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  1. Hi, my name is Vanessa. Can please anyone give me some guidance regarding this problem that I'm going through? Please see the full story below: Last year I went to London and parked my car. I didn't have any change with me, so used the application "Pay by Phone" to pay for the whole morning car park. 12£. When I got back to the car, I had a penalty notice on the windscreen. I came home and I was sure that I had paid for it, so I appealed for it online. I thought this "paybyphone" app was something new and that the officer maybe didn't check my car plate online. I asked if you could please check their online records because I did pay for it. I'd a reply from Lambeth council saying that there was nothing on their online records and so they were rejecting my appeal. I should then wait for a formal appeal, the Notice to Owner. I checked my online records and realised that unfortunately I made a mistake on one letter of my plate, that's why they couldn't find it online. Instead of an "A", I put an "S" which is exactly the letter next to the A. My screen is broken and with the light from the sun, I didn't realise my mistake until I saw the receipt. I was waiting the notice to the owner, but I never got it. Instead, I received a letter from the Bailiffs saying that I owe them nearly 800£. I couldn't believe...I read a lot online and phoned the Traffic Enforcement Court and was advised to fill in TE7 and TE9. First thing they asked me was my address and I realised that they had my old address in their records. I filled in the TE7 and TE9, send it to the TEC and they send that to Lambeth Council. The court told me that the Bailiffs would be put on hold while the process was being investigated. I received a letter from Lambeth Council rejecting my TE7 and TE9. They said that I reply to them the first time, by writting, when I was appealing informally. After that, my address was requested to the DVLA and several notices were sent to my address and I never replied to any... Unfortunately when I moved I forgot to change my address, so obviously all the letters went to the wrong address. I phoned Lambeth Council and asked if they keep a record of the letters that were sent to me. The confirmed it. I asked to see a copy of the Notice to the Owner that was sent but the Council said "you have no right to see the letters, we send them to you once and that's it. You appealed to the Court, we as a Council also have the right to appeal against it. We have to wait for the judge to decide"... This weekend I've got a call from the Bailiffs asking me why I haven't paid yet. I told them that I filled in all the forms to the court and that I was told that the Bailiffs would be on hold. The Bailiff told me that they had no notification and that I have until Wednesday to pay everything... She also said that not changing my address with the DVLA was an offence and so I had to pay for the full bill. This started with a simple mistake made in one letter of the car plate when paying the car parking and it got so wrong and completely out of control with Bailiffs requesting me nearly 800£ to pay within days. I'm sorry is such a long text. I am so lost and stressed and I don't know where to go from here... Any suggestions or anyone that has been through the same situation please? Many thanks, Vanessa
  2. Hello Having read a few horror stories, I just wanted to see if anyone could provide some advice to prevent some unwanted Bailiffs turning up. In summary: I used the Dartford crossing and did not pay the £2.50 Dart charge until the day after the following day (c.12 hours of of time) I received a PCN c.2 months later which I admittedly did not do a huge amount with having believed I had paid it and, on a cursory glance, had actually believed was a receipt (...I know...) I then received a charge certificate in October which I did nothing with straight away as I received it whilst out of the country and it didn't get looked at for a while I then received an Order for Recovery which required action by the 27/11/2018 I submitted TE7 and TE9 in the evening of the 26/11/2018 so within time frame Not withstanding the fact I believe I have a reasonable case for the fine being dropped given I did pay, albeit late, and the amount of charge is incorrect, it is now the 18th December, some 22 days after I submitted the TE7 and TE9 and I have heard no further word on the matter. If I need to pay up then so be it but I would like to avoid huge extra costs being lumped on because I have missed some nuance in the process etc. I have my entire family round for Christmas and the last thing I want is bailiffs turning up and distraining the turkey. Are there any preventative measures I can take now? All advice appreciated. Many thanks in advance
  3. Hello, I, unknowingly, received a PCN from Lambeth council in April 2016 for parking my motorbike in a permit holders only bay. I moved address a couple of weeks later (and then my motorbike got stolen!). All correspondence from Lambeth council was to my old address, where my motorbike was registered. I did not update the registration address with DVLA as the vehicle was no longer in my possession. As I was no longer living at the old address, I did not receive any of the letters from Lambeth council regarding the PCN. It was only until Jan 2017 when I received a letter (to my new address) from Marstons Bailiffs saying that I had an outstanding parking fine and they were threatening to seize my property if I didn't pay. I appealed to the TEC with forms TE7 and TE9, explaining that the reason for the out of time appeal was because I never received any letters from Lambeth Council and only knew of the PCN when Marston's contacted me at my new address. Lambeth council confirmed that they were writing to me at my old address. I also said that because it was dark when I returned to my motorbike and the PCN was attached to my motorbike at the rear next to the wheel, I didn't see it as it wasn't clearly and obviously placed on my motorbike. The PCN must have fallen off as I was riding the motorbike. I also attached a copy of an electricity statement confirming I was living at my new address at the time of when any letters from Lambeth would have been sent to me regarding the PCN. The TE7 and TE9 applications have been rejected. The letter from them says “the response from the local authority with regards to your out of time application should have already been served to you”. I have not received this. I have 14 days (as of 18th Feb) to file the N244, however there are fees of £255, or £100 for a review without a hearing. Given it is now 2nd March, I have only 2 more days within the time frame to appeal. Can anyone please advise on what I need to do? I am willing to pay the PCN to the value of what I would have needed to pay had I known about it in the first place (£60). Thank you in advanced Nick
  4. Hi All, I had applied for TE7/TE9 application recently for out of time witness statement towards a PCN, which got rejected. I intend to file N244 for a review of the decision and needed advice in relation to it, which will be much appreciated. Overall issue- -> 2 PCN from London Borough of Redbridge with contravention date 10th and 12th Feb 2015. -> As per claimant witness statement for both the PCN - NTO 18th FEb 2015 - CC on 24th Mar 2015 - OR/WS on 15th April 2015 - WoC on 28th May 2015 - SD out of time on 19th Aug (1 day before it I got to know about it from enforcement agency Confero and applied for TE7/9) -> Moved to new house on 14th Feb and applied for DVLA address change . DVLA updated it on 25th Feb 2015. Detail Event I am starting with the order of events in chronological order best to my recollection towards it before I present my queries. . 18th August, 2015 1. I received two letters from ‘Confero Collection’ heading Notice of Enforcement in the evening. Letter 1 Issue Date – 13 August,2015 Payment Due Date - 25th August 2015 Money Owing to – London Borough of Redbridge(LBR) Amount – Debt - £ 172 ,Compliance Stage Fee - £75 = Total £247 Letter 2 Issue Date – 13 August,2015 Payment Due Date - 25th August 2015 Money Owing to – London Borough of Redbridge(LBR) Amount – Debt - £ 172, Compliance Stage Fee - £75 = Total £247 19th August, 2015 2. I called up Confero in the morning asking what the notice is about. The Lady on the phone said it’s towards the two PCN for which I owe debt to LBR and helped me to view the CCTV image of the same from the Redbridge website. Before I could explain or contest on it, she told me I have to call up LBR council in regards to it. 3. After speaking to Confero I tried calling to LBR and manage to get the right person around lunch time. I mentioned the two PCN no# and tried to explain the situation towards it. The person explained he cannot do anything or help me out as the matter is in the county court and I have to get in touch with TEC to get it off from court proceedings before they can here any of my contestation and suggested that I should do it right away. 4. Then after having lunch I tried calling TEC and after repeated attempt manage to get somebody over phone. I explained the situation and gave the two PCN no# and she said I have to file TE7/TE9 (which she emailed me later after the call )separately for each PCN and email it back to them .Once they receive the correct application, and if its before1600 hrs, then it will be processed and notify LBR the same day. After which I will have to wait for the decision. [My understanding after the call was that was once they receive the correct application it will be off court proceeding and decision will be on the PCN. So I intended to call LBR next day to talk on the PCN and explain my situation before they make the decision.] 5. After the above call I got the TE7/TE9 form from TEC, which I filled up correctly for both PCN. In TE9 My declaration was - I did not receive the Notice to Owner /Penalty Charge Notice For TE7 I didn’t paid much thought on reason when I was filling it and gave below explanation, which at that time was the reason for filing it. I was in rush to apply the application so that they receive it before 1600 to get the whole thing off from the Bailiff’s involvement. “I did not receive any communication on this until 18th August 2015 (from enforcement agent). I need additional time so that I can discuss this with Redbridge Council.” [Which I regretted later for not providing full details] 20th August, 2015 6. I called up LBR in the late morning to check if they have received any communication from TEC and then explain the situation on the two PCN itself. The Lady over the phone confirmed receiving the fax from TEC on TE7/TE9 for both the PCN. But said she cannot do anything towards the PCN and I have to wait till LBR makes a decision on the application that I filed with TEC. Then I told her that I am confused as I thought whole thing I did was to discuss about the PCN itself with LBR and any further explanation went in vain. Towards the end of the call she said she will be informing the Enforcement Agency (Confero) to hold the enforcement action till further notice from LBR, when I asked about it. 4th September, 2015 7. I received two letters from LBR towards two TEC applications that I filed in regard to two PCN. Both the letter explained the council wishes to oppose the Out of time Statutory Declaration The letter also included document heading “Witness Statement of Claimant: London Borough Redbridge”. Letter 1 (1st PCN) Dated – 26 August, 2015 Contravention Date – 12th February 2015 – PCN issued from CCTV 18th Feb 2015 – PCN was sent to respondent by 1st class post. No representation or payment received. 24th Mar 2015 – Charge Certificate was sent to respondent by 1st class post. No representation or payment received. 15th April 2015 – Order Recovery/witness statement Notice was sent to respondent by 1st class post. No representation or payment received. 28th May 2015 – Warrant of Control was issued to Enforcement Agent 19th August 2015 – a faxed copy of respondents out of time Statutory Declaration received from TEC. The letter included the details of what they advised me over the phone and the reason to decline it is as below:- “The statutory declaration was made from different address than to the address PCN was issued and respondent has given no indication in the statement that they have moved or to confirm they have their mail redirected. Therefore respondent didn’t take adequate measure to notify DVLA or have their mail redirected. “ Letter 2 (2nd PCN) This is exactly same as above except the contravention date – 10th Feb 2015 [i moved to new address on 14th February 2015 evening and applied for address change to DVLA on next working for both Driving license and Vehicle logbook. The new logbook that I received later has updated entry as of 25th February 2015. So DVLA should have the new address from 25th February 2015. Regarding mail redirection, I did not do it as I had applied and got the address changed for bank a/c, utility…etc over phone and wasn’t expecting any letter. ] 7th September, 2015 10. I called up LBR in regards to the letter received above on 4th September 2015 and explained the DVLA address change dates to see if they will listen to me and change their decision before they notify TEC of their decision . It seemed it was the same lady from LBR I spoke on 20th August 2015 but was disappointed to find her persistence on the fact that it’s my mistake that I had not set up the mail redirection and didn’t listen to any of my explanation . She confirmed towards the end of the call that they are going to decline it and I cannot do anything to change their decision. 10th September, 2015 11. I received two letters from TEC in regards to my TE7/9 applications. The letter is dated 7 September 2015, pretty much with same standard response format that I see here in the forum, that’s it’s refused and I have 14 days to file a review through N244. I needed some advice on the mail redirection part , can that be viewed by district judge as negative aspect in reconsidering the appeal .Does it mean it can be used for legal argument. :Thanks
  5. Never been involved with bailiffs before so very very worried. The situation is as follows (will try to be as brief as possible) and relates to a parking ticket apparently levied on my husband in Lambeth in Dec 13. Dec 13 - parking ticket issued although not found on my husband's vehicle, and he was displaying what he understood to be a valid parking scratch card at the time. Poor quality photos obtained from Lambeth do show the scratch card as well as the parking ticket (which was not there by the time my husband returned to his vehicle). Notice to Owner sent Jan 14 to old address Charge certificate sent Feb 14 to old address Notice of debt registration sent Apr 14 to old address Warrant of execution sent May 14 to old address We moved to our present address in Aug 13 after living in temporary accommodation following sale of our old address mentioned above in April 13. Present address uninhabitable from May till the August due to building works. Husband sent off V5 and driving licence to DVLA in May for updating but they lost the docs and husband had to complete new forms, matter only resolved and vehicle re-registered in Feb 2014. Notice of enforcement from Equita bailiffs dated 1 July received at our present address on 19 July but not opened till 20th. First we had heard of the matter and my husband contacted Equita immediately spoke to an individual who told him he had 7 days in which to contact council to make representations before any further action would be taken. He has this individual's name. Further letter from Equita dated 21 July received. Husband contacted Equita who would not even allow him opportunity to pay had he wanted to and said he had to deal direct with bailiff appointed. Husband called and texted mobile number provided multiple times (can be evidenced via phone records) but never received any response. He checked number more than once with Equita to make sure he had the right details. In despair following searches on web we found details of stopping the bailiffs and details of the TEC. Contacted them in morning of 14 Aug as we were going on holiday following day and completed and filed forms TE7 and TE9 that day. Confirmation received via email timed 15.40 on 14 August and our understanding was that forms received prior to 4pm would be processed same day and details provided to council and bailiffs same day, so that enforcement would ceased immediately pending investigation. Costs per Equita at that time were £127 for the parking ticket plus £75 bailiff fee. Husband called Equita mid morning of 14th Aug to say he still unable to get in touch with bailiff. Equita said this bailiff no longer assigned to husband's case and did not know who it would be passed to. Husband wanted to get in touch with whichever bailiff dealing with case to make sure they were aware of filing with TEC so nothing should be done whilst we were on holiday. Equita would not take any details to provide to new appointed bailiff and said husband would just have to wait for the bailiff to get in touch with him when appointed. We left for holiday mid morning on 15 August and had received no communication from any bailiff at all, either in person or by phone. Returned from holiday to find a slip of paper posted through the door, UNDATED, stamped 'Enforcement notice'. Threatening further action if we did not contact bailiff within 24 hours. We left message straight away on mobile no provided to say TE7 and TE9 received by TEC on 14 Aug and nothing should be done till outcome determined. Bailiff answer phone message says he will not make calls to mobiles. My husband is only contactable on mobile during business hours as he is self employed working on different sites. He can only be contacted on our house landline evenings and weekends. The Notice of Enforcement added a further fee of £235 onto the fees already charged as above. How, given that the TE7 and TE9 were received by TEC on 14 Aug and we did not receive any bailiff visits certainly before we left for holiday on 15 Aug, was the bailiff entitled to visit our home and charge a huge additional fee when action was supposed to be suspended. What on earth do we do now? Any help much appreciated, we are so worried about what the bailiff will do next if he is prepared to make enforcement visits when enforcement is supposed to have been stopped. Needless to say atmosphere at home is stressed to say the least and the end of our holiday has ben ruined thanks to these people. Very best LittleHen
  6. Hello everyone!!!!.... I've just joined this forum as ive been experiencing problems with bailiffs and there is a lot of good advice on this site so I would love people to give me some advice, especially from Tomtubby. 1. I received a PCN on 18 March 2012, by the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead Council, My appeal was rejected and the parking team advised me to make a further appeal via NTO. 2. On 20 June I telephoned the LA to advise that I had not recieved the NTO and they advised me a NTO was sent to my previous address. This was because at the time I hadnt yet notified the DVLA of my current address changes. The LA advised me to change my address with the DVLA straight away, which I did imediately and they also advised me that I could still make an appeal against the NTO even though it had gone past the 28 day period due to the fact that i had not recieved it. The LA took down my current address changes over the phone and in the appeal by email to the LA I also mentioned again that the NTO had been sent to my previous address. 3. I did not receive any responce to my appeal from the LA and naively thought that no news was good news and I assumed that my appeal against the PCN had been accepted. Little did I know that the LA had actually not responded to my appeal and they carried on to send all further correspondance to my PCN to my old address. 4. The next time I heard about the PCN since appealing in June 2013 was a letter from Rundles Bailiffs dated the 7 November demanding 95.44 for an unpaid parking charge. I explained to Rundles that there had been a mistake and that the PCN was sent to my old address. There reply was that they could not hold off any action against me as a warrant had been issued against me by the TEC. 5. I telephoned Windsor council to ask for advice and they advised me that the matter would be passed on to the relevant department. 6. On the 20 Dec 2013, I recieved a 2nd letter from Rundles saying they have been trying to contact me regarding the warrant but I had only received one other letter which was the first i had received from them on 7 November.....I did not contact Rundles to discuss this matter with them as decided there was no point as they would just demand the debt be paid, so I telephoned the Windsor parking team again and explained the situtaion to them AGAIN!! and I asked them what I should do regarding this matter. I spoke to about four different people who all gave me conflicting advice on what to do. I then sent an email to the parking team explaining the situation. 7. To date I have not received a responce from the windsor council. 8. On the 14 March 2013 I recieved a letter from Rundles in my absence demanding 450.64 and a note was left on my car saying that my vehicle has been imobilised and not to move the vehicle. As I was not present when the bailiffs came to my house, I later learned from one of my housemates, as I live in a shared house, that my car had been clamped at 8am but they must have taken the clamp off my car as later it was gone. I spoke to Rundles later that day pleading with them not to come to tow away my car as they were threatening to come back later that day to tow it away. They have admitted clamping the car and also removing the clamp too. 9. I went to the CAD for advice on the 14 March and they advised me to phone the national debt line who advised me to send a complaint letter to the council and also to send a letter to Rundles to put the matter on hold, which they keep refusing to do. I sent off both letters on that day. 10. I asked Rundles in writing why they have iliegally clamped my car to which they replied it was legal due to the warrant. 11. After many emails later to Rundles, they have agreed to put my account on hold for 1 week until the 4 April, which is today, so I am scared that they will be coming to tow my car anytime and live in fear of this. I emailed Rundles today informing them I have sent off TE7 and TE9 froms to the TEC and to hold off further action, which I am sure they will refuse to do. I also explained that I am awaiting a responce from the Windsor LA regarding my formal complaint to them. 12. Since 14 March I have been reading lots of forums on this website regarding bailiffs etc and decided to send a TE7 and TE9 to the TEC, which I posted to them 2 days ago on the 2 April, but I fear after reading one of the forums on here that my TE7 will be rejected due to it been sent too late, but if I had known in the beginning back when I received the first bailiff letter that all I needed to do was to send a TE7 and TE9, I would have done that in the first place. I phoned the council up straight away about this matter on the 7 November and they gave me the wrong advice on what to do and it wouldnt of got this far if they had advised me correctly, but none of them seem to know what they are doing there!!!!! I wish I had known about this forum before now! Is it too late for my TE7 to be accepeted???? I would greatly appreciate any advice especially from Tomtubby!!!
  7. Please please help, I woke up this morning to find a notice of seizure from Marstons group posted through my door and my car has been clamped!!! This is with reference to PCN's which were issued on the same day, one at 11:28 18/10/2009 and the other at 12:50 18/10/2009 by city of london, both of which now relating to a car I no longer own. I contacted Northampton county Court/TEC earlier today to find out the details of the warrants. Apparently City Of London registered for enforcement on 09/03/2010 and issued the warrant on 29/08/12. According to the TEC the warrant is perfectly legal even though over 2 years has passed since the warrant was registered and enforced. The TEC advised that I could fill in a TE7 & TE9 out of time declaration. Before filling this form in I would like some advice as to how this form works and what declarations I need to tick as on further inspection I believe that there was no grounds to issue the tickets in the first place. Please let me elaborate, On visiting (pcn.cityoflondon.gov.uk/legacy-3sc-user/ticketdetails.asp) which gives more details of the original PCN. I have discovered that the first ticket issued at 11:28 on 18/10/2009 was issued on a completely different vehicle.. There are 4 pictures in the evidence section. 2 are of a red fiat punto (I have never driven nor owned a red fiat punt). 1 is just of a brick wall with a "smith fields, goods vehicles loading only" sign on it and the final picture is of the rear of MY car (a silver car). The 2nd ticket which was issued at 12:50 has 3 pictures of evidence attached. 1st of the rear of my car (in exactly the same spot it was pictured in the 4th picture against ticket issued at 11:28, I had not moved my car) showing no illegel parking, no yellow lines, no goods vehicle only signs. The 2nd pic a close up of a ticket on a silver car and the 3rd picture a close up of a goods vehicle only sign on a brick wall.... this could be any brick wall anywhere.. I would like the opportunity to appeal as I believe I was not originally in the wrong for parking where I did and I believe that there is a massive level of incompetence on the wardens/councils behalf as they not only issued me two tickets within an hour and a half of each other but there own photographic evidence for the first ticket is predominantly for that of another vehicle. How can I stop Martsons from removing my car??
  8. I received a visit from a Bailiff on 7th Oct 2012 which was the first time I was made aware of a unpaid PCN that was apparently sent to me by London Borough of Hounslow for a offence on 13th May 2012. Before the visit by bailiff, I was not aware of the PCN as I had not receive any communication from London Borough of Hounslow so did not receive any notices, or remainders or warning that the unknown unpaid debt would be passed onto the collection agency. As soon as I received the letter from the Bailiff (I was out when they had come to visit the property), I submitted a form TE7 and TE9 to make an out of time witness statement, which I have received response today that it has been rejected. The reason has not been given on why it has been refused and I have just received the standard letter saying that I can apply for the decision to be reviewed via completion of form N244 I am very annoyed at the underhanded tactic by London Borough of Hounslow to pass on the debt to a collection agency without ever writing to me about either the PCN, or sending reminders. I have not changed address so it is not as though the communications were sent to the wrong address so this is clearly a underhanded tactic by London Borough of Hounslow to make me pay more money to them, but also have to pay any charges applied by the collections agency. Has anyone on the forum experienced any such underhanded tactic before and can advise, or know what I can do now as the TE7 and TE9 has been rejected and seems like TEC are a waste of time if they cannot even review things properly to realise that London Borough of Hounslow haven't followed the correct procedures before passing my debt to the collection agency. Any advice anyone can give is hugely appreciated Thanks
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