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Found 8 results

  1. I'm not sure if I am in the right area, but hope someone can re-assure us we are doing the right thing. I am a leaseholder in a block of retirement apartments. Two years ago, with 100% agreement of all leaseholders in the block (70) some residents acquired RTM and after lots of visits to other blocks, and doing all the checks they could, the RTM company employed a new MA. After 12 months they decided that these new MA's were actually worse than the original ones, so they terminated the agreement after 12 months by highlighting breaches, using a solicitor. They then employed another MA who, after 12 months, appears to be extremely efficient etc. The problem we have is that the 'old' MA won't release our fund to the new MA. They promised on four occasions over a period of 5 months to hand over at the end of a month, and, to date, they have handed over approximately 30% of our funds. After 3 months, we employed a leasehold solicitor to chase the funds. We were informed that we had to know exactly how much they owed us, by virtue of audited accounts. As the MA would never issue bank statement, invoices or monthly financial updates, we cannot do this. So the legal advice was to go to court to obtain all the account documentation. This was set for a date 10 months after the contract was terminated. Two weeks before the hearing, and after yet another broken promise of transferring the funds, the MA wrote a 'without prejudice' letter saying they would hand all the funds and paperwork over but not until a week after the hearing, as it would take that long to produce the final accounts. Because of this, our solicitor advised us to adjourn the hearing as it would save the costs of going to Court. The RTM Company refused on the basis of all the previous broken promises. From that we had constant pressure from our solicitor, changing almost on a daily basis, to adjourn. These pressure varied right up to the fact that, in the solicitors opinion, the RTM Company would have to pay costs of both sides, amounting to a total of around £18,000 + VAT. There was also a request for £1,500 + VAT immediately for a barrister, suddenly required three days before the hearing. Never mentioned this before in the cost estimates. Our RTM Company was braver than I would have been - they believed that there was no way the judge would deem them unreasonable knowing all the broken promises they had received. So they still refused to adjourn the hearing. Then came a Tomlin Order, written by 'the other side', which offered all the paperwork we required, except Bank Statements and cheque books, if the hearing was adjourned. I understand from paperwork I have seen that the RTM Company still refused until a point where their own solicitor assured them that the accounts could be quantified without the Bank statements. so they agreed to accept the Tomlin Order and adjourn the hearing. Four days after the time limit set out in the Tomlin Order, some invoices and a ledger run off was received. There was also a copy of service charge accounts prepared by the company themselves, not by an accountant. on looking at these documents, half the invoices were missing and there was not information regarding income to the service charge account or the reserve funds. We are now up to date ..... Our solicitor is now telling us we need to go back to Court to ask the Court to order the MA to obey the Tomlin Order. The RTM has explained to the rest of us leaseholders that they are in dispute with the solicitor as they believe all this will do is allow the MA to break it again and again, and they would have to take it back to the Court time and time again. There seems to be no penalty on the MA for breaking what they believe was an official Court order. the solicitor ignores their request for an explanation, and continues to talk in language that doesn't mean anything (according to the RTM) The RTM is asking for support to change the solicitor at this stage. They want to take the MA to Court for theft as they say simply that it is our money and someone wont give it us back. They want to find a solicitor who would do this for us. A number of leaseholders (who as a reminder are retired) don't really understand what is happening and are extremely concerned and upset that for (now) 12 months we have not been able to correctly manage the block and it is beginning to look a mess, reducing the value of our flats. Can anyone please advise what they would do in our position?
  2. The Consumer Action Group Guide to understanding how the Credit Reference Agencies work. The guide to help you understand what Credit Reference Agencies are and how they impact on your lifestyle financial decisions and the information that is shared with Financial Institutions . Credit Reference Agencies.pdf
  3. The Consumer Action Group Guide to understanding how the Credit Reference Agencies work. The guide to help you understand what Credit Reference Agencies are and how they impact on your lifestyle financial decisions and the information that is shared with Financial Institutions . Credit Reference Agencies.pdf
  4. Hello Everyone, some advice would be welcomed. I applied for and recieved an MBNA credit card in November of 2015 in order to pay off my overdraft which was crippling me. The arrangement was 0% interest if the credit card was paid off in 2 years. The amount was £2800. I have been making payments of £120 per month up until last month, as I no longer have any employment, and am now starting to get chased. I am about to offer them a £1 per month courtesy payment until I find employment again, could anyone help with how to word this? Also, their terms and conditions state that if any payments are missed the zero interest is cancelled and I start paying interest - can they do this? All this will do is make matters worse Any advice is much appreciated.
  5. Eldest daughter is just about to move out of a house she rents with three friends in London- it's rented and managed by one of the bigger London agents. They are all listed on the tenancy agreement. She's been there several years and the tenancy agreement has been extended etc. There is provision in the contract to move out mid tenancy, subject to a charge, and various conditions, including finding a replacement tenant. She's been made aware of the Right to Rent legislation which appears to apply from 1st Feb by the agent. Now, she's planning to move before 1st Feb, and they have a new tenant lined up and approved by the agency / landlord.. However, she's being told that the other three tenants (who are also within contract) have to have the Right to Rent check done- at a not inconsiderable charge - and that she's likely to have to bear the cost of this. As I understand it, the legislation applies to new tenancies. I would also have thought that said managing agent would have all the documents already on file to satisfy the legislation, taken as part of the screening and reference procedure when they moved in... She's also been told that the fee to change tenant is £50 more than it says in the contract that she signed.. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
  6. Hi, I realise that this may not be the ideal forum for this question but given the excellent help that has been offered here to me previously I thought I would throw this one out there in case anyone can answer or could point me in the right direction. My partner rents a property which has been managed (poorly) by an agent for a number of years and fallen into significant disrepair. We suspect that they have not upheld their end of the agreement by performing routine inspections as they have never raised a query with us and there are issues such as a broken window, ripped off door frame, sockets hanging from walls etc. Additionally she was billed for a gas safety certificate which was never carried out. She cannot locate her original contract After the shocking lack of diligence on their part we have elected to not have them manage the property going forward, though we did allow them to locate a tenant since they already had one in line on a finders only arrangement. We have requested the following, with their response to a detailed email consisting only of the in-line replies in caps below. - Statements (PLEASE ADVISE WHICH PERIODS YOU REQUIRE) - Gas certificate or company used in January (I WILL LOOK INTO THIS) - Copy of your assessment & inspections from the departing tenant (WE HAVE NO POLICY OF SUPPLYING THIS INFORMATION WE HAVE PROPOSED A FULL RETENSION OF THE BOND AND WILL UPDATE YOU WHEN APPROPRIATE) - Copy of your proposed statement to DPS regarding the bond (WE HAVE NO POLICY OF SUPPLYING THIS INFORMATION WE HAVE PROPOSED A FULL RETENSION OF THE BOND AND WILL UPDATE YOU WHEN APPROPRIATE) - Confirmation of the keys you hold & when I should receive these (AS WE WERE AWARE YOU WERE IN POSSESSION OF A SET OF KEYS ALL REMAINING KEYS WERE PASSED TO THE NEW TENANTS) - A copy of the new tenancy (A COPY OF THE TENANCY WILL BE SENT OVER WITH 2/3 WORKING DAYS) Does anyone have any experience of dealing with managing agents? We'd like to know please initially; What legislation they must adhere to as an agent? If they have a legal right to withhold the documents we have requested? Are they able to sign a tenancy on behalf of the landlord for a finders-only arrangement? Are they legally obliged to retain a copy of the original contract and supply one when requested? Is there a data access request, similar to a SAR, which would be applicable in this scenario? We feel that they have charged the managing fee and performed none of their duties as a managing agent and propose to take action against them via small claims and need to evidence this claim as effectively as possible. Thanks Everyone!
  7. have one loan (1998) that was flogged off last year, the others having been flogged off to Thesis long ago. Didn't have to go through the horror of getting it deferred by Rodeo last year as it had already been deferred by SLC (lucky me from my reading here). Had ths usual barrage of phone calls from them throughout last summer which after answering one (at work, told them to bugger off) I ignored the rest and did some searching which brought me here. As you can imagine I wasn't looking forward to going through the deferrment battle with them this year. I was also starting to get a bit concerned as my repayments would be scheduled to start next month and I had had nothing from them other than a letter telling me I am in breach of my agreement for not having a direct debit in place (like I'd leave an open DD for them to access as and when they please) and deferrment forms would be sent out shortly. Still no deferrment forms but I have had them through from SLC so the plan was to send a copy of these with the 88 loan reference number on and a covering letter. Imaging my surprise then when yesterday I received a letter from SLC giving the reference of my 88 loan and telling me that my Erudio loan is now deferred until April 2016. Looks to me like Rodeo have tranferred the management of deferrment back to SLC, if so this is a tribute to the hard work and fight that many on here have put in, along with hte excellent advice from others (dx especially) that I was "looking forward" to having to follow myself over the coming weeks. So no real question in this thread but I wanted to post it up in case it is of use / interest to anyone else and also as a thankyou from this lurker who has found the info on here very useful and informative over the last few months
  8. Hi all I'm finally managing my plan myself, no more paying fees to a company!!! I have SAR my mint card and there is no PPi, but I have noticed several of the below: Late payment fee 12.00 Over limit fee 12.00 I remember reading that you can claim for some fees, are these included, how do you do it? Thanks a lot
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