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Found 2 results

  1. Hi, After all my issues years ago, I decided self employment was for me. However, My partner is still employed. I have booked us a hol in December after she was refused a holiday in October. Now, the December holiday is being refused?? She currently has 3 weeks entitlement left, but can't seem to book any of it! The employer has dragged her into a meeting without warning and given her a copy of her contract that states holidays must be taken to suit the employer. But holidays cannot be carried over. Her employer has said, "you should of took them by now".... And "Why do you want them this time of year". I am a little annoyed the 3 month notice of a Hol is still not good enough, and the excuse is, as above, and "It's not fair on others". In this meeting she was forced to sign that she understood the hol in Dec. had been declined, and unbelievably the manager then said, "I assume you will be resigning"! There are no minutes of this meeting, just bullet points of the what the manager said. Any advise would be great as I feel like the employer is using bullying tactics, and my partner will not be allowed her rightful holidays. Thanks,
  2. I received a visit from a Bailiff on 7th Oct 2012 which was the first time I was made aware of a unpaid PCN that was apparently sent to me by London Borough of Hounslow for a offence on 13th May 2012. Before the visit by bailiff, I was not aware of the PCN as I had not receive any communication from London Borough of Hounslow so did not receive any notices, or remainders or warning that the unknown unpaid debt would be passed onto the collection agency. As soon as I received the letter from the Bailiff (I was out when they had come to visit the property), I submitted a form TE7 and TE9 to make an out of time witness statement, which I have received response today that it has been rejected. The reason has not been given on why it has been refused and I have just received the standard letter saying that I can apply for the decision to be reviewed via completion of form N244 I am very annoyed at the underhanded tactic by London Borough of Hounslow to pass on the debt to a collection agency without ever writing to me about either the PCN, or sending reminders. I have not changed address so it is not as though the communications were sent to the wrong address so this is clearly a underhanded tactic by London Borough of Hounslow to make me pay more money to them, but also have to pay any charges applied by the collections agency. Has anyone on the forum experienced any such underhanded tactic before and can advise, or know what I can do now as the TE7 and TE9 has been rejected and seems like TEC are a waste of time if they cannot even review things properly to realise that London Borough of Hounslow haven't followed the correct procedures before passing my debt to the collection agency. Any advice anyone can give is hugely appreciated Thanks
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