any type of markers against my name now which would affect me and was told no initially and then when I probed further was given a "maybe" Doing some research on my own I see that in these situations bank will apply for a CIFAS which is very serious as it can affect employment and access to other accounts from different banks. I am of course extremely worried by this whole mess as I fear it could now affect my current job which is in Insurance - who of course will be unlikely to keep someone on with a fraud marker; as well as any future employment I may seek. To the best of my knowledge none of my account information has been stolen or compromised - It seems to me from my conversations with several Bank of Scotland staff If I was to have lied and said my card was lost etc I probably wouldn't be in this situation of being blamed. I accept it may be possible my online account was hacked or card details copied/cloned but as I said to the best of my knowledge this is not the case. Any advice on this whole situation would be greatly appreciated, as well as any information you may have on CIFAS and how long it lasts - If it is applied for I will of course appeal this and if anyone else has any experience of this Id like to hear from you also. Thank you all for reading this rather long post. -Sofail P.s before anyone asks, NO I am not a fraudster. I am innocent and another victim of this fraud in this whole situation.
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