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Found 5 results

  1. Hi, I need your advice on the issue I am having with Mercedes-Benz. My ML Artico Leather car seats cover has started splitting on the both front seats which we noticed when it was 4.5 years old, it may have started long before. I have been trying to get Mercedes to repair them FREE for last 8 months. I have complained to Mercedes Head office but keep getting the standard reply from them. Mercedes is saying that the car is out of warranty but as a goodwill gesture they will contribute 50% of the cost of repair. They also say that If I am unhappy with their decision I should contact Motor Ombudsman. I feel that seats on the £45K car should not fall apart in such short time. Has anyone had the same experience? What does the complain to Motor Ombudsman involves and How long will this take? If I take this matter further I have been emailing Mercedes Customer services, should I complain to the Mercedes dealer I bought from? Is my claim against Mercedes Benz dealer or Mercedes Benz Company? I purchased the car from Mercedes Benz Retail, Ealing. What are my rights which says goods should last 6 years? Any advice will be appreciated Thanks
  2. Morning. I have what may be a simple issue but it is confusing the hell out of me. Previously, I had two HD Tv's (lounge/bedroom) connected by a one input, two output HDMI splitter (powered) and this worked fine. Recently I have managed to save enough to purchase a 4K TV (manufacturer refurbished)for my lounge and this is where my problems started. Whenever I put HD content on my 4K TV, the signal will not go to my other TV. I assumed it was something to do with the splitter so I bought a 4K splitter but things are the same. I have standard HDMI cables and one is 7.5m long and I never had a problem before. The splitter I bought said it would be OK for lengths of up to 10m so what do I do? Buy new HDMI cable with 4K capability or something else?
  3. Hi all. Just looking for a bit of advice really. Me and my partner have split up. He is moving back to his dads in the next few days and I am looking for somewhere affordable. We currently have a joint claim. When I split from a previous partner, we had just started a joint claim, and I was told that only I had to make a new claim, as he was the main claimant on our joint claim..is this still correct? The reason I ask is because my ex has just completed a security course and is awaiting the funds from the jobcentre for his doorman license..he is guaranteed a job once he has that license so thats why they agreed to get it for him. We are a little worried that if we both have to start new claims, this will mess up his security thing..as it took him ages to get them to pay for it in the first place (if they had done it 6 months ago when asked when he lost his other job, we wouldnt have been on jobseekers for the past 4 months...) As you can probably tell from above, the split is quite friendly, we have just grown apart a lot and arent happy together. I dont wish bad on him, and I know how much he has been wanting this job, otherwise I would just make my own claim and think 'stuff him' He is the main claimant on this claim. So would he have to make a new claim too, or would they just take me off his when I make a new one, and he continues to have his appointments as normal? Thanks in advance for any replies.
  4. Not a problem, just a question… I have asked the following at my local train station(Chelmsford) and London Underground (Liverpool street) and have 2 different answers(No and yes in that order!) At present I buy a monthly travelcard including zones 1-6. I wish to split this and instead purchase a monthly travelcard from Chelmsford to Harold Wood (Zone 6) and also have a monthly Oystercard (Zones 1-6) to completer the journey to London Liverpool Street. Is this acceptable considering that the Chelmsford to London train passes through Harold wood but does not stop there? Thanks and hoping for a definitive answer!
  5. I received a CCJ for £400 from Bryan Carter in January 2008 that I have almost paid in full now. The actual debt was £8,000 and reading through these forums, I am already anticipating the 2nd CCJ for the same debt. I've read a lot about how this is against the county court rules - is there a definitive wording to put when you contact the courts to make sure it gets set aside? It seems like so many people have this issue, it may be good to get a template together for it. Also, if this hypothetical CCJ is set aside after they try to chase me for £7,600 - what is the status of the debt then? 1. Can they still chase me privately? 2. How does this debt go on my credit file? (will it be a new debt entry for £7,600 with no default date - or will it go back on the original account, which defaulted in January 2007?) Any help / advice appreciaed, thank you!
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