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Found 7 results

  1. Hi all I'm in a bit of a dispute with Virgin media at the moment... I pay for landline & broadband with them since April. I was supposed to be getting 100mbps, and I am only about 20-30ft away from their cabinet. They even laid new cable to my house, fitted new connection boxes and phone socket. To begin with speeds were ok. But for the last couple of months they've been dreadful. They haven't fixed anything, I'm paying for a 100mbps service that is on average giving me just 14mbps... For the last week I've been taking screenshots of those speeds and saving them on my computer, tests have been run each day at various times from afternoon to evening... But even at 2am this morning it was still just as bad. I stream a lot via netflix and amzon video. My tests via speedtest and netflix's one speed checker (fast.com) have shown that on average my speed is 8-9 times slower than advertised. My tests indicate that my speeds are not even fast enough to stream 4k conten... which is the main reason I signed up for it in the first place. I'm getting a degraded service. I feel like I'm being ripped off, but am locked into a contract until April 2018. What can I do to get out of it early, is the fact that they're providing such a poor service enough to claim breach of contract?
  2. Hi everyone. just a quick question. i defaulted payments in march this year. They claimed to me that they Terminated the Hire Purchase agreement in May 17. since then i have had calls and emails to contact them regarding payment. This morning a letter arrived of NOTICE OF SUMS OF ARREARS. from what i can gather from google this is sent out because the hire purchase agreement is still active. They have not sent any debt recovery letters but just always send letters under the HP agreement. Is it right they are still sending letters out when the HP agreement is terminated?? Many Thanks
  3. Hi I am new to this site however read many posts before joining, my issue is COPD, my work place of some 15 years has been very understanding of my health issues in the past year, by agreement I have been on a 16hr week I am on no other benefits, However with my Respiratory issues I can no longer even do 10 hours a week, a year ago my Dr asked me to stop work, (work kept paying the 16 hrs regardless of me not going to work) I have recently applied for blue badge and its issued no question, Dr has told me life expectancy max of 5 years before dead or 100% reliant on Oxygen tanks, My question is how can work dismiss me in a diplomatic process as I and my employer know I am totally not fit to offer anything more than advice, my Employer has bent over backwards in the past year however time has come they just have to let me go and I totally agree with them. Any guidance will be appreciated, Trev
  4. Hi There, I recently called Opus to terminate the business electricity account and they accepted with reading as we were moving out and our 2 year contract was finished 6 months ago. after one month to this they sent another bill for whole month with the reading of full month after I cancelled with them. I called them to find out whats going on and why they send me bill for whole month rather than 15 days (when I gave them notice) they said we can not take your word for it. after your notice we called your business number and we were told you are still there secondly your landlord name did not appear in land registry. so your contract is still in place and not cancelled. I was shocked to hear that and told them that how its possible that some one says we are there when we are not !! I offered them to send someone onsite to meet me. and secondly I don't know who is the freeholder of the property as I was having a sublet from some someone. few days after this I received a letter demanding last month's rent as I cancelled the direct debit after giving notice and now they have put on an extra 7.5% on supply rate plus an administration charge which is unknown. Very soon I will start receiving red letters with amounts piling up. I cannot understand why they are so super glue. Leaving them should be as simple as joining them. They say, they investigate all customers before terminating the contracts. Do they have authority to investigate ??? I need some advice as what shall I do ?? I'm ready to go through solicitors to end it and report them to regulating authorities as its making me panic now. Thanks in advance.
  5. Hi I have been asked to produce a letter of termination for an employee who has completed their 1 year apprenticeship course but is not looking to be kept on by the company. The reason for the termination is due to poor performance and not following company procedures. Has anybody had experience of this and if so could you give me some advice as to how to layout a letter of termination or possibly point me in the direction of a good template to use. Regards Kim
  6. VT'ing my car as Ive paid more than 50% but no longer want the car. Ive had a letter from Black Horse which (amongst other wrongs) states I owe them £249.66p for the remaining 2.5 years GAP insurance payments. They say if not paid it will be sold to a debt collector and my credit file defaulted. These payments are listed on the Credit Agreement, but in a separate box to the breakdown of the car finance bit. They have added interest and stated the total payable is £511 paid monthly at £8.61 alongside the monthly car payments. Do I have to pay Black Horse the £249.66 remaining GAP insurance like they say? I'm thinking that as Ive paid half of it coupled with the fact its included in the Hire Purchase Agreement I can hand the GAP Insurance back too?? Where do I stand?
  7. Hi all, I wonder if someone could clarify something that is bugging me.... We recently indicated to our letting agent that we were thinking of terminating our Short Term Assured Tenancy Lease. She came straight back to say that as we had started the lease on the 4th of the month we must start our one months notice from the 4th of the month also, otherwise we would run into the next month and could end up having to serve almost two months notice.. Is that correct or could our one months notice start from any point in the month?
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